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MCU Fans Just Got The Best News About Spider-Man 4

"Spider-Man: No Way Home" has everything a Spidey fan could want out of one of these movies. It has everyone's favorite web-slinger soaring high across the New York skyline. It has a cavalcade of villains, more than a few surprises, and plenty of humor to put a smile on your face between moments of shuddering at the thought of what could happen next.

Spider-Man (Tom Holland) has appeared in six movies set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far, resulting in an arc unlike anything we've seen on the big screen from the character before. And ultimately, "No Way Home" feels like a culmination of sorts for the web-head, almost like the higher-ups could decide to stop making "Spider-Man" movies, and it would make for a decent stopping point for the character. 

Fortunately, it appears as though fans won't have to say goodbye to the MCU's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man any time soon. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has revealed that they're actively working on "Spider-Man 4," so don't worry, the web-shooters won't be hung up just yet.

Kevin Feige says they're 'actively beginning to develop' Spider-Man 4

As long as "Spider-Man" movies remain profitable, you can always be relatively confident another one will come down the pipeline. However, the character of Peter Parker exists in a unique state of equilibrium between Sony and Marvel Studios, which Disney owns. It's created doubts of how long Spider-Man could stay within the MCU and whether Sony would pull the plug at any moment to make the character separate once again.

Fortunately, it seems like there's a good working relationship between the two companies, as Sony executive Amy Pascal revealed in an interview with The New York Times, stating, "I love working with Kevin [Feige]. We have a great partnership, along with Tom Rothman, who runs Sony and has been instrumental, a great leader with great ideas. I hope it lasts forever." Feige echoed those statements in the same interview. He even went so far as to assure fans that Spider-Man will continue being part of the MCU. As he put it, "We're actively beginning to develop where the story heads next, which I only say outright because I don't want fans to go through any separation trauma like what happened after 'Far From Home.' That will not be occurring this time."

Where will Peter Parker go next for "Spider-Man 4?" Will they continue with the "Home" naming convention? All good things come with time, so for now, fans can rest easy knowing more Spidey is on the way.