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What To Watch While Waiting For The Boss Baby: Family Business

Do you have kids in your life who are obsessed with "The Boss Baby," a 2017 CEO-in-diapers sleeper hit which became DreamWorks Animation's latest franchise? Maybe you're an adult who adores the franchise's very kid-friendly sense of humor and amusing observations about the corporate world? Even more importantly — are you trying to fill out a bit of time while you wait for the second theatrical entry in the franchise, "The Boss Baby: Family Business," to drop in theaters on July 2 and on Peacock for a 60-day streaming window? 

Well, we have an idea as to how you can pass all of that extra time. Some young fans of the series have likely never seen at least one part of  Theodore Lindsey "Ted" Templeton Jr.'s story if they're only familiar with the movie version. That story is quite accessible on a popular streaming platform and has provided enough installments to fill the gap before "The Boss Baby: Family Business" arrives. What is it and where can you see it? Keep reading to find out.

Time to get back into business with the Boss Baby

Spoilers ahead for "The Boss Baby: Back in Business."

"The Boss Baby: Back in Business" is a Netflix series that fills in the narrative gap between "The Boss Baby" And "The Boss Baby: Family Business." In it, Ted and Tim Templeton embark on four seasons' worth of adventures that involve family bonding, the tortures of the world of marketing, and the reality of growing up, not to mention the oppressive cuteness of old people, dogs and cats.

The first season features a war between kittens and babies; the second, between babies and old people (Baby Corp. invents a Stinkless Spray to try and capture 100% of humanity's love in response to that). In the third, Boss Baby deals with having been fired due to the fact that Baby Corp. thinks he's become a liability and the reason why their corporation has so many enemies. Trying to fit into a regular everyday baby world, he ends up called back into action to defend babies against a product which makes them unhappy.

Most importantly, in the fourth season, with Ted having ascended to the position of CEO of Baby Corp., he battles three different enemies before realizing his lack of growth has worried his parents. He retires as CEO, promotes Staci his position and then drinks a formula which transforms him back into a regular baby so he can finish growing up.

For young fans of the franchise, this packs in enough action and humor to tide them over for Ted and Tim's further adventures — in the grown-up world — in "The Boss Baby: Family Business."