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The Surprising Audition Chris Evans Calls His Worst

Chris Evans has one of the most recognizable faces on the planet after starring in seven Marvel Cinematic Universe films as Steve Rogers, a.k.a Captain America. He's one of the most sought-after actors in Hollywood, roundly praised for his performances in non-superhero flicks like "Snowpiercer" and "Knives Out." It seems like Evans can have any role he wants these days, but prior to his success in the MCU, he was still going on auditions and callbacks trying to land roles in smaller films.

Some of these auditions didn't go so well, and Evans recounted his worst one ever when talking with Backstage in 2020. He told the outlet that there are actually "too many to list" when it came to his auditioning horror stories, but he went into detail about his worst, which was for a 2009 Seth Rogen movie, of all things. Here's the real story behind Chris Evans' worst audition ever.

Chris Evans bombed an audition in front of Seth Rogen

It's hard to believe Chris Evans could have a nightmare of an audition, given what we know about his talents as an actor. But he totally bombed one when he came in to read for a part in Seth Rogen's 2009 film "Observe and Report." As soon as he entered the room for his audition, the "Avengers: Endgame" star said his brain immediately started "shrieking." Evans went into a total panic in front of Rogen and the film's director and producer.

"I began my audition, and about three lines in, I got this wave of sweats and my face went red," Evans remembered. "Mid-audition, I said, 'I'm sorry, guys. I'm sorry. I've got to stop.' It's even worse because they were incredibly nice about it, like, 'No, it was great. You were doing great.' I said, 'Let me just go to the hallway and collect my thoughts.'" The actor explained that he got himself together in the hallway, but when he came back inside, he lost it again. "My face just goes so red. I start sweating and I have to stop again," he said. When Evans left the audition, he called his agent and said he wanted to go back and read again because he didn't want to leave on a note like that.

"They got me back in a couple of days later and I'm back in. Don't you f**king know, it happened again! There's a wave of heat and sweat and I had to stop again. And I just say, 'Guys, I'm so sorry...I'm just going to go,'" Evans said. Despite the audition going horribly for the actor, things got better just a couple of years later when he nabbed the part of Captain America in the MCU, and the rest is history.