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The Worst Quentin Tarantino Movie According To Tarantino Himself

Oscar-winning screenwriter and heavily decorated director Quentin Tarantino has a long and colorful resume behind him. From the stylish crime caper "Reservoir Dogs" to the elegant heist film "Jackie Brown"  — not to mention bloody revenge flicks like "Pulp Fiction," "Inglorious Basterds" and both of the "Kill Bill" films — many of his movies have both been crowd-pleasing favorites and critic-pleasing winners which raked in nominations during awards season, and cash at the box office. He hasn't had many failures, with even an early-career acting cameo in eighties sitcom "The Golden Girls" having accrued legendary status.

That said, like any director, Tarantino has his ups and downs, throughout his career — and he has reflected on what his favorite and least favorite projects were. In a recent interview, he told the world what he considers to be his worst film ever. And no, for the record, it's not the same film Xoop reviously ranked out of his filmography as the weakest thing he's done. 

So, which movie does Quentin Tarantino consider his weakest ever?

Tarantino thinks his worst film is...

While discussing his purported retirement from Hollywood with The Hollywood Reporter during the press outfit's annual round table chat, which included fellow directors Ang Lee, Tom Hooper, and Gu Van Sant among others, Tarantino declared that "Death Proof," his segment of the 2007 double-feature film "Grindhouse" which he shared with Robert Rodriguez — was his worst film — and if that counted as his worst, then it wasn't half-bad.

"To me, it's all about my filmography, and I want to go out with a terrific filmography," he declared. "Death Proof has got to be the worst movie I ever make. And for a left-handed movie, that wasn't so bad, all right? So if that's the worst I ever get, I'm good. But I do think one of those out-of-touch, old, limp, flaccid-dick movies costs you three good movies as far as your rating is concerned."

The film in question — which tells the tale of Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell), a serial killer who murders his victims via car crashes (from which he is safely kept from harm, via a car which has been modified to protect the driver's seat), and the group of women who put an end to his reign of terror — definitely has lots of fans. "Death Proof" currently carries a 65% approval rating at Rotten Tomatoes. So, even at what Tarantino himself considers his worst, his work is still memorable.