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Jennifer Connelly To Star On TNT's Snowpiercer Series

When Snowpiercer rolls onto TNT, at least one Oscar winner will be aboard.

Jennifer Connelly has signed on to play the female lead in the upcoming TV series based on the 2013 movie, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The show is set seven years after the world has turned into a frozen wasteland while all the remaining humans ride a train that perpetually circles the planet. Chris Evans and Tilda Swinton starred in the movie version.

Connelly will play Melanie Cavill, a first class passenger who works as the "Voice of the Train" who makes daily announcements over a PA system. While many VIP passengers resent the lower class riders, Cavill is "fascinated" by them. 

Connelly will join Hamilton star Daveed Diggs among the show's leads and Josh Friedman (Sarah Connor Chronicles, War of the Worlds) will write the script for Tomorrow Studios, which optioned the rights to the film in late 2015. 

There's no premiere date yet, but we'll let you know. Until then, take a look at some TV shows we think will blow everyone away this year.