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Star Wars Book Characters Fans Want To See On The Big Screen

Some of the best characters in the "Star Wars" universe never even make an appearance in the films. The expanded universe of the franchise contains decades of material, from the novels and video games of the '90 to the comics of the modern era. This vast wealth of storytelling offers countless possibilities for future installments of the "Star Wars" franchise, should they choose to draw upon this legacy. Regardless of when the next big movie ends up being set, there are plenty of great characters from all eras to take influence from. 

Many fan-favorite characters from the now de-canonized Legends timeline (as well as characters that exist in both the canon and Legends) make particularly memorable appearances in print. Indeed, all these characters find their origin in "Star Wars" books — and fans want to see them make the jump to celluloid. From the '90s to now, these are the "Star Wars" characters fans would love to see on the big screen.

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Thrawn is legendary among "Star Wars" fans who grew up in the '90s. A bright blue figure with piercing red eyes, Thrawn towers over his inferior officers in the Empire and is exceedingly calm. He is a calculated tactician and one of the greatest threats the Rebel Alliance and New Republic ever face. He is a presence in both the extended universe and in the final two seasons of "Star Wars Rebels."

The malicious grand admiral is introduced in Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire." This tome ended up being the beginning of not one, but two Thrawn trilogies written by Zahn. "Heir to the Empire" came out in 1991, and is set five years after the events of "Return of the Jedi" — not too far off the eight years that passed between that movie's premiere and that of the book. This novel and its sequels are among the best "Star Wars" books ever written, despite the stories now being relegated to the Legends canon.

In 2020, Zahn began a new trilogy of Thrawn books, starting with "Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising." The final entry in the canonical "Ascendancy" trilogy is 2021's "Lesser Evil." Despite all this material, Thrawn has yet to make an appearance in any "Star Wars" film — though he is expected to appear in the upcoming "Ashoka" show.

Mara Jade

Most fans of the Legends universe know Mara Jade as the Jedi who eventually falls in love with Luke Skywalker. Over the years, she becomes much more than Luke's wife: Mara Jade is a complex warrior with an intriguing past. There are still ways to bring this character — or at least a version of her with a slightly different backstory — into the universe of big screen "Star Wars."

Originally raised as a secret apprentice to Emperor Palpatine, Jade is swayed to the path of light by Luke. Eventually, she develops feelings for the Jedi Master. The character plays a major role in the Legends universe, and eventually becomes a powerful Jedi herself. 

Aside from books and comics, Jade shows up in a couple of "Star Wars" video games as well, which are no longer canon. Notably, she's the main playable character of the "Mysteries of the Sith" expansion pack for the 1997 PC game "Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II."

Darth Bane

Darth Bane was created by George Lucas during the conceptualization period of the prequel trilogy. The first mention of the ancient Sith Lord is in the 1999 novelization of "The Phantom Menace," which predates the film's release by just one month. Bane is most notable for being the Sith to create the Rule of Two, which establishes that there is only ever one Sith master and one apprentice. The only way for an apprentice to ascend to master status is to kill the Sith who trained them.

In the modern canon, Bane only appears once, as an apparition in an episode of "The Clone Wars." In a Season 6 arc in which Yoda takes a metaphysical journey to discover the secret of Jedi immortality, he encounters a flaming specter. This is Darth Bane, whose dark persuasion Yoda must resist to pass the trial.

Given recent "Star Wars" novels' expansion into the High Republic era, this setting could easily be a building block of a new trilogy of movies. Darth Bane would be the perfect villain for a story about the origin of the Sith.


Darth Revan was created for the 2003 Bioware RPG "Knights of the Old Republic," widely considered one of the best "Star Wars" games ever made. At the start of the game, Darth Malak — apprentice to Revan and main villain of "KOTOR" — is presumed to have killed his master. In a late-game twist (spoiler alert!), it is revealed you are Revan. You can continue down the path of light, or let this information influence your destiny and attempt to take back the Sith throne.

Drew Karpyshyn, who wrote 2009's "Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil," also penned "Star Wars: Revan" in 2011, which takes place two years after the events of "KOTOR." The novel is part of "The Old Republic" run of books, which are now considered part of the Legends universe.

