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Here's Where You Can Watch Every Film In The Scary Movie Franchise

The "Scary Movie" franchise provided more than a decade of laughs and absurdity, with five over-the-top films featuring numerous celebrities and unforgettable horror callbacks. Who can forget the stoner Ghostface killer from the first "Scary Movie," or Chris Elliott's handsy antics as Hanson the butler in  "Scary Movie 2"? And then there is Charlie Sheen's hilarious return to the parody genre in "Scary Movie 3," followed up by the star-studded sequels "Scary Movie 4" and "Scary Movie 5."

The legacy that the Wayans brothers created in the early 2000s after helming the first and second films ultimately lasted for thirteen years before the franchise finally ended for good in 2013. Reception may not have been the best, nor were the box office returns the biggest, but "Scary Movie" flicks will always hold a special — and ridiculous — place in many people's hearts. Here's where you can watch the iconic horror spoof series at the moment.

Every Scary Movie is on AMC+, Amazon

People looking to catch up on the "Scary Movie" series can find all the films in one place at AMC+, which requires a paid subscription. The franchise is also accessible through Amazon Prime Video and Google Play Movies, with each installment available for rent at various prices between $1.99 and $3.99 or purchase for upwards of $13.99. "Scary Movie 4" is also streaming on Netflix, and "Scary Movie 5" is on Apple TV to rent. 

While the Wayans have long departed the franchise, the first "Scary Movie" will always reflect their penchant for outlandish gags and unabashed comedy — which singlehandedly resurrected the parody genre in the 2000s. The brothers carved a unique, industry-changing path for future filmmakers and were never afraid to try and make people laugh; this sentiment rings true in the other installments as well. People don't watch "Scary Movie" to see a critical masterpiece — they watch it for an escape from reality. And at the moment, AMC+ and other streaming apps are providing that escape.