Harrison Ford Says It Will Be 'Weird' To Watch Han Solo Movie

Harrison Ford said he'll watch the upcoming Star Wars anthology flick about young Han Solo, but that it'll be a strange experience for him.

That's understandable, as Ford has been the only Han Solo in the galaxy for 40 years, and now there will be another in Alden Ehrenreich. And because Ehrenreich will portray a younger version of Solo than the one we met in Episode IV: A New Hope, it'll have to be kind of surreal for Ford.

The legendary actor made the comments during an interview alongside George Lucas at the annual Star Wars Celebration in Orlando. When asked if he's looking forward to watching the Han Solo spinoff as a fan, Ford joked in typical fashion, "Not really." But he went on to say, "Of course, I'll be watching as a fan, but it'll be weird. It'll be a little weird."

However, Ford definitely approves of the casting of Ehrenreich. "I met the fella who's gonna play the younger Han Solo," he said. "Wonderful guy, very sweet, and a very good actor. I'm delighted in the choice."

Somewhere out there, Ehrenreich breathed a Wookiee-sized sigh of relief.

But then Ford offered up a few cryptic thoughts about the way Solo went out in The Force Awakens. He said, "To paraphrase Monty Python: I'm not dead, I'm just resting."

Somewhere out there, a Star Wars conspiracy theorist's head just exploded like the Death Star.

Whether or not we've really seen the last of Ford's Solo (we're betting we have), things are moving right along with the prequel movie. Check out the first cast photo with Ehrenreich, Donald Glover, Emilia Clarke, Woody Harrelson, Chewbacca, and more. Although plot details remain typically top-secret, here's what we hope to see in the flick, which lands in theaters May 25, 2018.