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Small Details You Missed In Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 1

In the "Star Wars" universe, everything is connected. Ever since 2014, when Disney reset the franchise's continuity, the company line has been that everything counts: movies, TV shows, comic books, video games. Even theme parks. No piece of "Star Wars" media stands alone. It's all part of one giant story, detailing the adventures that take place in a galaxy far, far away.

That includes the "Star Wars" cartoons, which have become famous for pushing the franchise in new directions while telling stories that appeal to fans of all ages, not just kids. The latest animated series, "Star Wars: The Bad Batch," is no exception. Explicitly building on the foundation laid by "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" and "Star Wars Rebels," "The Bad Batch" chronicles the transformation of the Republic into the Empire by focusing on the experience of four disillusioned soldiers (and one little girl) as they navigate this quickly changing galaxy.

For the most part, "The Bad Batch" stands alone. If you've seen the original three "Star Wars" movies, you should be set (although some experience with the controversial prequel trilogy won't hurt). However, "The Bad Batch" is a love letter to "Star Wars" continuity, and the more you know about the series, the more you'll get out of it — after all, the show is packed with small details designed to get hardcore fans in a tizzy. Here are a few examples.

Our adventure begins with a very familiar voice

Obviously, "The Bad Batch" owes a huge debt to "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," the Lucasfilm animated series that ran from 2008 to 2014, and which returned in 2020 for a brief, 12-episode finale. Not only were Hunter, Tech, Echo, and the rest introduced in the first arc of "The Clone Wars" revival run, but "The Bad Batch" picks up right where the previous show left off, with the introduction of Order 66 and the Clone Troopers' execution of the Jedi.

The "Bad Batch" pilot pays tribute to its "Clone Wars" legacy right off the bat, too. First, the "Clone Wars" logo appears onscreen, only to be burned away and replaced by "The Bad Batch" insignia. The first episode of "The Bad Batch" then launches into a Saturday morning serial-inspired recap, just like the ones that kick off every episode of "The Clone Wars" — a touch that later episodes of "The Bad Batch" don't seem to include.

As on "The Clone Wars," the opening voiceover is performed by actor Tom Kane, who also played Yoda on the older series. However, in late 2020, Kane suffered a stroke, and may have to retire from voice acting. If so, "The Bad Batch" opening isn't just a nice way to bridge the gap between the two shows. It's also a wonderful tribute to one of the "Star Wars" animated series' signature voices, and solidifies Kane's legacy in a galaxy far, far away.

The Bad Batch's real name means more than you think

Officially, the Bad Batch isn't actually called the Bad Batch. In the Republic — and, later, Imperial — records, the group of misfit clones is actually known as Clone Force 99. As "Clone Wars" viewers know, that's a number loaded with significance.

In the Season 3 "Clone Wars" episode "Clone Cadets," which is, chronologically speaking, the first time that we meet Bad Batch member Echo, we're introduced to a clone known as 99. Compared to the other clones, he's a little different. See, something went wrong during 99's creation, and he was plagued by a number of genetic defects that rendered him unfit for duty. He basically became a glorified janitor on Kamino, home of the Republic's cloning facilities. 99's heart, however, worked just fine: Despite staying away from the front lines, 99 considered all clones, particularly those still in training, as his brothers, and ultimately gave up his life to keep them safe.

"Clone Cadets" is actually the first time in "Star Wars" canon that we hear someone use the phrase "bad batch," which is said in reference to Echo and his original team. It also makes sense that the Republic squad made up of divergent clones would name themselves after the most beloved of their number. However, the name Clone Force 99 also has more sinister connotations: If you turn 99 upside down, you get 66, the name of the top secret order that resulted in the Jedi's extinction at the clones' hands.

You've seen that Padawan before

"The Bad Batch" is about trouble faced by everyday soldiers, not the high and mighty battles fought by the Jedi and the Sith, but you'll still see a few lightsabers in the latest "Star Wars" cartoon. The series pilot, for example, gives us an up close and personal look at how Clone Force 99 reacted to Palpatine's Order 66 by detailing the execution of Jedi Master Depa Billaba and the escape of her Padwan, Caleb Dume.

Of course, if you're all caught up on your "Star Wars" animated series, you know Caleb by a different name: Kanan Jarrus, which is the identity he uses in "Star Wars Rebels," where he leads the titular group of freedom fighters. As the Galactic Civil War raged, Jarrus would go on to raise a Padawan of his own, Ezra Bridger, and helped strike many blows against the Empire alongside the crew of the Ghost, a ship piloted by his girlfriend (and, eventually, the mother of his child), Hera Syndulla.

Interestingly, this is actually the second time we've seen Kanan's brush with Order 66. The 2015 Marvel comic miniseries "Kanan: The Last Padawan," written by "Rogue One" scribe Gary Whitta and illustrated by Pepe Larraz, shows us a slightly different version of these events. In the comic, Bilaba tells Kanan that she'll be right behind him as he flees — "It is the first time my master has ever lied to me," Caleb observes — and the Bad Batch itself isn't seen.

Still, it seems like the "Bad Batch" creative team had the comic in mind while designing the scene. The clones hunting Caleb in "The Last Padawan" have red markings that recall the paint on the Bad Batch's armor, while one of the Republic soldiers hunting Caleb utters "Good soldiers follow orders," a line repeated by Crosshair in the "Bad Batch" pilot.

The sinister Easter egg lurking in the Bad Batch's quarters

Once the Bad Batch return to Kamino, but before Crosshair betrays them and they're forced to go on the run, the defective clones spend a little bit of time unwinding in their quarters. There's no doubt that the clones have made the room their own. On Tech's bunk, for example, you can see schematics for some kind of device etched on the wall. Hunter's is decorated with the Bad Batch's skull symbol, while printed out targets featuring battle droids hang by Crosshair's, showing off his prowess as a marksman.

The most curious piece of decorating, however, is right by the front door. As the Bad Batch enters the room, Wrecker assumes the job of updating the team's successful mission count, which is scratched into the wall. A quick camera pan reveals that the Bad Batch has already finished 55 missions, while Wrecker says he's adding 11 more. What does that add up to? Why, 66, of course — which, as we already know, is a very ominous number in "Star Wars" canon.

