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This Bizarre Conspiracy Theory About This Ted Lasso Character Will Blow Your Mind

Apple TV+ has scored a goal with its original series, "Ted Lasso," a heartfelt comedy about an American football coach who travels to England to coach a European football team (or, as Americans call it, soccer). The show, which stars Jason Sudeikis as the titular character, has been hailed by audiences and critics for its witty humor and optimistic charm. Currently in its second season, the Richmond Greyhounds are back on the pitch with a new set of challenges — as Ted himself is challenged with facing his inner demons.

With a stellar cast of both British and American actors, along with brilliant writing, it's no wonder that "Ted Lasso" is one of the most talked about shows right now. The series has been nominated for 20 Emmy awards in various categories, including Outstanding Comedy Series, Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series, and six of the cast members have been nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor/Actress in Comedy Series.

One of those nominated is actor Brett Goldstein, who plays the always angry, yet lovable curmudgeon, Roy Kent. Roy is one of the biggest standouts of the show, and he has managed to stay his endearing, grouchy self in spite of undergoing some of the most provocative story arcs. However, one online theory has highlighted Roy's character for another reason, and fans may be surprised by the strangeness of this particular conspiracy.

A Reddit thread claims that Roy Kent is CGI

Roy Kent may seem stiff and emotionally stunted, but he is human just like the rest of us. However, some "Ted Lasso" fans seem to believe that Roy is not a real person at all.  In Reddit threads from early 2021, u/cutterman1234 suggested that Roy Kent is a computer generated image. "Roy is a cgi character right? I can't unsee it," u/cutterman1234 wrote in the comments of one discussion.

As a reply, u/ginANDtopics wrote: "yes dude! i've been convinced of this as well and keep googling it but haven't found any confirmation. he looks like the tintin characters from the latest remake."

Redditor u/cutterman1234 went on to say that they believe that Apple may be testing a new CGI tech with Roy Kent. In a second thread, u/cutterman1234 opened his own discussion board, saying "I just started watching the pilot, and i'm up to the scene where roy is called into teds office. Am i crazy or does he look like a complete cgi character?"

A number of other fans chimed in their agreement. "It certainly looks like it! I thought the same thing," said u/L0rdWellington. "He 100% is CGI," wrote u/C0D33NAM33. "I swear he glows off the screen and looks like a halo character in movement and speech." Several more comments followed that appear to be in agreement.

All these Redditors had to do was look up actor Brett Goldstein's IMDb page to prove that he is a real person, but it seems like this conspiracy theory has gained some traction, so . . . who knows? Maybe Goldstein isn't real. Maybe none of us are real, and we are all CGI characters living obliviously inside a program we call our universe. Whoa, man — mind = blown.