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Every Survivor Season Ranked Worst To Best

"Survivor" is a lot like pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty darn good. Hosted by rule-loving TV personality Jeff Probst, the reality television series kicked off in the year 2000, merging human drama, physical excellence, and survivalism into a veritable small-screen phenomenon. Each season, a group of castaways are divided into "tribes" and left to fend for themselves in a (usually tropical) remote location, where they must endure the elements, challenges, and each other for 39 days. There are rewards, eliminations, alliances, and second chances. So who needs sports when you've got gaggles of everyday folks ready to get all "Lord of the Flies" for a million bucks?

But with over two decades on the air and 40 seasons (with a 41st on the way), it can be difficult to suss out how the show's many entries stack up. Even when you take a peek at a general consensus (for instance, the aggregated reviews on IMDb), the "worst" season of the show still manages to pull a perfectly respectable score. Like the best seasons of "Survivor," it's a tight race with plenty of favorites to choose from. So if you're wondering how the whole show shakes down, hold fast, and keep your Hidden Immunity Idols close. Here's a look at every season of "Survivor," ranked from worst to best.

40. Survivor: Redemption Island (Season 22)

Coming in dead last, Season 22 introduced American audiences to the purgatory-like concept of "Redemption Island" with, uh, mixed results. 

With two tribes largely overshadowed by the big personalities of feuding fan favorites, Rob Mariano and Russell Hantz, this season's gimmick (an island where voted-off players could, you guessed it, "redeem" themselves and re-enter the game) neutered the stakes of the core gameplay. This — coupled with the overwhelming dominance of the season's predictable winner — makes "Redemption Island" a pretty ... irredeemable watch. As The Atlantic's Joe Reid puts it, "The whole season [has] an air of uselessness around it." Yawn.

39. Survivor: Nicaragua (Season 21)

The stars just weren't aligned in 2010, as Survivor's 21st season is often considered one of the show's very worst offerings. Described charitably by Purple Rock Podcast as "an absolute slog," a gaggle of impressively unlikeable contestants were divided into two tribes by age, a gimmick that host Jeff Probst vowed, "I hope we never do again," to CBS Watch! magazine. (Spoiler alert: They did, in fact, do it again.) The unpopularity of the advantage granting-Medallion of Power, which Probst rightfully described as "embarrassing" was only outdone by the amount of contestants who straight-up quit. Good riddance, "Nicaragua."

38. Survivor: One World (Season 24)

"Survivor" is no fun when one dominant player steamrolls the competition. And that's exactly what happened in Season 24, which — depending on who you ask — features some of the most mind-numbingly delusional players in the game's history. (In what world is forfeiting team immunity a good idea?)

After two back-to-back "captain-led" seasons, "One World" sorted its gaggle of newbies into two tribes divided by gender, with the catch that they would share the same beach. While the "shared space" concept has potential (featuring briefly in previous seasons like "Thailand," "Palau," and "Fiji"), the "One World" twist never amounts to any especially compelling gameplay during its 12-day run, apart from some forgettable fire-stealing and bartering. 

37. Survivor: Fiji (Season 14)

Season 14 of "Survivor" infamously introduced the much-hated "Haves vs. Have Nots" twist, which dared to ask the question: Can a malnourished, exhausted group of people vanquish their well-rested, well-fed peers? 

At the beginning of the season, all of the castaways were provided with enviable amenities, from a toilet to fire-making equipment to furniture. And when the contestants were divided into two tribes, the winning group (the "Haves") continued to enjoy their souped-up camp, while the losers (the "Have Nots") had to start from scratch with nothing but a pot and a machete. Predictably, the "Have Nots" got absolutely destroyed week after week, a one-sided battle that killed all sense of tension until the post-merge game.

36. Survivor: Borneo (Season 1)

Granted, some people really love the first season of "Survivor," but honestly, there are several factors that hold "Borneo" back. It's never fun to see players actively resist "playing the game," and that's exactly what happened here, with the season's ultimate winner arguably being the only contestant with any sense of strategy. Meanwhile, the rest of the cast seemed to have an active disdain for the core premise of the show (voting people off the island). "Borneo" deserves credit for inventing the wheel, so to speak, but the growing pains are a bit frustrating to watch at times.