A tribute to the bounty hunter who started it all

If there's any one clone who's more famous than all the others, it has to be Boba Fett, who was first introduced in "The Empire Strikes Back." Like the rest of the clone army, Boba was cloned from a bounty hunter named Jango Fett, and inherited Jango's face, his voice, and many of his abilities. Unlike the other clones, however, Boba didn't come with any extra changes, like the clone soldiers' accelerated growth cycle, their behavioral modifications, or their genetic enhancements. After Obi-Wan Kenobi killed Jango on Geonosis, Boba took Jango's ship and his armor went into business for himself, and it wasn't long before he became a feared bounty hunter in his own right.

Boba doesn't appear in "The Bad Batch" — or, at least, he hasn't yet — but the new cartoon pays tribute to both Boba and his clone-daddy in a very subtle way. When the Bad Batch heads to Kamino's training room for their evaluation — revisiting a location that played a big role in Echo's origin story, the "Clone Wars" episode "Clone Cadets," by the way — from certain angles the floating training droids look a lot like Jango and Boba's ship, the Slave I. It's not a one-to-one match, but given Clone Force 99's history, the resemblance probably isn't an accident, either.

The critter that connects all of the cartoons

Baby Yoda, BB-8, Babu Frik, the Porgs, the Ewoks, D-O, the Jawas, and so many more: The "Star Wars" universe isn't hurting for unbelievably cute creatures. That goes for the cartoons, too. The Loth-Cat, an adorable little predator native to the planet Lothal, was introduced in the fifth episode of "Star Wars Rebels," titled "Rise of the Old Masters," and has been the animated series' go-to mascot ever since (a few Loth-Cats have also popped up in "The Mandalorian," which is fitting, since "Clone Wars," "Rebels," and "Bad Batch" co-creator Dave Filoni also produces that series).

While the Bad Batch doesn't visit Lothal in the pilot, it's not too surprising that a Loth-Cat makes an appearance anyway. While the clones are getting ready to make their big escape, Omega finds a stuffed animal on the ground. It turns out that the plushie belongs to Wrecker, showing us that the big brute has a softer side. It's also pretty clearly a Loth-Cat, albeit one decked out in the Bad Batch's signature red and black. If the giant ears, round eyes, and scowling mouth don't convince you, the stuffed animal's name, "Lola," should seal the deal.

Why you may think you've seen Omega before

The Bad Batch aren't the only divergent clones on Kamino. "The Bad Batch" pilot also introduces us to Omega, a young girl who is much more than she seems. For one, she's the first female clone we've seen in the "Star Wars" canon. For another, she's the protege of Nala Se, Kamino's chief medical officer — a strange position for a clone. There's clearly something special about her, and while "The Bad Batch" hasn't clued us in to what it is just yet, chances are it's something big.

"The Bad Batch" is the first time we've met Omega, but if you're a longtime "Star Wars" fan, she might look kind of familiar. Squint, and Omega is almost a dead ringer for Cindel Towani, one of the human leads in the Ewoks movies. The wavy blond hair. The stylish headband. The impish grin. In terms of continuity, there's no obvious link between the two characters, but it's hard to imagine the "Bad Batch" crew didn't have Cindel in mind when designing Omega.

In those made-for-TV Ewoks films, Cindel is the youngest daughter of a family of settlers who crash-land on the planet Endor and fall afoul of hungry beasts, marauding warlords, and Force-wielding witches. Thankfully, the Ewoks — particularly Cindel's friend, Wicket — are always there to lend a hand. From what we've seen so far, Omega seems to be fairly different from Cindel, but there aren't many kids who get the spotlight in "Star Wars," and it's not a stretch to say that they're cut from the same cloth.

Where you've seen Saleucami before

In many ways, the "Star Wars" universe is actually pretty small. While there's an entire galaxy's worth of star systems out there, "Star Wars" stories tend to revisit the same worlds over and over. The Saleucami system, the setting for the second episode of "The Bad Batch," is no exception.

Diehard "Star Wars" fans probably knew that the Bad Batch was headed to Saleucamia before the episode, titled "Cut and Run," aired. At the end of the "Bad Batch" pilot, Hunter tells Tech to plot a course for J-19. That's the designation for the Suolriep sector, which contains Saleucami, as revealed in the "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" episode "Grievous Intrigue." In that episode, the commander of the Separatists' droid army, General Grievous, captures Jedi Master Eeth Koth and takes him to Saleucami, forcing Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywaker, and Master Adi Gallia to mount a rescue mission.

The Jedi save Koth, but Grievous crash-lands on Saleucami, setting up the events of the next episode, "The Deserter," in which we meet Cut and Suu for the first time. It's not the last time we'll see Saleucami in the "Star Wars" timeline, either. In "Revenge of the Sith," Saleucami is where the Jedi Stass Allie is killed while on her speeder bike following the issuing of Order 66.

Cut and Suu's farm has changed with the times

As "Clone Wars" viewers know, Cut, Suu, and their family aren't new characters. The modest farmers first appeared in the "Clone Wars" episode "The Deserter," in which Captain Rex, injured in an attack, shelters with the clone deserter and his wife. In exchange for their hospitality, Rex promises not to rat Cut out, and leaves them to live their lives once he's healthy.

Clearly, that happened a while ago, because when "The Bad Batch" reunites viewers with the Lawquane farm, things look very different. Cut now has a gray streak in his hair, indicating how much he's aged. His children, Shaeeah and Jek, have grown as well — their lekku, or head-tails, are longer, and their skin tones have become much more vibrant. The farm itself is now surrounded by a wire fence and other security measures, including battle droid sentries likely cobbled together from pieces of those destroyed during "The Deserter," probably as a response to the attacks that happened during "The Clone Wars."

"Cut and Run" also functions as a minor retcon to Cut and Suu's story. In Chuck Wendig's novel "Aftermath," which details the events that follow the Emperor's death in "Return of the Jedi," a squabbling family on Saleucami references "Old Man Cut," who's presumably still living on the planet. However, we know now that Cut and his family left Saleucami shortly after the Clone Wars ended. It's possible that Cut moved back to Saleucami at a later date, but it's much more likely that the creators of "The Bad Batch" simply forgot about this minor piece of "Star Wars" canon when plotting the episode.

