Samuel L. Jackson Wants A Mace Windu Revival

So say we all.

During the "40 Years of Star Wars" panel at the annualĀ Star Wars Celebration in Orlando, Samuel L. Jackson revealed that he really wants his character Mace Windu to make a return to the big screen.

In a video appearance, Jackson thanked Star Wars creator George Lucas for the opportunity to play the purple saber-wielding Windu in the prequel trilogy, and then expressed his availability to reprise the role.

Though fans know Windu bit the dust in Revenge of the Sith, odder things have happened in the Star Wars world than a character's resurrection. And Jackson's totally up for it, even pitching an idea to explain how Windu isn't dead after all.

"While you're all sitting there, I know you're all in my corner on this. We all know Jedi can fall from incredible heights and survive, so apparently I am not dead," Jackson said. "Yes, I have two appendages right now, but we know the long and rich history of Star Wars characters reappearing with new appendages and being stronger and better than they ever were."

Jackson punctuated his point with by placing all his cards on the table. "Mace Windu is awaiting his return. Let's make it happen!" he said.

Considering how often Luke Skywalker has emerged from would-be-fatal accidents unscathed (a severed hand and a massive fall), Windu may very well rise from the dead with a good explanation. He's also a fan favorite character, so we've got a feeling many Star Wars enthusiasts would welcome a Windu revival.

Just as his digital appearance ended, Jackson made one last attempt to convince fans and filmmakers to bring Windu back. Jackson told Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy to "just say the word" when the studio wants to strike a deal.

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