Thor: Ragnarok Will Feature 'Funniest' Version Of Thor Yet

Thor's sense of humor has been the secret weapon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for years, but it will reportedly be completely unleashed in the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok.

Tom Hiddeston (Loki) told Fandango that director Taika Waititi brought out the lighter side of Chris Hemsworth's Thor.

"At the end of The Dark World, Loki is on the throne. At the beginning of Ragnarok, Thor has a few questions, [and] Loki is endearingly enigmatic about providing answers," Hiddleston said. "Taika Waititi is such a spirited, hilarious individual, and he and Chris [Hemsworth] became very fast friends. What was great for me to see was to see their friendship kind of blossom, and they brought out the best in each other, and started making stuff up, and I can confidently say right now that this will be the funniest depiction of the character of Thor that you've ever seen. I personally have known for almost 10 years that Chris Hemsworth is hilarious."

Of course, this shouldn't come as too much of a shock. Waititi also helmed the hilarious "Team Thor" shorts that show how Asgard's favorite son spends his free time away from the Avengers. (If you haven't seen the teaser for the second installment, you're truly missing out.) And we also know Thor will be forced to battle the Hulk in Ragnarok, which could lead to some laughs (in between smashes).

The sequel also features Anthony Hopkins as Odin, Cate Blanchett as the villainous Hela, and Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie. It arrives in theaters Nov. 3, and it's definitely one of the movies we can't wait to see this year.