Before the events of "KOTOR" and his fall to the dark side, Revan was a great and powerful Jedi. He even fought during the Mandalorian Wars. Given the popularity of "The Mandalorian," it is now possible that an adaptation of this war could hit the big screen. If it does, we'll be crossing our fingers that Revan will show up.

Kyle Katarn

Fan-favorite Force user Kyle Katarn is the hero of the "Star Wars: Jedi Knight" games, appearing as the lead playable character in "Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II" and "Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast." While Jason Court brings him to life in the live-action cutscenes of "Dark Forces II," Kyle has never gotten the chance to shine in a full-blown movie.

Kyle Katarn is a Rebel smuggler who ends up being one of the most important Jedi of the New Republic era in the Legends canon. Kyle makes appearances as the lead of multiple "Dark Forces" comics, including 1997's "Soldier for the Empire" and 1998's "Rebel Agent."

There is plenty of room for stories set between the events of "Return of the Jedi" and "The Force Awakens." Expanding the movies in this direction could give the franchise a chance to revive Legends favorites like Kyle Katarn and Mara Jade on the big screen without contradicting current Disney canon.

Quinlan Vos

Quinlan Vos is a skilled Jedi Master who fights in the Clone Wars alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu. He's a cocky bad boy who doesn't always follow the Jedi rules to a tee, but he's dedicated to the Force and remains one of Obi-Wan's trusted friends. Most fans know him from his appearances throughout "The Clone Wars" animated series. 

Quinlan's send-off is not in "The Clone Wars," however, but in 2015's "Dark Disciple," a canonical novel based on an arc that didn't make it into the show. This is because Season 6 was infamously scrapped mid-production, before being revived years later. The book focuses on wrapping up the fate of Count Dooku's apprentice-turned Nightsister assassin, Asajj Ventress. 

Quinlan presumably dies in Order 66, or shortly thereafter. If the film franchise travels to the Old Republic era of Jedi, perhaps in a prequel to "The Phantom Menace," he could potentially show up alongside other fan-favorite Jedi Masters.

Mister Bones

Definitely the weirdest character on this list (but undoubtedly one of the best), Mister Bones is a reprogrammed battle droid who serves the Republic following the Battle of Endor. Bones is decked out in a sleek red and black paint job, and armed to the teeth with a vibroblade for a right hand and his other left free to fire a blaster. He is frankly one of the coolest droids ever conceived, and it's a shame he never shows up in the sequel trilogy.

Introduced in Chuck Wendig's "Star Wars: Aftermath" novel, which was released in 2015 to bridge the gap between the OG trilogy and "The Force Awakens," Bones was created as a bodyguard by Rebel soldier Temmin Wexley. You might remember Wexley as the pilot who goes by Snap in "The Force Awakens" and "The Rise of Skywalker."

Mister Bones meets his fate at the end of the "Aftermath" trilogy of books, so unless we see a film adaptation of the Battle of Jakku, he will probably never make it to the big screen. But hope springs eternal, and canon can always be tweaked.

Rae Sloane

Rae Sloane is one of the most popular characters in modern "Star Wars" comic books. A naval officer in the Imperial Military who serves the Empire for decades, Sloane rises up the ranks until she becomes one of the founders of the First Order.

She is introduced in the 2014 "Rebels" spin-off novel "A New Dawn," which is coincidentally the first "Star Wars" novel set in the new canon. Her story continues in the "Aftermath" trilogy. If that's not enough to convince you Sloane is worth putting in a film, her appearances don't end there: She most recently showed up in the 2020 dogfighting game "Star Wars: Squadrons."

While Sloane is a key character in the books that tie the original trilogy to the sequels, her fate is ultimately unknown. If there were to be more "Star Wars" movies set after the events of "The Rise of Skywalker," it would certainly be exciting to see an older Sloane front and center as a major villain.

Talon Karrde

In the Legends canon, Talon Karrde begins as a mere smuggler. Soon enough, however, he becomes one of the New Republic's greatest allies in the fight against Thrawn, the Empire, and various evil Force users across the galaxy.

