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Marisa Tomei Weighs In On A Possible Romance Between Aunt May And Doc Ock

Look, it's time we all just face the facts: Aunt May is a baddie now. Marisa Tomei's version of the character is in the prime of her life, wears cute denim, and doesn't let the whole "being one of the most iconic widows in fiction" thing get in the way of her living life to the fullest. Yes, that includes dating.

In the comics, Aunt May has had a number of different suitors. Over the years, she's had relationships with Nathan Lubensky, John Jonah Jameson (J. Jonah Jameson's dad), and, most surprising of all, Doctor Otto Octavius. She only wound up marrying Jameson, as Nathan was killed by the Vulture and her wedding to Doc Ock was interrupted in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #131.

With all this in mind, Marisa Tomei recently discussed with Nerdist all of the romantic options that are available to the MCU's Aunt May now that the multiverse is officially opening up in "Spider-Man: No Way Home." For instance, could she ever end up dating Alfred Molina's Doc Ock?

Marisa Tomei thinks Aunt May would be open to dating Doc Ock in the MCU

Marisa Tomei thinks it's possible a relationship could develop between Aunt May and Doc Ock in the MCU. At least, it sounds like May would be open to it. "I think so. I think May has a nice sexual appetite," Tomei said, "and I don't think anything is off of the menu."

In the comics, May and Doc Ock first meet in "Amazing Spider-Man Annual" #1. The issue sees she and Betty Brant kidnapped by Octavius only for May to find herself charmed by the villain. "Doesn't he have the most charming manners?" she asks Brant at one point, before noting, "He's so well-spoken!" When Spider-Man subsequently comes to rescue her, she is less than impressed, saying, "So, that's Spider-Man! What a perfectly ghastly outfit! He's so villainous-looking! Not at all as pleasant as that well-mannered Dr. Octopus!"

Taking all this into account, Tomei thinks she and Molina's Doc Ock could hit it off, though, he's not the only Marvel character she thinks May would be open to having a relationship with on-screen. "Doesn't she also have something with Ant-Man at one point?" she asked during her Nerdist interview. "That's at least two that we know."

Notably, the May/Ock ship may be coming back in the comics. Indeed, Marvel teased that there will be a potential rekindling of their romance in "Amazing Spider-Man Beyond" #80 this December.