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Doctor Who Just Confirmed The Bad News Fans Suspected All Along

Speculation about the upcoming 13th season of "Doctor Who" being the last for the 13th Doctor's Jodie Whittaker has been high. Ever since David Tennant became the 10th Doctor in 2005, every Doctor since has been on the show for three seasons, so it would make sense for Whittaker to follow suit. In addition, The Daily Mirror reported that they had inside information about Season 13 being Whittaker's last, following the 2021 New Year's special. Despite all the signs, however, the BBC has remained quiet about the Doctor's future, until now.

In an announcement on its official "Doctor Who" website, the BBC announced that Season 13 would be the final one for both Whittaker and showrunner Chris Chibnall, who took over running the series after Steven Moffat stepped down, at the same time as Whittaker with Season 11 in 2018. However, they won't take their final bow until after a trio of special episodes in 2022, which the BBC also simultaneously announced.

Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall's final Doctor Who episodes will be three specials in 2022

In a first for the series since its revival in 2005, the 13th season will be one long, six-episode story, with Whittaker starring alongside her companion Yasmin Khan (Mandip Gill) and newcomer Dan Lewis (John Bishop), as well as "Games of Thrones" actor Jacob Anderson playing a recurring character. After that, we'll get two special episodes following the season, with an "epic blockbuster" special, which will also serve as part of the BBC's 100-year anniversary celebration, closing out the 13th Doctor's story in fall 2022.

"My heart is so full of love for this show, for the team who make it, for the fans who watch it and for what it has brought to my life," Whittaker said in a statement for the press release. "And I cannot thank Chris enough for entrusting me with his incredible stories. We knew that we wanted to ride this wave side by side, and pass on the baton together. So here we are, weeks away from wrapping on the best job I have ever had. I don't think I'll ever be able to express what this role has given me. I will carry the Doctor and the lessons I've learnt forever."

"Jodie's magnificent, iconic Doctor has exceeded all our high expectations," Chibnall also said in a statement. "She's been the gold standard leading actor, shouldering the responsibility of being the first female Doctor with style, strength, warmth, generosity and humour. She captured the public imagination and continues to inspire adoration around the world, as well as from everyone on the production. I can't imagine working with a more inspiring Doctor – so I'm not going to!"

Season 13 of "Doctor Who" is still planned to air on BBC (and BBC America in the United States) later in 2021.