Karrde is introduced in "Heir to the Empire," where he starts his journey as Mara Jade's boss and compatriot. The novel and its sequels detail how Han and Luke meet the duo, and their path to becoming allies. Karrde keeps on doing what he does best, establishing the Smugglers' Alliance to fight on the side of the Republic during the years that follow the fall of the Empire. 

Karrde is another character who is intertwined with fan-favorites of the '90s expanded universe. If we ever get a Mara Jade movie, Talon Karrde is going to be at the top of the list of supporting characters we'd love to see make an appearance. 

Doctor Aphra

Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra joins the Empire directly after the Battle of Yavin, working directly under the purview of Lord Vader. This is explored in Kieron Gillen's celebrated "Darth Vader" comic series, which began in 2015. Aphra manages to escape serving the Empire with her life and her droids, and stars in the ongoing "Doctor Aphra" run of comics. Said spin-off began in 2016, and has long since surpassed Gillen's "Vader" run in terms of length. 

As confirmed by her creator, Aphra is a lesbian. This fact, combined with her thrilling exploits and roguish personality, has attracted a large fandom begging to see her on screen. While it's unlikely we'll get another film set during the era of the original trilogy any time soon, Aphra would be a prime candidate for getting her own TV show. For now, fans are going to have to see where her story winds up in her popular run of comics. 

Prince Xizor

Prince Xizor is a lesser-known villain from the Galactic Civil War era. He's not Palpatine or Vader, but the fallen prince is no slouch. In the time before and during the events of "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back," he serves as the leader of the Black Suns crime syndicate. His rise to power between the events of the prequels and "A New Hope" would be an exciting chronicle to put to film. 

Xizor is mentioned in a good deal of Legends books, and appears in a handful as well. Fans reared on the LucasArts era "Star Wars" games, however, know him best from "Shadows of the Empire:" Xizor's palace is the final level in the 1996 shooter. "Shadows of the Empire" was part of a larger attempt to expand the "Star Wars" universe, complete with trading cards and other merch. Technically the first appearance of Xizor is in the 1996 "Shadows of the Empire" novel, but he also appears in the six-issue comic miniseries that accompanied the game's releases.

Corran Horn

Corran Horn is another key player in the evolution of the New Republic and the formation of the new Jedi Order in the Legends canon. Horn's journey is a thrilling one, which takes him from Rouge Squadron ace to Jedi Master. He's a recurring character in 1999's "The New Jedi Order" and 2006's "The Legacy of the Force" series of novels. 

Horn's biggest claim to fame, however, is the novel that depicts his ascension to Jedi. 1998's "I, Jedi" follows Horn as he goes on a quest to save his wife, Mirax. He becomes one of the first Jedi to be trained by Luke Skywalker. The book is written by Michael A. Stackpole, who originally created Horn for his "X-Wing" series of novels and comics. 

Appearing in dozens of books in the '90s and '00s, Horn is yet another character who has been banished to the Legends realm. Still, the 30 years between "Return of the Jedi" and "The Force Awakens" leaves a lot of room to be explored. Perhaps he could still make a silver screen appearance?

Nomi Sunrider

Another Jedi of the old days of the Galactic Republic, Nomi Sunrider is a legendary warrior with a tragic backstory. Her husband Andur was training to become a Jedi under the tutelage of Jedi Master Thon, but was ambushed and killed by the Hutt syndicate. Following this tragedy, Nomi dedicates her life to completing his training and becoming a Jedi Knight herself.

Nomi Sunrider appears in over 20 comics, as part of the '90s "Tales of the Jedi" series. She makes her debut in the aptly titled "Saga of Nomi Sunrider," and is frequently mentioned throughout other works of that time period.

Nomi — like most characters from the great, lost era of '90s "Star Wars" — is currently not getting much love. The last time she was even mentioned was in Bioware's "The Old Republic" MMO, released in 2011. If Disney ever decides to cash in on their fans' favorite game and make a "Knights of the Old Republic" movie, Nomi should definitely be one of the legendary Jedi who makes an appearance.