35. Survivor: Island of the Idols (Season 39)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Season 39 is the pits. Two of the game's biggest "idols," Sandra Diaz-Twine and Rob Mariano return not as players but mentors, periodically offering castaways advice, as well as opportunities to win advantages. Unfortunately, all of the goofy (if screen-hogging) potential of the mentorship set-up is soured after the early post-merge. The controversy surrounding contestant Dan Spilo (who's accused of harassing cast members and crew) throws a dark shadow over the season. And in the end, the inaction of the producers to address the situation not only taints "Island of the Idols" but the show as a whole.

34. Survivor: Panama (Season 12)

"Survivor: Panama" — also known as "Survivor: Exile Island" — features the double-edged sword of that titular isle, an isolated hell hole where a banished sole survivor can do their best to locate a Hidden Immunity Idol. However, the loudest critique of Season 12 is the uneven charisma of the two warring tribes, with the castaways of Casaya (including fan-favorite Cirie Fields) far outshining the otherwise dull members of La Mina. And as "Survivor" fans know, the other main complaint has to do with Terry Deitz, a wildly likeable individual immunity powerhouse, being robbed of a spot in the final two.

33. Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers (Season 35)

Season 35 may not crack the top 30, but it does have the most intriguing name ... so that's got to count for something. 

As its moniker suggests, this season's gimmick involved separating a cohort of newbies into three tribes based on their dominant trait — courage (heroes), compassion (healers), and tenacity (hustlers). In addition to its contrived theme, Season 35 received a fair amount of flack for introducing the then-unannounced Final Four fire-making challenge, which, without giving anything away, robbed viewers of a karmic moment of justice for a player who spent much of the game hiding behind Immunity Idols. In the end, too many late-game advantages and twists spoiled the soup.

32. Survivor: South Pacific (Season 23)

If you're wondering what a general rule is for avoiding lackluster "Survivor" seasons, our advice is to stay clear of the early 20s, a veritable Dark Age for the show. Season 23 has the great misfortune of parroting the format of no-good-very-bad Season 22, "Redemption Island," with two returning captains (Ozzy Lusth and Coach Wade) and a redemptive arena for recently voted-off castaways. 

In addition to unsuccessfully pitching for a re-do of a hated format, "South Pacific" suffers from Pagonging, a fan-coined term for when one tribe systematically eliminates the other post-merge. It's a great strategy for winning, but it just doesn't make for very entertaining television.

31. Survivor: Samoa (Season 19)

Season 19 is a polarizing season. And the reason for its divisiveness is also the reason it tends to rank low amongst fans of the show — all the focus is on one player. Namely, Russell Hantz, a stout, trilby-wearing Immunity Idol magnet whose charisma and cutthroat sense of strategy absorb the vast majority of the season's screen time. All to say, your personal mileage with Season 19 will inevitably be tied to your ability to swallow Russell's divisive arrogance and camera-hogging. This editing choice, focused around a single character, marks a huge departure for the show that isn't going to float everyone's boat. Odds are, a more balanced edit would've placed "Samoa" in higher esteem.

30. Survivor: Africa (Season 3)

Season 3's low ranking can partially be chalked up to its hazardous (if unique) location. Surveyed as a whole, the earlier seasons of "Survivor" put a lot more focus on the contestants' ability to endure harsh environments. Putting up with an unforgiving landscape is certainly part of the game, but watching a group of energy-depleted castaways waste away before your eyes is a bit of a drag. There's still plenty to enjoy, with big personalities like Big Tom Buchanan and the wildly likeable Ethan Zohn. But, all told, the zapped energy of the cast (especially in the homestretch) and the predictable dominance of the Ethan/Lex/Tom alliance keep "Africa" from a higher ranking.

29. Survivor: Ghost Island (Season 36)

Filmed in the Mamanuca Islands of Fiji, this season introduced viewers to the titular Ghost Island, a secluded location where banished players would "resurrect" misused advantages from previous seasons. While the self-referential twist becomes a bit repetitive after a while, this season's biggest problem is that two players hog the entire narrative: Domenick Abbate and Wendell Holland. While Dom and Wendell's dominance does lead to an interesting "Survivor" first, in hindsight, it feels like the entire season's edit was reverse-engineered to the detriment of crafting a dynamic, re-watchable season. Season 36 does get props for having the coolest name though.

