Star Wars Rebels Showrunner Interested In Live-Action Movie

Now that we know the upcoming fourth season of the animated Star Wars Rebels will be the last, executive producer Dave Filoni has his sights set on the bigger picture.

During a recent interview with ComingSoon, said he would definitely be interested in directing a live-action Star Wars anthology flick.

"I'd be crazy to say I'm not interested in that," Filoni said. "I don't want to say that would be the ultimate, because I really enjoy the stories I'm telling now and I would never undercut them by saying they're something less. I think the craft we do and the work we do in these series is tremendous, and the artists we have working on them are amazing. But I can't help but be curious about this live-action world and what I see there and the tremendous opportunities that are around me. It is very interesting to me, I respect the craft that it is, it's a different style."

Although Filoni has been focused in the animated corner of the galaxy, he's obviously had a front-row seat for how the live-action side operates.

"I've been observing and learning a lot about it to see how I would do (it) and if it fits with my creative vision for things, or [if I] would encumber the process," he said. "I don't do things like that unless I feel like I do have a real ownership and mastery of it, I just think it's disrespectful to the crew that you would work with, who would obviously [be] tremendous professionals and I wouldn't want to hinder them in any way. You know, we'll see. In some circles you find you're a master and in some circles you're still a Padawan, we should always be learning, all of us. Always be learning."

Of course, Filoni didn't specifically say that he would direct a Rebels spinoff. Although you would think that his personal knowledge of the Rebels storyline would make him an ideal candidate to bring those characters to the big screen.

In fact, he said during this past weekend's Star Wars Celebration that he's one of the only people who knows what happens to Ahsoka Tano in the upcoming season.

"The funny thing is that many of [the cast and crew] do not know how it ends at all," he said. "I withhold. They don't know what happens. There's certain amounts of footage that they never... there's parts that I shot that were never written in the script. Some are shots [that] are being animated one place and some another. Nobody really knows how it goes. Nobody knows if Ahsoka lives, not even on the crew. So you can't ask them, you can't corner them."

The final 15 episodes of Star Wars Rebels will premiere this fall on Disney XD. Until then, check out a few connections between the series and Rogue One.