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The Untold Truth Of Dude Perfect's Garrett Hilbert

Out of all of the guys from Dude Perfect, Garrett Hilbert, aka the Purple Hoser, seems like the least open when it comes to his life behind the camera. Everyone else has no problem showing the world who they really are, while the Hoser always seems to have a more reserved attitude than the rest of the guys. There's nothing wrong with that, and fans adore him all the same. His nonchalant character is what makes him so unique to the group's eponymous show.

On the other hand, his more private nature means that fans also want to know more about this quiet, mysterious trick shot master. There are so many questions. For instance, where did Hilbert get his nickname? What's his role behind the scenes? What does he believe in at the end of the day? Sometimes, the quietest people can have the most surprising roles. 

Here's what we know about this unique figure from Dude Perfect, and his significance to their story.

Garrett Hilbert kind of started this whole thing

Yes, Dude Perfect is a group effort that took all five guys to create. Initially, the idea took off after Tyler Toney and his friends were recording trick shots in his backyard and putting it on YouTube. A few days later, "Good Morning America" reached out to them, and the rest was history.

However, if you look closely at this story, you will realize that Garrett may have played a more significant role than he initially realized. Sure, everyone, especially a group of guys, will try to do a cool trick shot every once in a while. But often, those trick shots are kickstarted with the help of a bet — and this is what happened with Dude PerfectBack when the guys were first starting to hang out, Tyler and Garrett decided to buy a basketball hoop and make some cool trick shots. It didn't take long before Garrett bet Tyler he couldn't make one of the shots. To no one's surprise today, Tyler made the shot, and Garrett had to give him his sandwich, according to Texas A&M Today

On top of that, Garrett claims in their "About Us" video to have brought the term "dude" back to Texas after he moved to California when he was younger. Of course, he might not be the only person who claims such a thing. However, his West Coast vernacular probably played a big role in the group's name.

Garrett Hilbert handles the finances for the group

As Dude Perfect progressed into what it is today, the guys all started to find themselves in a specific role within the company. Garrett, who went to Texas A&M as an architecture major, ended up handling the company's finances, according to his "Get to know" video.

This may seem like an insignificant role, but there's a lot of responsibility to that job. Not only does Garrett have to handle the money for the production of their YouTube videos, but also for their growing company, which has spread its wings into other ventures, including a headquarters in Frisco, Texas. On top of the YouTube channel, the guys at Dude Perfect are embarking on an upcoming U.S. tour starting in June, and it doesn't stop there. They've also launched a handful of mobile apps, including Dude Perfect and Dude Perfect 2. A few years later, the group was approved for a TV show on CMT called "The Dude Perfect Show." The show's second season had even greater success when it aired on Nickelodeon's sibling network, Viacom. Recently, the guys went back to YouTube to launch "Overtime," a YouTube after-show with tons of entertaining segments. Finally, Dude Perfect partnered with YouTube Originals in 2020 to release the "Dude Perfect: Backstage Pass" documentary.

Of course, Garrett has had some help with a few of these ventures, but in general, he is the one that is taking care of the bills.

Garrett Hilbert is a clean freak

Another significant role Garrett has in Dude Perfect is being the clean freak. This is not by choice, but more by nature, and it's a little-known detail about Garrett that came to light in their documentary. Here, Garrett predicts as to how the other guys will describe him — specifically, that he is clean. Not only does Garrett handle the majority of the money for the group, but he's also cleaning up after their messes.

Although these might not be the most desired jobs, they're both essential, and without Garrett, the entire show would not operate as it does. Thankfully for Garrett, his trick shot buddies recognize this about him. "If we didn't have a guy like Garrett in the group that cared about cleanliness and [being] organized, we wouldn't have room to do this interview because there would be a pile of garbage in the way," Tyler Toney said in the documentary.

Garrett Hilbert's nickname came from the second battle

A lot of people debate where Garrett got his nickname. Some believe it was because he was often sunburned, while others thought he had some connection with Canada. In fact, it doesn't have to do with either of those.

In one of their first videos, "Go-Kart Battle," each of the guys wore a different-colored shirt and picked names based on that. Ty was "Red Adrenaline," Cory was "Green Lightning," Cody was "Blue Flash," and Garrett was (guess what) "The Purple Hoser." 

As the series progressed, each of the guys grew into their own nicknames, separate from these shirt colors, and usually based on their physical features. Tyler, the only one with a full beard, is known as "Beard." The two twins became "Twin #1" and "Twin #2," determined by the one minute Cory was born before Coby. And of course, you have "The tall guy," who happens to be the tallest of the group, Cody. Unfortunately for Garrett, none of his physical features stuck with him, so he stuck with the one he was given, The Purple Hoser.

Garrett Hilbert puts God and family above all else

Like the rest of the Dude Perfect crew, Garrett is a very religious person who puts God and family above everything else. During their "About Us" video, Garrett goes into how the success of Dude Perfect was, in his belief, God's plan. He starts to share how all the guys initially went their separate ways, trying to chase their own careers. None of them realized God had a plan for them. When they took the leap of faith and committed to Dude Perfect full-time, it became larger than ever imagined, further proving God has a plan that is beyond our understanding, according to Garrett.

On top of having a strong religious background, Garrett also holds his family close to him as well. Garrett married his wife Kristin on May 28, 2012. Since then, the two have had three kids together: Owen, Lincoln, and Iris, according to Aussiecelebs.com

Garrett understands that while Dude Perfect is all fun and games, it's not what's matters in life. "I feel like for me, and I can speak for the other guys on this if you strip all of it away — if you stripped the office, the fun toys, making YouTube videos, the experiences we get to make — our hope's not in that," Garrett said. "It's fun, and we love doing it, but our hope's in Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross for us and him sacrificing his own son to die for us. God gave us this platform, and we need to use that platform to glorify his name."