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Here's Where You Can Watch Every Episode Of True Blood

In the late aughts, vampires were the hottest supernatural property around thanks in no small part to HBO's sexy and campy masterpiece, "True Blood." Set against the backdrop of the rural town of Bon Temps, Louisiana, the series focused on Sookie (Anna Paquin), a telepathic waitress who ends up torn between two vampires.

But while Sookie's journey of self discovery and her complicated love life were key parts of the show, "True Blood" boasted a sprawling and eclectic cast of supernatural characters that fans fell in love with along the way. In addition to Sookie, the residents of Bon Temps also included the centuries old vampire Bill (Stephen Moyer), shapeshifting bar owner Sam (Sam Trammell), Sookie's best friend Tara (Rutina Wesley), the gorgeous, but deadly vampire Eric (Alexander Skarsgård), and Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis), a roadhouse cook and medium with a sharp sense of humor and zero patience for nonsense.

The seven season series kicks off when a synthetic blood known as Tru Blood hits the market, allowing vampires to finally live openly among humans. But in the wake of vampires going public with their existence, Bon Temps is split right down the middle as wary humans worry about preserving their place in the food chain. What the humans don't realize is that vampires are just the beginning: Their town is also populated by werewolves, faeries, witches, and even shapeshifters.

With its clever mix of political allegories and unforgettable romances, "True Blood" attracted a devoted fanbase. And while some seasons are better than others, Bon Temps is still well worth visiting via streaming if you missed out on the fun the first time around.

Where can you watch every episode of True Blood?

Even in this golden age of streaming services, it can be hard to track down shows from the pre-streaming era online. Fortunately, "True Blood" isn't one of those shows. You can find all seven seasons (80 episodes total) streaming now on HBO Max.

"True Blood" was one HBO's first fantasy series, and it helped pave the way for the premium channel to produce more ambitious genre programming like "Game of Thrones" and "Westworld." As a result, the show's legacy remains undisputed. While "True Blood" could on occasion be a bit silly, it was a solid performer for HBO and one of the last true must-see watercooler shows.

These days, "True Blood" is a key part of HBO Max's library of HBO's greatest hits, sitting alongside the likes of "The Sopranos" and "The Wire" on the streaming service. While it's not a prestige drama like some of its fellow HBO classics, "True Blood" was always a fun ride. And if you're looking for a sultry show to binge, then it might be time to finally see why people were so passionate about the great Eric vs. Bill debate of 2010.