28. Survivor: Blood vs. Water (Season 27)

Set in the Philippines, Season 27 saw returning players competing alongside and against their loved ones for the title of Sole Survivor. While sites like IMDb hold "Blood vs. Water" in so-so regard, the season is considered one of the series' more successful outings according to the likes of Entertainment Weekly, which assessed "Blood vs. Water" as "a super solid season from top to bottom." 

That said, the fact that fans aren't crazy about "Blood vs. Water" may have something to do with the season's overall slow start, as well as the tiresome 20s seasons staple of mixing newbies and veterans. To boot, an especially frustrating rock draw that arguably cheapens the season's final result doesn't sit quite right.

27. Survivor: Thailand (Season 5)

Season 5 of "Survivor" can be summed up in one word: boring. Sandwiched between two massively influential seasons ("Marquesas" and "The Amazon"), the dull, predictable gameplay of "Thailand" feels like a massive step backward. Throw in a wildly unpleasant cast and a handful of fun-killing dark moments, and it begins to make perfect sense why "Thailand" sits at the back of the pack. 

Even host Jeff Probst isn't a fan, telling Entertainment Weekly (via Digital Spy) in 2005 that "Thailand" was his least favorite season of the whole series, explaining, "There was a lot of hostility, a lot of ugliness, and that's not fun to watch."

26. Survivor: China (Season 15)

While Season 15's appearance this far back on the list might be surprising, think of it more as a testament to the overall positive hit rate of "Survivor." Filmed in the Zhelin Reservoir of Jiangxi, China, this season of "Survivor" is the northernmost edition of the show to date. Fans often praise "China" for its riveting players, including series' legends like Amanda Kimmel and Todd Herzog. In addition to riding high on the strength of its cast, it's arguable that the season's integration of challenges and local culture is the best the show has ever seen. 

That said, when it comes to big moves and strategy, "China" isn't as memorable, which explains its presence as a mid-tier season.

25. Survivor: San Juan del Sur (Season 29)

The second pass on the returning "players vs. relatives" format. Season 29 is the very definition of "middling." The repeat theme (a mere two seasons after its introduction), the return of "Exile Island," and the location retread of Nicaragua don't bring anything new to the table. A slow-burn season with unremarkable pre-merge gameplay, "San Juan del Sur" makes for a languid, uneven watch. Luckily, things take a turn for the better when entertaining heavy hitters like Keith Nale hit their stride. As People's Stephen Fishbach succinctly notes, it's "a humdrum season" that happens to have a great winner.

24. Survivor: Cook Islands (Season 13)

Diversity (or rather a lack thereof) has — and will probably always be – a problem on "Survivor." In a highly icky move, the four tribes of "Cook Islands" were divided by race (African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and Caucasians). Turning segregation into a gimmick is pretty dang uncomfortable. And given the formal racial divisions only last for the first episode before being abandoned for a merge, the whole thing feels grossly manufactured and controversy-courting. 

On the brighter side, the very silly gimmick does produce one of the show's most diverse seasons to date. This, plus some genuinely deep strategy, a memorable cast (including iconic castaway Parvati Shallow), and a captivating underdog story make for a pretty thrilling season.

23. Survivor: Marquesas (Season 4)

If you're not a fan of purple rock tiebreakers, you have Season 4 to blame. That said, "Marquesas" is a fantastic season that marks a pivotal shift in the series towards more engaging and unpredictable gameplay. Until "Marquesas," the winner was always from whichever tribe had more numbers after the merge. And in addition to its more fluid vision of what "Survivor" strategy could look like, Season 4's cast is one of the series' best, from the naive, coattail-rider Neleh to "Boston Rob" Mariano's uncut gem of a first appearance. The biggest sin of "Marquesas" comes down to its editing, which leaves its ultimate winner feeling a bit like a stranger.

22. Survivor: Guatemala (Season 11)

Seasons that mix returning players with newbies are always a bit of a gamble, and the eleventh outing of "Survivor" is no exception. "Guatemala" is the definition of "good but not great." The brutal and compelling Mayan backdrop works in Season 11's favor, and the introduction of the now-iconic Hidden Immunity Idol (albeit with a different format at the Tribal Council) makes "Guatemala" a historic first for the series. 

However, "Guatemala" falls short of greatness due to two main factors. First, there's the smart yet boring strategy from its ultimate winner. And perhaps more pivotally, there's the villain arc from Season 10 favorite Stephenie LaGrossa. Overall, it's not horrible, but it's not going to blow your socks off.

