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Indiana Jones 5 New Set Photos Featuring Phoebe Waller-Bridge Has Twitter Buzzing

Prepare yourself. Fedoras and whips are about to come back in a big way.

As played by franchise mainstay Harrison Ford, Indiana Jones hasn't appeared on the big screen since 2008's "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." There was a lot of talk over the years about what direction the movies could take next and whether it would have to move forward without Ford. However, the legendary actor will suit up for an archaeological adventure at least one more time, with the untitled fifth installment set to make its way into theaters in 2022. 

Not much is known about the movie as of this writing, such as the nature of Indiana Jones's adventure. Will he have to hunt down another religious artifact, or is something more nefarious lurking out there? We feel relatively confident aliens won't factor into the mix, but the one thing we do know is that Phoebe Waller-Bridge will rock 1960s-era attire, according to some recently released behind-the-scenes photos.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge was spotted during filming in Glasgow

Details for "Indiana Jones 5" are sparse at this point, which is why any information people can glean from the production is a newsworthy event. Filming is currently underway in Glasgow, Scotland, and a tweet from STV News shows how a parade sequence will factor into the plot. In addition to the video, the news source confirms, "Harrison Ford's body-double was captured riding horseback through the city [center] as the filming for Indiana Jones continues." Ford wasn't on-set because he's still recuperating from an injury he sustained while practicing a fight scene for the movie in June 2021. 

While Ford recovers, Waller-Bridge was still there, and photos published on NME give us our first look at her character. She sports a beret and some pinstripe pants, reminiscent of fashion from the 1960s. The filmmakers haven't clarified what year "Indiana Jones 5" will occur, but judging from this outfit, the archaeologist and his compatriots will make their way to the politically charged decade.

We may not know how Waller-Bridge factors into the story, but it's clear fans on Twitter love her costume, like @dpatt0 writing, "Yes, my ideal person is Phoebe Waller-Bridge on the Indiana Jones 5 set." As more scenes wrap, expect more details about the sequel to materialize in the coming months.