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Andrew Garfield Adds Even More Confusion To The Spider-Man: No Way Home Situation

Keeping a secret during the production of a Marvel Cinematic Universe project has proven to be quite the task these days. With paparazzi that stalk the outskirts of the sets, members of the cast are leaked before Marvel Studios has a chance to tell their fans themselves. Occasionally, a surprise cameo can be kept under wraps, as we saw with Julia Louis-Dreyfus' role in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier." The actress had to be covered in a black cloak as she went in and out of filming to maintain the surprise, however.

Alongside "Thor: Love and Thunder," the "Spider-Man: No Way Home" production has had its fair share of leaks, with only a couple that have since been confirmed. Alfred Molina is confirmed to return as Doc Ock, a villain he made famous in 2004's Sam Raimi-directed "Spider-Man 2." It has long been rumored that Tobey Maguire will also return as his version of Spider-Man from the early 2000s films, though this remains unconfirmed by official sources. "The Amazing Spider-Man" star Andrew Garfield has also been a hot topic among fans, who believe he will join the upcoming movie as well, bringing three Peter Parkers into "No Way Home," which is sure looking like a live-action Spider-Verse.

Garfield obviously hasn't been confirmed either, since his very existence in the MCU would be a spoiler, but he made some recent comments that have many fans scratching their heads.

Andrew Garfield's latest Far From Home comments are super confusing

When catching up with Access recently, Andrew Garfield addressed the question of his return as Peter Parker in "Spider-Man: No Way Home." He noted that as a fan, the idea of appearing in the upcoming movie is really exciting, but suggests it's not happening as Marvel Studios has not approached him about the idea at this time. "I, of course, you know, I've heard all the rumors of everything, and to be frank, I think it's a really cool idea. But like, as a fan, just as a pure fan, to have like ... Yeah, it's a really cool idea," Garfield noted. "But, yeah, as I've said previously, it's not something that I, you know, I don't — God, I hate being given the responsibility of disappointing people. But, yeah, no. It's not something that I've been asked about [by Marvel Studios] or anything like that, but, you know, never say never."

The delivery of Garfield's statements were confusing as he fumbled over his words, but if his comments are true, then he will definitely not be appearing in "Far From Home," which has wrapped according to Entertainment Weekly. Of course, as we've seen with many an actor over the years with the MCU, Garfield could be lying about his role in the new movie to keep the big reveal as much of a surprise as possible. 

At least we know that he's not opposed to joining the MCU, we're just hoping he already has.