21. Survivor: Micronesia (Season 16)

Also known as "Fans vs. Favorites," Season 16 was the first time the show mixed first-timers with returning castaways. This is, to put it lightly, an absolutely iconic season of "Survivor," featuring many of the most memorable and outrageous moments in the show's history (including multiple blindsides and a fake Immunity Idol at a Tribal Council). 

However, while "Fans vs. Favorites" has a lot going for it, the season isn't without its faults. The two medical evacuations of beloved contestants are a little somber. And it could be argued that the edit is a bit too weighted towards the favorites.

20. Survivor: Tocantins (Season 18)

If there's a watch word for "Tocantins," it's "cutthroat." You're never really safe in the game of "Survivor," but you could barely throw a Hidden Immunity Idol at Season 18 without hitting a blindside. Which is especially devastating considering that "Tocantins" boasts one of the series' most entertaining rosters of new players, with larger-than-life figures like Coach "Dragonslayer" Wade and country boy James "J.T." Thomas. 

"Tocantins" straddles old-school and new-school "Survivor," all while foreshadowing the weaker parts of its successive season, "Samoa" — namely, an uneven edit that's geared towards one character. Though, to be fair, can you really ever have too much of Coach? We think not.

19. Survivor: Caramoan (Season 26)

Season 26 sees the return of the "Fans vs. Favorites" formula, pitting familiar players from the likes of "Gabon," "South Pacific," and "Redemption Island" against a cohort of newbies.

While "Caramoan" has its highs (Malcolm's double idol play being one of them), the season is a little bottom heavy. But if you're willing to sift your way through the grating early half of the season, you'll be treated to a smorgasbord of bold, edge-of-your-seat late-game plays. The stellar six final episodes of "Caramoan" are well worth the wait, finishing the game strong with one of the most deserving winners in the series' history.

18. Survivor: The Australian Outback (Season 2)

Season 2 of "Survivor" is the classic "old-school" season. It's a slow-simmering blast from the past that introduces us to many of the series' key returning players, from the wholesome Colby Donaldson to the wild-eyed Mike Skupin. And, of course, it stars one of the show's greatest villains — Jerri Manthey. 

"Australian Outback" enjoys one of the best pre-merge games of the series, from chicken wars to one castaway passing out on top of a raging fire. Unfortunately (the epic flood notwithstanding), the later game fails to live up to the iconic highs of Season 2's early days, which probably accounts for the season's weaker rating in the grand IMDb scheme of things.

17. Survivor: Worlds Apart (Season 30)

Also known as "White Collar vs. Blue Collar vs. No Collar," Season 30 saw three tribes of new players divided by their profession, be it corporate, manual labor, or passion-based. In addition to its workplace division gimmick, "Worlds Apart" is noteworthy for introducing the "double vote" reward at the Survivor Auction and for reigniting the fire-making tiebreaker challenge.

"Worlds Apart" has a little something for everybody — a largely comedic, quirky pre-merge and an intense, drama-filled late game. With deplorable villains, sympathetic underdogs, and a satisfying winner, if you're looking for a sense of karmic justice, you need look no further than "Worlds Apart."

16. Survivor: Kaoh Rong (Season 32)

Repeating the "Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty" format of "Cagayan" and the greater focus on survivalism from "Africa," Season 32 is often overlooked, but really, it's an absolute hoot. Light on the big game-changing twists and advantages, "Kaôh Rōng" is much more character-driven, giving the strategy a rawer, less gamified feel to it. 

Plus, Season 32 features an absolute banger of a cast, from the unlikely hero of Aubry Bracco to the subtly sly, mild-mannered Tai Trang. All told, "Kaôh Rōng" has it all. The only reason it isn't really higher on the list is due to all the game-disrupting (if thrilling!) medical evacuations.

15. Survivor: All-Stars (Season 8)

Season 8 granted the dreams of many fans by giving popular players from previous seasons the chance to compete again. "All-Stars" features some amazing highlights, including the whirlwind romance of "Boston" Rob Mariano and Amber Brkich. And yet, for all its highs, "All-Stars" also has one of the most uncomfortable moments in the history of the show – an instance of sexual misconduct — which leaves a dark stain on the season and, in truth, the show as a whole. This, coupled with a predictable post-merge game and a larger tonal shift from "stranded survivors" to "ego-driven reality stars," makes "All-Stars" a hit-and-miss watch, instead of what could've been one of the show's best outings.