Signs of a galaxy in transition

Say what you will about the Empire, but if nothing else, it's very efficient. Presumably, "Cut and Run" takes place right after Palpatine issued Order 66 and transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire — Jedi bodies were still being hauled out of Kamino when the Bad Batch returned, and they fled almost immediately afterwards — but by the time the clones get to Saleucami, the Imperial machine is already up and running.

You can see this best when Cut and Hunter head into town to get the lay of the land. Instead of the eight-pointed Emblem of the Galactic Republic, all government buildings now sport the six-spoked Imperial crest. The language has been updated, too. The kiosk where the clone troopers issue chain codes and shuttle tickets has been re-named the "Imperial Information Station" (if you can't read the text, that's probably because it's written in Aurebesh, the "Star Wars" universe's fictional alphabet).

The Imperial chain codes that cause Cut, Suu, and the Bad Batch so much trouble are pretty new additions to "Star Wars" canon, too. They were first mentioned in the pilot episode of "The Mandalorian," and have only actually popped up onscreen once: In episode 14 of "The Mandalorian," Boba Fett shares his chain code with Din Djarin in order to prove ownership of his beskar armor.

Captain Rex is on his way

The Bad Batch aren't the only clones who escaped Order 66. In the final episodes of "The Clone Wars," Ahsoka Tano uses the Force to disable Clone Captain Rex's inhibitor chip, freeing him from Emperor Palpatine's mind control. In turn, Rex helps Ahsoka escape the clone army and fake her death, paving the way for her return in "Star Wars Rebels" and "The Mandalorian."

That's why, when Rex gets name-dropped in "Cut and Run," it's a big deal. Rex is a major figure in "Star Wars" lore: Not only was he Anakin Skywalker's second-in-command during the Clone Wars, but he ended up fighting for the Rebellion thanks to the heroes of "Star Wars Rebels." He even fought on the forest moon of Endor, helping the Rebels destroy the second Death Star and bringing the Empire to its knees.

However, we know absolutely nothing about what Rex was up to between "The Clone Wars" and "Star Wars Rebels," leaving a huge gap in his history — one that "The Bad Batch" looks like it's going to fill. Not only has Rex been sighted in trailers for "The Bad Batch," but Cut and Suu mention that the Bad Batch are only a day or so behind him. Expect Rex to show up sooner rather than later.

Vice Admiral Rampart

Although Clone Force 99 aren't pitted against the Empire in "The Bad Batch" Episode 3, the show still weaves in an Imperial storyline as Crosshair's new assignment of leading a squad of conscripted soldiers is introduced. But most interestingly of all, spearheading the initiative is Vice Admiral Rampart (Noshir Dalal), who's properly introduced for the first time in this episode. However, from a conversation he has with Grand Moff Tarkin (Stephen Stanton), it quickly becomes apparent that this isn't the first time audiences have seen Rampart.

When Rampart first arrives on Kamino, Tarkin praises him for the successful rollout of the Chain Codes, which give each Imperial citizen a unique number so that the Empire can register and track every single person under their rule. Cast your minds back to "The Bad Batch" Episode 2 on Saleucami, when Hunter and Cut Lawquane are trying to figure out how to get the Lawquane family off-planet. In the background, there's a huge hologram of Vice Admiral Rampart waxing lyrical about how great Chain Codes are and how they benefit Imperial citizens.

Clearly, the series is cleverly seeding storylines and characters to build upon with each new episode.

Wrecker's stuffed toy

As each episode goes by, Omega is slowly becoming a fully fledged member of Clone Force 99 — and that's made even clearer with the ending of Episode 3. It's fair to say that the ship the team now calls home isn't exactly child-friendly, but after a brief skirmish involving an Ordo Moon Dragon, the Bad Batch realizes they need to make Omega feel safe. In a truly touching moment, Wrecker uses a bunch of spare materials to make a bedroom for Omega.

What makes his efforts all the more heartfelt is that Wrecker gives Omega his Lula stuffed toy, which is designed to look like a Tooka Cat. Since Omega had gone out of her way to find Lula for Wrecker when the Empire took over Kamino, it's a nice gesture from Wrecker to make the newest member of Clone Force 99 feel safe and welcome — even when they're on the run.

This isn't the first time we've seen Pantora

Most of "The Bad Batch" takes place on the planet of Pantora, as the team need to stock up on supplies and scramble their ship's signal to avoid the Empire. Clone Force 99 heads to a sprawling marketplace to replenish their supplies, but this isn't the first time we've seen Pantora in the "Star Wars" universe. Pantora previously made an appearance way back in the third season of "The Clone Wars" in Episode 4, "Sphere of Influence." That episode sees Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein) partner up with the planet's Senator in an attempt to save Baron Notluwiski Papanoida's (Corey Burton) daughters and stop the Trade Federation from taking control of Pantora.

Pantora has been mentioned a handful of times in various books that take place in the current "Star Wars" canon — like "Thrawn," "Phasma," and "Last Shot." It's not a key part of the universe, but it's great to see Dave Filoni and the writers behind "Star Wars: The Bad Batch" examining how things have changed in familiar locations after the rise of the Empire.

That toy looks familiar

When Hunter, Echo, and Omega head to a store to try and sell explosives for credits (as one does), Omega can't help but be enchanted by everything she sees. Remember, this is only the second civilized planet she's been to outside of Kamino. Unfortunately, Hunter doesn't teach Omega the lesson that every parent has surely said to their children at some point in their lives: Look with your eyes and not your hands! Thus, when a clone trooper toy catches Omega's eye, she picks it up — before dropping it — and the shopkeeper berates her for it.

It's not the first time we've seen toy soldiers in the "Star Wars" universe. Cast your mind back to the opening of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," when Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) and the Death Troopers are hunting for Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) and his family on Lah'mu. The reason the intimidating death squad knows that Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) is still hiding somewhere in the area is because she dropped her stormtrooper toy. It does seem a little odd that there are toys of soldiers controlled by a fascist empire, but then again, it's a sly way of the Imperials endearing themselves with normal citizens by indoctrinating them from a young age. Emperor Palpatine's thought of it all, hasn't he?

