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Is Hugh Jackman Really Returning To The Role Of Wolverine?

You never know just which actor ends up being the best choice for a role until you see how things work out. After all, when the X-Men were making their way to big screen back in the day, people wanted all sorts of actors to play Marvel's angriest and hairiest adamantium-laced mutant. At various points, Bob Hoskins, Mel Gibson, Russell Crowe, and many others were considered to play Wolverine. Yet, as you're no doubt aware, the definitive portrayal of the diminutive Canuck ultimately came courtesy of Hugh Jackman — a handsome, 6'2" Australian with a background in musical theatre, of all things. 

Jackman portrayed Wolverine from 2000's "X-Men" to 2017's "Logan," and came to define the character so thoroughly that it's still difficult to imagine someone else rocking the sideburns and adamantium claws. Nevertheless, the actor left the role of Wolverine behind after "Logan" ... or did he? Some of the actor's recent social media action makes you wonder: Is Hugh Jackman really returning to the role of Wolverine?

Hugh Jackman probably isn't returning as Wolverine

Hugh Jackman's Instagram Stories (via Screen Rant) have caused ripples among the X-Men faithful. First, he posted a cool image of Wolverine's claws by noted superhero artist, BossLogic. Then, it was time for a selfie with none other than the President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige.

Of course, it's worth noting that none of this is proof about anything other than the fact that Jackman likes BossLogic, and has met Feige. As such, claims of his involvement in anything MCU-related should be taken with a massive pile of salt, especially as the actor is now in his 50s, and unlikely to commit to another decade or two of highly physical movies. 

Then again, the Disney-Fox merger of 2019 (via The Atlantic) means that the X-Men are bound to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe at some point. Perhaps the MCU-adjacent "Deadpool 3" could feature a Jackman-Wolverine cameo, in much the same way as Alfred Molina's Doc Ock is set to return for "Spider-Man: No Way Home?" 

Right now, though, there's nothing pointing toward such developments. So, unless Jackman takes his hints well beyond Instagram Stories, it's probably best to keep calm and assume that the actor is simply goofing around.