14. Survivor: Gabon (Season 17)

Granted, this is the season that almost led Jeff Probst to quit the show. But there's no denying that Season 17 has its banana pants charms despite not technically being a very good season. 

If you enjoy the more character-driven seasons of "Survivor," then "Gabon" is for you. These people are chaotic, dysfunctional, and absolute train wrecks. This is the season where someone throws a Hidden Immunity Idol into the sea of their own free will. That's the level of strategy and bonkers behavior you can expect. Is it good "Survivor" gameplay? No. Is it entertaining television? Definitely yes.

13. Survivor: Game Changers (Season 34)

Season 34 is a polarizing season, but "Game Changers" easily scoots to the top of this list. A season full of returning players who (ostensibly) shook up the game, "Game Changers" succeeds in delivering a strong winner and several excellent one-off episodes (Sandra Diaz-Twine stirring the pot by devouring sugar is a wild ride). 

It's a top-heavy season with most of its twisty thrills reserved for the pre-merge game. Then, things get bleak, with one of the darker and arguably most discussed "Survivor" moments of the last 10 years, with one contestant outing another as trans at Tribal Council. An excess of advantages and a slap-dash edit don't help lighten the mood.

12. Survivor: Palau (Season 10)

Season 10 features two of the most likeable players in the whole show, respect-commanding firefighter Tom Westman and intrepid underdog Stephenie LaGrossa. Heck, Tom's influence is such that a fellow contestant forfeits the final Immunity Challenge to remain in his good graces. 

The last season before Hidden Immunity Idols came into play, "Palau" has all the calling cards of classic, social gameplay-driven "Survivor," as well as one wrinkle that's yet to be matched — namely, Ulong losing every single Immunity Challenge. Proving that one-sided destruction isn't necessarily bad TV, "Palau" is utterly unique, watchable, and the "Survivor" equivalent of chicken noodle soup.

11. Survivor: Vanuatu (Season 9)

Season 9 saw two tribes divided by gender, with a languishing pre-merge game redeemed by an enjoyable post-merge portion. Often accused of parroting the "men versus women" gimmick of "Amazon" to lesser effect, Vanuatu benefits from strong castaways, the first genuinely dominant female alliance in the show's history, and a showstopper endgame. The individual parts of "Vanuatu" are nothing to write home about, but as a whole, this season has a lot to offer, from the rise and fall of an iconic female villain to a triumphant underdog to one of the most engrossing final Tribal Council's in the show's history.

10. Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains (Season 20)

Season 20 does precisely what it says on the tin, pitting devious and saintly players against one another for a veritable smorgasbord of memorable moments, strategic gameplay, a photo finish final Immunity Challenge, and some of the best uses of Hidden Immunity Idols the show has ever seen. 

"Survivor" marked its tenth year on the air with a returning player season that features none of the bitterness of "All-Stars," and it works in large part due to the castaways leaning into their assigned roles. "Heroes vs. Villains" boasts big personalities, big plays, and big, riveting clashes between some of the best players in the history of "Survivor." 

9. Survivor: Philippines (Season 25)

In past seasons, the downside of mixing old and new players is that the returning cohort invariably hogs the spotlight. Season 25 sidesteps this lopsided fate by bringing back players who were pulled from the game for medical reasons, pairing them alongside a truly entertaining cohort of newbies who more than hold their own (including top-tier narrator and former "Facts of Life" star Lisa Whelchel). 

From the meteoric fall of the Matsing tribe to the underdog success stories of dynamic duo Malcolm Freberg and Denise Stapley, "Philippines" is a great season on all fronts (with the exception of Michael Skupin, who's hard to watch knowing his post-show legal troubles).

8. Survivor: Cagayan (Season 28)

Season 28 is easily one of the most enjoyable seasons of "Survivor," period. The first pass on the "Beauty vs. Brains vs. Brawn" theme, "Cagayan" boasts one of the best groups of new castaways that "Survivor" has ever featured. 

Honestly, "Cagayan" has it all. There's entertainment, tragedy, and that essential "good Survivor season" ingredient — pure, unadulterated chaos (how else do you describe the success of Kass McQuillen's "voting out allies" strategy?"). This is the season that ushered in the new era of "Big Moves" with masterful idol plays and game-shaking blindsides. Despite its wild twists and turns, "Cagayan" manages to string together a cohesive story with satisfying character arcs, which, looking back over the whole series, is no small feat.