The Attack of the Clones parallel

As the team catches some unwanted attention from a young Fennec Shand (Ming-na Wen), there's a high-speed chase to save Omega from the bounty hunter. It's not clear who Fennec is trying to kidnap Omega for, as her employer is never shown. It's possible that she's working for the Kaminoans, who seem to be quietly rebelling against the Empire, but the ruling regime could've also outsourced to the bounty hunter to get Omega back. Regardless, Fennec adds a dash of danger to the fourth episode of "The Bad Batch."

Maybe we're looking too closely at this, but the high-speed chase is strangely reminiscent of a similar scene in "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones." Fans will remember Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) hurtling through Coruscant in a speeder as they chase a bounty hunter for the attempted assassination of Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman). "The Bad Batch" utilizes a lot of the same sound effects of the various ships flying through the skies of Pantora, while also featuring a hero chasing a bounty hunter. There's nothing deeper to it than that, but it's an interesting parallel. Is it really a "Star Wars" adventure if there isn't some kind of speeder chase?

Cid sounds familiar

"The Bad Batch" Episode 5, "Rampage" sees the team head to the planet of Ord Mantell in search of an old Jedi informant who might be able to help find out why Fennec Shand was hunting Omega in Episode 4. After some slight confusion because Echo had never actually met the informant before, the Clone Force 99 meets Cid in a shady bar. Although her underworld connections prove to be pretty helpful in getting information for the Bad Batch (not to mention a nice payday), Cid has a very distinctive voice.

That's because she's voiced by none other than Rhea Perlman! Come on, don't say you don't know who she is. Younger audiences might know her better for playing Zinnia Wormwood in the 1996 classic "Matilda," but she also had a leading role in "Cheers" as Carla Tortelli. And yes, she's also married to Danny DeVito. It seems like Perlman will have a recurring voice role in "The Bad Batch" as the clones strike up a new partnership with Cid, since she says there's plenty of money to be made in mercenary work.

Wrecker's headache

Although the majority of the team (Crosshair aside) weren't affected by the inhibitor chips in their heads due to their genetic abnormalities, they're clearly still a problem. Back in Episode 3, "Replacements," Tech is trying to build a scanner to see if the chips are functioning as normal before the team gets stranded on a moon. Shortly after that, Wrecker complains of having a pretty bad headache.

Well, Wrecker's headache makes another appearance in Episode 5, suggesting that the show's writers might be setting up the clone to either revert to the Empire's programming in a future episode or become first test subject for Tech's scanner. Either way, it's not looking good for Wrecker in the future. Hopefully "The Bad Batch" doesn't kill him off, because he's a genuinely lovable hero. He's not as smart as the rest of the squad, but his heart is always in the right place.

The Zygerrians

In Episode 5, Clone Force 99 is pitted against a band of Zygerrian slavers who have set up shop on Ord Mantell, but it's not the first time the alien species has appeared in the "Star Wars" timeline. In fact, Dave Filoni set up their schemes back during "The Clone Wars" Season 4, when the Zygerrian Queen Miraj Scintel (voiced by Rajia Baroudi) allied herself with Count Dooku (Corey Burton) in attempt to restore her empire, which had been built on the evils of slavery.

Scintel briefly flirted with the idea of forcing Anakin Skywalker (voiced by Matt Lanter) to be her personal bodyguard instead of killing him for Dooku, but the villainous Sith lord wound up betraying the Queen and killed her. Clearly, the delusions of grandeur got the better of the Zygerrians now that the Republic has fallen and there are ways of making money from their old system again. Thankfully, the Bad Batch quickly put a stop to the Zygerrians' operations on Ord Mantell — for the time being, at least.

Muchi the rancor

One of the most surprising moments in "The Bad Batch" Episode comes from the team being tasked to save "Muchi" from a group of slavers. But surprisingly, Muchi isn't a downtrodden civilian — no, she's a rancor. In fact, she's probably the rancor from "Return of the Jedi." We know this because Bib Fortuna (Jabba the Hutt's righthand Twi'lek) is the one who gave Cid the contract in the first place.

Muchi's much younger in "The Bad Batch" than when the towering beast tries to eat Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) in the 1983 film, standing at a similar height to Wrecker. But since "The Bad Batch" adds a playful spin on the rancor with Omega riding on Muchi by the end of the episode, it adds a bittersweet element to it all because we know what's destined to happen to the "kind of cute" creature, as Omega describes her. It's an excellent example of the writers weaving details through the animated shows and the live-action movies.

It's kind of sad, though. Muchi's first introduced as she's locked up in a cage, and when we see her in "Return of the Jedi," she's caged underneath Jabba's Palace. It seems like she spends most of her life in chains. Who knew they'd make us care for a monster like the rancor nearly 40 years later?

Hello, Corellia

Now that the clones are fully embarking on their new careers as mercenaries working out of Ord Mantell, Cid sends them off on a new well-paying job, also promising to keep them safe from the Empire. And once again, the animated series takes to a place we've seen before — this time in live-action. The Bad Batch are tasked with retrieving a Separatist Tactical Droid from a decommissioning facility on the industrial world of Corellia. It's the homeworld of one Han Solo, and audiences last saw the planet during "Solo: A Star Wars Story."

The planet is filled with shipyards used by the Empire, and, unsurprisingly, has a criminal underbelly (which is where Han got started in life). Once the clones break their way into the decommissioning facility, the episode doesn't explore much more of Corellia, but we're just grateful it didn't try to shoehorn in a cameo from the scruffy-lookin' nerf-herder himself. That would've felt cheap.

Crosshair's line

Don't worry — you didn't miss a sneaky Crosshair cameo in "The Bad Batch" Episode 6. However, there is a line of dialogue that echos over an important moment for Wrecker. The situation with his ongoing headache starts to escalate in the facility after he hits his head while jumping over a gap to a control panel. Clearly, his inhibitor chip is starting to take over and causing him to hear the orders that the Empire and the Kaminoans transmitted when Order 66 was enacted at the start of the series.

