Zoe Saldana May Have Revealed The Title Of Avengers 4

Zoe Saldana might have made an intergalactic blunder.

While promoting her new flick Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, the Gamora actress casually let slip a potential title for the follow-up to Avengers: Infinity War. While speaking to the BBC, Saldana referred to the movie currently known as Avengers 4 as Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet.

While it's entirely possible that's just a working title or a codename for the flick, it would absolutely make sense if it's the real title. In fact, the most surprising thing about it might be that it's not all that surprising at all.

Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige recently said the title can't be announced yet because it's a spoiler for Infinity War. We already know that Thanos (Josh Brolin) will spend much of the first installment trying to obtain all of the Infinity Stones so that he can unleash terror on a massive scale. In the Infinity Gauntlet comics, published in 1991, Thanos has all of the stones and uses them to kill half the life in the universe, including tons of superheroes.

Feige has also said that the Marvel Cinematic Universe will look very different after Avengers 4, so were were already expecting some notable deaths. But if that movie is really called Infinity Gauntlet, it seemingly indicates that Infinity War won't turn out the way the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man, and all the rest of the good guys hope it will.

Perhaps more telling, however, is that both Infinity War and Infinity Gauntlet would still revolve around the same story. It was long believed that would be the case, but when Feige announced that the films would be shot separately (and with Brolin signing on to play Cable in Deadpool 2), it prompted speculation that Avengers 4 could be something entirely else.

Remember, none of this has been confirmed by Marvel, so nothing is certain just yet. And the fourth Avengers movie isn't expected to arrive until May 3, 2019, so there's still plenty of time for things to change. Until then, take a look at a few theories about what will happen to the MCU after Avengers 4