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What Jenny Has Been Doing Since Forrest Gump

There's an easy answer to the question "What has Jenny been doing since the events of 'Forrest Gump?'" We won't give away the ending or anything, but the guy that she dropped her kid off with wound up supporting a growing boy on his own, when he could have been out in the world meeting more presidents and starting more shrimp restaurants and inspiring new hilarious t-shirts. Again though, no spoilers.

As for the performers whose work brought the character of Jenny Curran to life, their careers have varied somewhat. Hanna Hall, the actress who played young Jenny and, in the process, inspired a generation of hilarious dads to shout "run, Forrest, run" any time that a kid so much as jogged somewhere, went on to make appearances in 2007's "Halloween" reboot and, more recently, on USA Network's "The Purge" series.

The adult Jenny, meanwhile, was already an established star when "Forrest Gump" was released in 1994. This woman had left a mark on popular culture, playing the long-suffering Princess Buttercup in 1987's "The Princess Bride," a film that took the scenic route to success before eventually branding its near-infinite quotes on the brains of the general public. Between her talent and her undeniable place on the pop culture landscape, it was clear that she'd have plenty of work in the future.

Robin Wright was Dunn with marriage in Unbreakable

"Unbreakable" turned out to be about a guy with powers fighting evil while Samuel L. Jackson watched menacingly. Today, we call that "every Marvel movie." At the time, though, superheroes in blockbusters were a rare enough thing that it technically counted as a Shyamalan twist.

From Pepper Potts getting injected with lava blast powers in "Iron Man 3" to whatever happened to Vision in "WandaVision" (we're still parsing that out), the course of dating a superhero never did run smoothly. In the case of "Unbreakable" and Bruce Willis' character, David Dunn, cupid's dang old arrow went and shot up Audrey Dunn, played by Robin Wright. Audrey's life is thrown into a state of quietly unsettling disarray when her husband discovers his explicitly unnatural and empirically awesome abilities.

It's an unfortunate fact that when M. Night Shyamalan snuck a backdoor sequel to "Unbreakable" into 2017's "Split," Audrey didn't survive the transition. It's revealed in the series' third part, "Glass," that her character passed away between movies. Still, this wouldn't be Wright's last up-close look at the world of super folk.

Robin Wright kept the House of Cards upright

"House of Cards," the American reimagining of a British TV series exploring the shadowy behind-the-scenes world of politics, bravely asked the question, "What if Kevin Spacey wasn't a very nice guy?" For its first few seasons, the show was a feather in Netflix's hat, helping to cement the streaming service's place as a go-to source for original content.

Among the program's standout performances was Robin Wright in the role of Claire Underwood. Claire spent her first couple of years on "House of Cards" establishing herself as every bit the intellectual and conspiratorial equal to her husband, minus his enthusiasm for tossing out folksy Southern idioms like they were a haul of crawfish at red tide, boy howdy. Her patience paid off in the long run. Her husband, a contentious president with more skeletons in his closet than...a haul of crawfish at red tide (we're not great at idioms), was forced to resign the presidency before real-life scandal saw Kevin Spacey's exit from "House of Cards." This left Wright's Claire Underwood to finish out the story as a widow ando the president of the United States.

Wonder Woman learned everything from Robin Wright

It's a well-documented fact that there are few things in this world better than a really cool aunt. Some of them will teach you how to make a killer Bloody Mary when you're a kid, offering a life skill that will keep your friends fun to talk to at brunch for the rest of your days. Similarly, some of them will school you in becoming a kickass immortal warrior goddess that can stroll through the horrors of World War I like you've got a FastPass to whichever rides are in German territory.

2017's "Wonder Woman" introduced audiences to arguably the coolest aunt in DC's pantheon of characters: General Antiope, aunt and mentor to the eponymous Wonder Woman herself. For thousands of years, Antiope — played by Robin Wright — tutored Diana in the noble art of rocking her enemies' faces off. From archery to swordsmanship to pulling off an all-leather work outfit without looking like a weirdo, it seemed that there were few arenas in which the character didn't excel.

Despite eating it hard at the hands of German troops during Wonder Woman's first solo outing, Antiope wasn't done turning heads in the DCEU. Thanks to millennia of backstory and the power of flashbacks, the Themysciran killing machine would make further appearances in "Wonder Woman 1984" and "Justice League," in a particularly stunning fight sequence during Darkseid's first invasion.