As he's unconscious on the floor, Wrecker hears his old team-mate Crosshair say, "Good soldiers follow orders," which is what the sniper originally said way back in "The Bad Batch" Episode 1 when he was trying to shoot the Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume. Let's face it: Wrecker's going to go full Winter Soldier soon, isn't he? If you kill the most lovable member of the team, Dave Filoni, we'll never forgive you.

Rafa, Trace, and R7

Just to make things a little more complicated for Clone Force 99 in Episode 6, they have two other mercenaries to contend with for the Tactical Droid: Rafa and Trace Martez (voiced by Elizabeth Rodriquez and Brigitte Kali). If you've not seen the final season of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," the two sisters appeared in an early set of episodes alongside Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein). They were more focused on just surviving day to day on Coruscant before meeting Ahsoka, who changed their outlook on life. So it's interesting that they seem to be working directly against the Empire in "The Bad Batch."

It's not clear who they're getting the Tactical Droid's information for since the hologram at the end of the episode is obscured from the camera, but Rafa does say "patch him through R7," suggesting that they're working with a man. Could it be Commander Rex? He did survive the "Clone Wars" finale alongside Ahsoka, so that's a possibility. It's also not impossible that Rafa and Trace reconnected with Ahsoka now that she and Rex are on the run. After all, they're seemingly using her astromech droid, R7. Obviously, this could just be another droid with the same designation, but it does seem a bit coincidental.

Planet Bracca

After weeks of teasing how Wrecker's headache is getting worse due to his inhibitor chip, "The Bad Batch" Episode 7 finally shows the crew getting some help in addressing the situation — from none other than "The Clone Wars" hero Captain Rex. He meets with Clone Force 99 on the sprawling junkyard planet of Bracca to get rid of the chips once and for all.

Like most other planets in the series so far, this isn't the first time we've seen Bracca in "Star Wars." In fact, Bracca introduced us to one of the most recent additions to the universe: Cal Kestis, played by Cameron Monaghan. Cal is the lead character of the "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order" game, which arrived on consoles at the end of 2019. Cal's adventure starts on Bracca as he hides his force-sensitive nature from the Empire, working as a scavenger taking apart the Republic fleet of starships.

In "The Bad Batch," Clone Force 99 and Rex climb through these old Venator-class ships on Bracca to find a working med-bay to take out their inhibitor chips. Obviously, Rex has some experience with this, since Ahsoka Tano performed a similar surgery on him at the end of "The Clone Wars."

That Y-Wing looks familiar

When the team touches down on Bracca to meet Rex, they park next to his blue and white Y-Wing, which might look pretty familiar to fans of "The Clone Wars." It looks to be the exact same Y-Wing we last saw Rex and Ahsoka Tano flying in during the dramatic "Clone Wars" Season 7 finale, which revolved around Order 66 and how the pair escaped from the thousands of clones aboard their ship. It was a pretty dramatic finale, focusing on Ahsoka's determination to stay alive while she's completely outnumbered.

The blue and white Y-wing has definitely had a few modifications since the last time we saw it, with an extra turret on the top of the cockpit that Ahsoka climbed into after falling from the exploding republic ship at the end of the "Clone Wars" Season 7. Although Rex explains to Clone Force 99 that Rafa and Trace were the ones who pointed him to their whereabouts, it's hard not to wonder whether Ahsoka is far behind. She is getting her own live-action series soon after all.

The Photon Torpedo

For the most part, "The Bad Batch" Episode 8, "Reunion," takes place on the junkyard planet Bracca. Aside from a few snippets of the Kaminoans ominously discussing how they want Omega back, the majority of the episode sees Clone Force 99 scrambling through a wrecked Jedi cruiser to get supplies and weapons they can sell Cid. Well, before they're faced with Crosshair, that is. They quickly have to use the bombs they scavenged to escape his clutches.

One moment in particular sees Wrecker throw a photon torpedo at one of the new stormtroopers. The noise the torpedo makes when it hits the floor is the exact same sound used in battle scenes from "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" when huge cannons fire at the Separatist forces in space and the torpedo cartridges hit the ground. It's the attention to detail that really makes "The Bad Batch" a joy to watch for long-time "Star Wars" fans.

Cad Bane

Okay, this one could be argued as a pretty big detail, but we couldn't leave one of the best bounty hunters out of this list. Hello again, Cad Bane!

The fan-favorite bounty hunter was a recurring villain in "The Clone Wars" series, with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker often going up against him as he worked for the Separatists as well as the galaxy's criminal underworld. One of the best Bane appearances was back in "The Clone Wars" Season 4, when he battled other bounty hunters (including Obi-Wan in disguise) to win a contract with Count Dooku.

But in "The Bad Batch," the Kaminoans hired the blue gunslinger to find Omega and bring her back to them. Obviously, Hunter stands in his way in a tense stand-off, but ultimately, Cad Bane is better on the quickdraw and shoots Clone Force 99's leader. While he's not dead, he's definitely injured.

Since Cad Bane is one of the best characters to come out of "The Clone Wars," it isn't all that surprising that Dave Filoni brought him back for "The Bad Batch." And since he succeeded in kidnapping Omega for the Kaminoans, this definitely isn't the last we've seen of him.

Taun We

Picking up after Cad Bane kidnaps Omega at the end of Episode 8, the next chapter mainly follows the young clone as she tries to escape the bounty hunter's clutches. We know he's working for the Kaminoans, who want Omega back because of her first-generation genetic material. (Basically, she's a pure clone of Jango Fett.) But a character from the "Star Wars" prequel trilogy is sent to rendezvous with Bane and pay him for retrieving Omega: Taun We, voiced by Rena Owen.

The Kaminoan appears in only a handful of scenes in "Attack of the Clones," when Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) first travels to the watery planet and discovers the existence of the Republican army. This actually isn't the first time Taun We has shown up in "The Bad Batch" either; she can also be seen in the first episode of the series, entitled "Aftermath," but her role here is a bit more noteworthy. She's sent to collect Omega instead of Nala Se, the medical chief, and is personally invested in the young clone's survival since Omega was her medical assistant.

