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The Real Reason Shea Whitfield Was Absent On Bargain Block

If you have been keeping up with all the episodes of "Bargain Block," you may have noticed something missing on the May 26 episode. Although the show is relatively new, having just premiered in April, fans noticed realtor Shea Hicks Whitfield was absent from the most recent episode. This HGTV show takes on home improvement experts and life partners Evan Thomas and Keith Bynum as they purchase blocks of houses in the Detroit, Michigan, area and flip them into affordable communities. Since the show's inception, the work-life duo has used Whitfield as the go-to realtor for the area. 

Given Whitfield's recent absence, some fans have been wondering if that was the last time they would see the Detroit native. The HGTV star, who works for Alexander Real Estate, has over 15 years of experience and provides Keith and Evan with all the right tools they need to flip these houses. And as it turns out, there is a reason why she was absent on the last episode of "Bargain Block."

The May 26 episode was actually the pilot

Fans will be relieved to find out last night's episode was actually the pilot, and Whitfield had not yet been added to the cast at that point. Some fans caught this little detail, while others were still left wondering why she wasn't on the episode. Whether or not you suspected this, many viewers took to Twitter to get to the bottom of this mystery. Thankfully, HGTV gave us the answers we were looking for, also tweeting that Whitfield will "be in the rest of the episodes" going forward.

On the pilot episode, Keith and Evan try to recreate the beauty in the "Modern House" and "Bohemian House," according to the show's website. While Whitfield didn't join the two main stars of "Bargain Block" just yet, the fact she will be featured in many episodes ahead suggests that she won't let HGTV take her city away from her that easily.