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Karl Urban Isn't The Only One Who Wants A Sequel To Dredd

In the long list of sequels we would consider selling an organ to see brought to life, a follow-up to Karl Urban's adaptation of "Dredd" is somewhere at the top. Met with a favorable reaction in 2017 (via Rotten Tomatoes), the love for Mega-City One's toughest lawmen has only grown over the years, with the common question being if, and when, we'd ever see him back in action for more judgement.

The hero behind the helmet, Karl Urban, has been asked several times whether or not "Dredd 2" would ever see the light of day. He was last heard in a Q&A in 2020 (via Slashfilm) extending his enthusiasm for another go. "Listen, I would love to make it, I'm on the record saying that a bunch of times," he said. "I'm a fan of Dredd and there's so many great stories there. I'd love to see them. And I have no doubt that, someday, someone will make it. It's just a matter of time."

While time does regrettably keep on ticking, another member of the 2017 film has spoken out about wanting another installment about the comic book icon to get the green light — and she doesn't care how long it takes either.

Anderson is ready to report for duty

Speaking to Collider recently while promoting "Y: The Last Man," Urban's "Dredd" co-star Olivia Thirlby revealed that her enthusiasm to go back to that world hasn't faded, either. She appeared in the film as the telepath — and recurring ally to Dredd — Judge Cassandra Anderson, who fought alongside Dredd in the blood-soaked block war. Anderson first debuted in "2000 AD" #150, back in 1980, and she proved successful enough to earn her own comic book series later that decade. She did not appear in the 1995 Sylvester Stallone film, so "Dredd" marked the character's big screen debut.

If Thirlby has her way, though, "Dredd" won't mark the end of her time as Anderson. "First of all, let me just say, I was always the number one advocate of getting a sequel for Dredd," she said." "I love that movie and I love that character. If there is still talk of there being a sequel 10 years later, I am all for it."

She added, "I just also have to take a second and shout out Alex Garland [writer] because the Anderson that he wrote was so thoughtful and sensitive and nuanced and empowered and powerful, not because she was trying to be Dredd or be like a man, but because she was exactly herself and that journey of her finding herself and her true strength is what I love so much about that movie and what I felt like, as an actor, it was so meaty to lean into that role."

With that in mind, it led to Thirlby making one law that couldn't be broken. "If we're gonna talk about a sequel to Dredd, we have to also whisper to the gods of the film universe that Alex Garland be part of that." We can only hope.