However, it seems that when Taun We arrived at the abandoned cloning facility on Bora Vio, Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) killed her off screen, as Cad Bane and Omega find her body at the rendezvous point. In the Legends continuity — before Disney and Lucasfilm established the new canon — Taun We originally died during the battle on Novus Kamino Prime.

Dead clones

"The Bad Batch" Episode 9 briefly gets a little creepy after Omega escapes from Cad Bane and is running through the halls of the abandoned facility. She stumbles into a room of old cloning tubes, with the dead beings still entombed inside, floating in a green liquid that gives the room an eerie glow. Surely we can't be the only ones who saw a parallel to the dead Snoke and Emperor Palpatine clones spotted in "The Rise of Skywalker" on Exegol, right?

Plus, failed clones have been in "Star Wars” TV series before. Cast your minds back to "The Mandalorian” Season 2, Episode 4, "The Siege” when Din Djarin helped blow up an Imperial base on Navarro. The facility housed Dr. Pershing's laboratory filled with what looked like failed Palpatine clones. It surely can't be a coincidence since Dave Filoni is an executive producer on "The Mandalorian" and the creator of "The Bad Batch."

It certainly seems like Disney and Lucasfilm are retroactively trying to set up threads tying into "The Rise of Skywalker" and Emperor Palpatine's resurrection.

Raxus has some history behind it

"The Bad Batch" Episode 10, "Common Ground," takes the team to the planet Raxus to save a senator who's at risk of being executed by the Empire. Typical in-and-out mission, right? Maybe not. Clone Force 99 spent years fighting against the Separatist forces during "The Clone Wars," and it's revealed that the Senator they've been paid to rescue was, at one point, on the opposing side of the war. Well, that makes things a little difficult, doesn't it?

Raxus has a long history in "The Clone Wars," as it was chosen as the new capital city of the Confederacy of Independent Systems following the battle of Geonosis in "Attack of the Clones." Padme Amidala and Ahsoka Tano visited Raxus in the early days of the civil war in "The Clone Wars" Season 3, Episode 10, "Heroes on Both Sides," in an attempt to start peace negotiations with the Separatists. Although their talks with Senator Mina Bonteri were successful, Count Dooku disrupted them by bombing Coruscant.

The planet also appeared in the "Dark Disciple" book, which followed Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos as he partnered with ex-Sith apprentice, Asajj Ventress in an attempt to assassinate Count Dooku. Obviously, that didn't exactly go to plan — and Ventress was killed by her former master, while Vos very nearly succumbed to the Dark Side.

Recognize these Raxians?

Aside from the voice talents of Dee Bradley Baker, Michelle Ang, and Rhea Perlman, there are two other recognizable voices in "Common Ground" with the arrival of GS-8 and Senator Avi Singh. The Senator's droid, GS-8, is the one who hires Clone Force 99 to rescue Senator Singh in the first place, and her voice might sound familiar for fans of "Fleabag." No, Phoebe Waller-Bridge isn't in "The Bad Batch."

However, Sian Clifford is, bringing a delightfully polite air to the episode, which contrasts well against the no-nonsense clone troopers. What makes her role even more interesting is that Clifford plays the sister of the titular character in "Fleabag," but the star and creator of the series, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, previously played the droid L3-37 in "Solo: A Star Wars Story."

Meanwhile, GS-8's master Senator Singh is voiced by a notable "Star Trek" actor, Alexander Siddig. Although his character is only in the episode to be rescued by the Bad Batch, he still has some fun with the role. Siddig is no stranger to science-fiction and fantasy, as most fans will know him for playing Dr. Julian Bashir in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," as well as Doran Martell in "Game of Thrones" and even Ra's Al Ghul in "Gotham."


What's that? "The Bad Batch" visits yet another familiar planet in the galaxy? Surely not! In Episode 11, most of the action takes place on Ryloth — and a bit of it is set on a nearby moon — as the Empire tightens its grip on the Outer Rim.

Ryloth is home to one of the most famous races in the "Star Wars" universe: the Twi'Leks. They've got two long tails, which are called Lekku, attached to their heads. They've been seen across a number of the live-action movies, through characters like Aayla Secura (Amy Allen) in the prequel trilogy and Bib Fortuna (Michael Carter) and Oola (Femi Taylor) in "Return of the Jedi."

Ryloth itself has appeared a number of times in animation, as Separatist forces occupy it during "The Clone Wars" Episode 19, "Storm Over Ryloth." That kicks off a three-episode arc in which Anakin Skywalker (Matt Lanter), Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein), and Obi-Wan Kenobi (James Arnold Tayor) fight to liberate Ryloth from the Separatists. Unfortunately, the planet's luck hasn't improved much in "The Bad Batch," as it's now occupied by the Galactic Empire after the end of "The Clone Wars."

Hera Syndulla

Yes, okay, Hera Syndulla (Vanessa Marshall) having a main role "The Bad Batch" Episode 11 is a pretty big detail. But some audiences might not realize her importance if they haven't seen "Star Wars: Rebels." Hera is an ace pilot in the 2014 series, working with Jedi Kanan Jarrus (Freddie Prince Jr.) and Ezra Bridger (Taylor Gray) to help cause havoc for the Empire and eventually aid in kickstarting the Rebel Alliance.

"The Bad Batch" Episode 11, "Devil's Deal," serves as a way of fleshing out her backstory and showing the audience how she's always had a love for flying. She even teaches Omega a thing or two about how a pilot has to "feel" for what they're doing. And, of course, Hera's reliable astromech droid Chopper stars alongside the young Twi'lek; he's part of the Ghost crew in "Rebels." Episode 11 also features Hera's father, Cham Syndulla (Robin Atkin Downes), who appeared in "The Clone Wars" when the Republican forces aid in fending off the Separatists.


"The Bad Batch" Episode 11 briefly calls back to both "The Clone Wars" and "The Mandalorian" as the Twi'lek rebels are shown riding Blurrgs while they scout out the Imperial forces toward the end of the episode. It's not the first time Blurrgs have been seen on Ryloth, since the Twi'leks ride them into battle during the fight against the Separatists in "The Clone Wars" Episode 21, "Liberty on Ryloth." So it makes sense why this new band of rebels are still using the reptilian creatures to carry them across the planet.

