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Supernatural To Crossover With Scooby-Doo In Season 13

Season 13 of Supernatural will take the Winchester brothers where they have never gone before. Entertainment Weekly reports that the series will have a crossover with Scooby-Doo next season, featuring animated versions of Sam and Dean.

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki announced the crossover at The CW's Upfronts presentation on Thursday morning. While at first it seemed like a joke, EW has confirmed that it is, in fact, a real thing, although they weren't able to get any details on which Scooby-Doo characters would appear. A pic from the Upfront shows the cartoon versions of the popular characters standing next to Scooby, though, so we're assuming that at least the fearful pup will show up. (As long as Dean at some point says "zoinks," we're going to be happy.) 

Supernatural is a big fan of weird and meta episodes, at one point even bringing Sam and Dean into a world where they're actors on a TV show called Supernatural. It's not unusual for the series to pull off strange antics, but an animated episode has still been out of reach for the long-running show. 

Supernatural wraps up its twelfth season on Thursday night. The show will return in the fall, paired with Arrow on Thursday nights; it's not known when in the season the animated episode will air. While we wait, read up on the untold truth of the series