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The Memorable Line On Friends That Jennifer Aniston Improvised

By the time "Friends" had changed TV and become an international sensation, the cast knew their characters so well that they could improvise hilarious lines on the spot.

Matthew Perry, who played the group's sarcastic jokester Chandler Bing, is often seen as the "Friends" actor most likely to reel off an unexpected and unscripted zinger. Even when he messed up a take — by, saying, flubbing a line about a certain bright blue blazer, or hitting himself in the head with a filing cabinet — Perry could turn the mistake into a gag that looked like an intentional part of the script.

But let's not overlook the spontaneous contributions of the rest of the cast. For example, thanks to DVD commentary, we know that Jennifer Aniston — who famously played Rachel Greene — can take credit for one of the funniest mid-argument comebacks the show gifted us. And that's saying something, given how many similar arguments Aniston's Rachel had with David Schwimmer's Ross. 

This is the memorable line on "Friends" that Jennifer Aniston improvised.

Jennifer Aniston came up with this line about Rachel and Ross's drunken Vegas wedding

A not-small chunk of the "Friends" story revolves around Ross and Rachel's on-a-break/off-a-break romance. By the finale of Season 5, while on vacation in Vegas, the two are definitely back on — although they don't realize it until the following morning (and the first episode of Season 6). The couple wakes up in bed together, and finds out from the rest of the group that they drunkenly got married the night before. It's one of Ross and Rachel's best "Friends" moments — and the drama that follows only makes it more excruciating for them and enjoyable for the audience.

Rachel immediately wants an annulment, but Ross is reluctant. He thinks that another failed marriage will forever brand him as "Three Divorces Guy," a status outranked by all but Murderer Guy, Four Divorces Guy, and geologists in the already-competitive New York dating scene. Meanwhile, in the land of the clear-headed, Rachel is aghast that he thinks they can just stay married. During one argument about the situation, when Ross tries to patronizingly tell her that when "a difference of opinion ... happens in a marriage," Rachel interrupts with, "Oh Ross, come on. This is not a marriage: This is the world's worst hangover!" That comeback came straight from Aniston, and the script reportedly had Rachel snapping, "Stop saying the word marriage!" (via Her.ie). 

Unfortunately for the two characters, it took a humiliating interaction with a judge and hiring a divorce lawyer to untangle the mess that just wouldn't stay in Vegas.