That's not the only time the Blurrgs have shown up in the "Star Wars" universe. They can also be seen in "The Mandalorian" as well. Kuill (Nick Nolte) even teaches Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) how to ride a Blurrg in the premiere episode of the live-action series. They can run up to 75 Kilometers an hour, which makes them perfectly speedy for what the Twi'leks need them for.

Captain Howzer's inhibitor chip

The two-part story set on Ryloth concludes with Episode 12, "Rescue on Ryloth," and it sees Clone Force 99 help Hera Syndulla save her family and a handful of insurgents from the Imperial occupation of their planet. But one of the clone troopers stationed on the planet under the Empire's rule is given more of a spotlight over both episodes than some fans were expecting. Captain Howzer turns a blind eye to Hera exploring the Imperial facilities, but he's also sympathetic to the Twi'leks' plight. This raises a particular question about his inhibitor chip.

As most "Star Wars" fans will know, Order 66 is the command forcing clones to turn on the Jedi and kill them, effectively wiping out the majority of the Jedi Order so Darth Sidious (Ian McDarmid) can rule the galaxy. And, per Fandom, "the biochip, when activated, would ensure total obedience in a clone, erasing existing biases and beliefs." Clearly, Howzer hasn't disobeyed orders this far — otherwise he'd have been executed for treason already — but he's definitely thinking independently.

The end of Episode 12 sees Howzer making a stand against the Imperial forces so that Clone Force 99 can escape with the insurgents, which shows that he has a moral bias. It's not a complaint as such, because he's clearly an interesting trooper, but why is he able to ignore the chip? Does he have a genetic abnormality like the Bad Batch themselves, or is his chip faulty? Either way, it looks like this isn't the last audiences have seen of Captain Howzer.

Chopper voiced by ... himself?

Because "The Bad Batch" uses the Ryloth storyline as a way of fleshing out Hera Syndulla's backstory ahead of her arc in "Star Wars: Rebels," the two episodes also include her lovable astromech droid Chopper. He adds some comedic relief into the story among the heavier plot points of military occupation, treason, and insurgency. This is meant to be a show suitable for children, after all. But there's an interesting detail about Chopper in the credits.

Obviously, the credits list all the voice actors in the episode and who they played, but Chopper is listed as being played by "himself." It's a cute little joke, but back in 2018, it was finally revealed who voiced the grumpy droid after 4 seasons of "Star Wars: Rebels" — none other than Lucasfilm Executive Producer Dave Filoni.

At the time, Filoni told /Film, "I would up playing Chopper because we had to deliver the first short to Disney to watch and we didn't have a final Chopper voice." He also added, "[Former Disney CEO] Bob Iger was like, 'I really like that little droid," and I was like, 'Well, now I'm stuck!' But it was fun."

So, there you have it: Dave Filoni voices Chopper.

Devaronians are everywhere

"The Bad Batch" episode 13 sees the squad helping Cid (Rhea Perlman) get her criminal empire back on Ord Mantell when she's been ousted by the son of a rival crime-lord. Clearly wanting to make a name for himself, Roland Durand takes over Cid's operation and starts dealing spice to the Pyke Syndicate. Although Roland is an entirely new character created for "The Bad Batch," his appearance is a familiar sight, mainly because he's a Devaronian — and they can be seen throughout the entire franchise. As per Fandom, one of the devilish aliens can be seen in the Mos Eisley Cantina in "Star Wars: A New Hope," but they've also had a much more prominent appearance recently, thanks to "The Mandalorian."

During Season 1, Episode 6, Din Djarin worked with Ran (Mark Boone Jr) and Migs Mayfield (Bill Burr) to free a prisoner from a New Republic prison ship. One of the criminals that helps Djarin on the job is a Devaronian named Burg (Clancy Brown) — who shows off immense strength and durability throughout the episode. With red skin and black horns, Burg looks pretty intimidating. Meanwhile, in "The Bad Batch," Roland Durand has green skin but his horns have a mossy-colored hue.

It seems like Roland's story isn't over in the galaxy far, far away, so it wouldn't be surprising if more Devaronians show up by the time "The Bad Batch" Season 1 ends.

The Pyke Syndicate and Oba Diah

Before "The Bad Batch," the Pyke Syndicate has previously shown up a number of times in "The Clone Wars," first appearing in Season 5, Episode 13, "Eminence." They were used by Count Dooku (voiced by Corey Burton) to kill Sifo-Dyas after the Jedi commissioned the Kaminoans to create the Republican Clone army. In "The Bad Batch" Episode 13, "Infested," the Pykes hold Omega and Roland hostage while Clone Force 99 retrieve the Spice crates lost in the Irling nest underneath Ord Mantell. Because the criminal organization is full of renowned Spice dealers across the galaxy, it isn't surprising that they're viciously protective of the narcotic.

The Pykes also show up in "Solo: A Star Wars Story" protecting the spice mines on Kessel — yes, that Kessel from the Kessel Run of Han Solo fame. They're also closely tied with Darth Maul because they joined the Shadow Collective, a group of various criminal organizations underneath the Sith Lord.

The Pykes' homeplanet, Oba Diah, is also named by Roland in the episode — a location previously seen in the final season of "The Clone Wars" with Ahsoka Tano (Ashley Eckstein) and the Martez sisters (Brigitte Kali and Elizabeth Rodriguez). Per Fandom, the mountainous planet is located at the end of the Kessel Run. Clearly, the Pykes aren't going away any time soon, so it'll be interesting to see where they pop up next.

CC-5576-69 AKA Gregor

Okay, yes, Episode 14 "War Mantle" revolves around saving CC-5576-69, AKA Gregor from the Imperial base on Daro, but this isn't the first time "Star Wars" fans have seen the trooper pop up in animation. Gregor first appeared in "The Clone Wars" Season 5, Episode 12 "Missing in Action." The episode establishes that the trooper has amnesia and forgets his identity after losing a battle to the Separatists. He was presumed dead after the episode, but he later shows up in "Star Wars: Rebels" as an old man, alongside Commanders Rex and Wolffe.