7. Survivor: Edge of Extinction (Season 38)

Season 38 is responsible for introducing one of the latest twists in the show — an outright format change known as "The Edge" that grants eliminated players the opportunity to return to the game if they can survive in a desolate no man's land. It's difficult to explain the thrills of "Edge of Extinction" without giving away key details, but suffice to say, the twist is arguably the best, if not the most consequential, execution of the "second chance" style of "Survivor" gameplay. "Edge of Extinction" delivers exactly what it promises — a bold creative risk and an expansion of what the game of "Survivor" can look like.

6. Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X (Season 33)

A spin on the tried-and-true "young vs. old" gimmick, Season 33 sets itself apart from the crowd with an above-average cast of generally agreeable castaways down to dig their heels into the game. So why is it so beloved by "Survivor" fans? Well, that can be chalked up to its memorable gaggle of castaways (including breakout star Zeke Smith), engaging gameplay, and emotional final Tribal Council. Season 33 also scores bonus points for its unpredictable moments, from the entire cast's evacuation (thanks, cyclone) to a wildly early idol play at Tribal Council. Is the theme cringe-worthy? Yes. Is it still really good television? Also yes.

5. Survivor: The Amazon (Season 6)

The first season to split tribes with a theme, Season 6 breathed new life into the series after the absolute bummer that was "Thailand." The "battle of the sexes" gimmick frames much of the early game, but if you can tolerate the sexism of the time period, it's a must-watch of the early era of "Survivor." That's especially true since "Amazon" includes twists and experimental gags (like dual confessionals) that make it a unique watch. However, as is often the case, we'd bet that the cast is the main reason fans seem to enjoy Season 6 so much. How can you not fall for the charms of master narrator Rob Cesternino?

4. Survivor: Winners at War (Season 40)

The most recent season of "Survivor" is exactly what it sounds like: 20 past winners return to the muck, restless nights, and coconuts for a chance to prove that they're the best of the best. While nostalgia is a huge factor in Season 40's enjoyment — and your mileage may vary depending on how many past seasons you've seen — "Winners at War" is gripping, and it features a fantastic cast, strong gameplay, and plenty of standout moments. 

Sure, "Winners at War" suffers a bit from a couple of modern-day "Survivor" setbacks, including an excess of advantages (see the misapplied Fire Tokens twist). But, all told, it's a top-shelf cast and a whole-hearted celebration of the game itself. There's a lot to love.

3. Survivor: David vs. Goliath (Season 37)

This truly biblical season of "Survivor" pits scrappy underdogs against privileged overachievers in a bid to see if the mighty or the meek will inherit the title of Sole Survivor. Season 37 boasts the great "Survivor" season trifecta — an engaging group of endearing castaways, a well-balanced edit, and edge-of-your-seat gameplay. 

And don't let the gimmicky theme fool you. This time, the tribal division works to the show's credit, with a thrilling pre-jury game (minus one bummer evacuation), well-timed advantages, idols, and all manner of social power plays to keep you on your toes right to the bitter end.

2. Survivor: Pearl Islands (Season 7)

Season 7 is the absolute chef's kiss of "Survivor" episodes. After all, "Pearl Islands" is the dictionary definition of what makes "Survivor" such excellent reality television. Where should we even begin? Perhaps with burly, skirt-wearing, fan favorite Rupert being an absolute, fish-spearing saint? Or how about with Jonny Fairplay lying about his grandma being dead as strategy? From the origin of multiple iconic characters to its pirate theme to its top-tier rivalries, "Pearl Islands" is a gem in the "Survivor" canon — one only held back from the very top spot due to its controversial Outcasts twist.

1. Survivor: Cambodia (Season 31)

When it comes to the best of the beast, Season 31 takes the number one spot. Though, with a season of returning castaways voted in by the fans, perhaps it's no surprise that "Cambodia" has a soft spot in everyone's hearts. 

With a second shot at the title and the added pressure of being voted in, these players come out of the gate swinging with chaotic, all-or-nothing gameplay, especially with the introduction of the now-ubiquitous "voting blocs." This is a season with great gameplay, great characters, and a (pretty) even-keeled edit. "Cambodia" has it all. It's dramatic, humorous, and nail-biting. And at the end of the day, that's what "Survivor" is all about, baby.