At some point between "The Clone Wars" Season 5 and "The Bad Batch," Gregor found his way back to the Republic and rejoined the army. Gregor reveals that he's an instructor for the Stormtroopers, now that the Empire is conscripting normal citizens to join up and serve following the Republic's destruction. Although Gregor's story ends in heroic sacrifice in "Rebels," this chapter of his life in "The Bad Batch" is far from over because he escapes with (most of) Clone Force 99.

Dave Filoni is using the show to weave in outlying characters from "The Clone Wars," but the galaxy is starting to feel a little small.

Republic Commandos

One of the biggest plot points in "The Bad Batch" is the transition from the Galactic Republic into the Empire, as the Imperials start to phase out the use of the Clone army and start conscripting civilians. The new soldiers don't look exactly like the infamous Stormtroopers, but they're not far off, either. When the squad are battling with hordes of soldiers in the Imperial base on Daro, there's a particular Commando design that might look familiar for fans of a classic 2005 "Star Wars" game.

Do you remember "Republic Commando" on the original Xbox and Windows? Set between "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith" the game follows an elite team of commandos across Geonosis, the Prosecutor assault ship, and Kashyyyk. The troopers had very distinctive designs that stood out from the typical armor worn by the Republican army. Their helmets are much rounder than other Clones, and their visors are also illuminated.

Commandos with similar armor designs to the 2005 game show up in "The Bad Batch," leading squads of troopers throughout the Imperial Base on Daro. It's strange that they should pop up now, but it also makes sense. Who better to train a new army than elite soldiers who are highly proficient in the art of war? If you want to check where these designs originated, "Republic Commando" is also available on Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Kaminoan Uprising

The sub-plot of the episode saw the Kaminoans quietly rebelling against their Imperial masters, as Medical Officer Nala Se (Gwendoline Yeo) started moving young Clones to a new location to continue their training as soldiers. It looks like Dave Filoni is leaning into some of the "Star Wars Legends" canon — the timeline of events that were written before Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012. The Kaminoan Uprising (per Fandom) saw the Cloners fight the Empire on the watery planet with a secret Clone army they'd grown. Unfortunately, this mini-rebellion was quickly squashed by the Imperial forces.

By the end of Episode 14, it's not clear where Nala Se had sent the young clones, only that they were leaving the facility for their training to "continue elsewhere." It seems likely that the final two episodes might include the Kaminoan Uprising, or they'll at least tease an upcoming battle if "The Bad Batch" Season 2 is greenlit by Disney.

Ralph McQuarrie's stormtroopers

Now that "The Bad Batch" Season 1 is coming to a close, Episode 15, "Finale Part 1/Return to Kamino," mainly focuses on the dramatic stakes on Kamino rather than building the universe. As the Empire phases out Clones in favor of conscripted troops, they're slowly bringing in the Stormtroopers. Yes, they're also seen in previous episodes, but it's time to give them the spotlight. Although the new soldiers look very similar to the classic design that audiences are used to, they're still a little different. The top of the helmet juts out over the top, almost like it's made out of two parts. In fact, there's some resemblance to the helmets worn by the Germans in World War II. The Galactic Empire? Fascism? Surely not.

The animation team has clearly taken inspiration from Ralph McQuarrie's original concept art for "Star Wars." The illustrator was hired by George Lucas in 1975 to help sell his pitch to 20th Century Fox, and his unique vision played a huge part in getting the film off the ground. Obviously, the designs changed by the time they made it to the big screen, but his influence is still there. It's great to see "The Bad Batch" honoring McQuarrie's work and officially making his work part of the "Star Wars" canon.

Training room redux

Cast your mind back to the premiere episode, when Grand Moff Tarkin tested Clone Force 99's efficiency in the training room on Kamino. This led to the Empire's decision to eliminate the Clone army. Fast-forward to "Finale Part 1/Return to Kamino" and Hunter brings the band back together to Kamino in an attempt to make them see his side of the situation. It brings "The Bad Batch" full circle, as they even have to fight off hordes of training droids, much like they did in their original test. Omega only meant to set a few of the droids loose to distract Hunter and his own batch of conscripted troops, but it still ends where it began.

On the subject of training droids, these hulking destroyers look strikingly similar to the Dark Troopers that Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) fights in "The Mandalorian" Season 2. Perhaps the Empire realized how effective they could be and started developing their own militarized battle droids. The ones seen in "The Mandalorian" are much more capable in a hand-to-hand fight, so clearly Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito) has experimented on them in the years after "The Bad Batch."

With Finale Part 2 on the way, it'll be interesting to see what other references Dave Filoni has up his sleeve, especially with the confirmation that Season 2 is on the way.

20,000 leagues under the (Kamino) sea

We've finally reached the final episode of "The Bad Batch" — and what a ride it's been, but the team isn't out of the woods/ocean just yet. The end of "Return to Kamino" sees the team trapped on Kamino as the Empire starts eviscerating the cloning facility from the skies, and that's where "Kamino Lost" picks up. Clone Force 99 (and Crosshair) are all trapped in the sinking wreckage, and they have to find a way back to the surface. When they climb into an old transport tunnel connecting to Nala Se's secret lab, they realize they're not alone under the Kamino sea.

The giant monster that attacks them looks to be a bulkier version of the Saberjowl, which first appeared in the "Star Wars: Republic" comics in Issue #50, "The Defense of Kamino." This story sees the Separatists assault the cloning planet in an attempt to cut off the Republic's supply of clones. Obi-Wan Kenobi comes across a Saberjowl when his Jedi Starfighter crashes in the water. As per Fandom, Saberjowls grow to around 100 meters in length, meaning their jaws are pretty huge. Although this creature doesn't have the additional fangs that a Saberjowl has, so perhaps it's a hybrid of some kind.

Clone Force 99 gets up close and personal with this creature when it spots them running through the underwater tunnel, and it tries to chomp the giant tube. Maybe it just wanted a tasty clone snack? Thankfully, Azi (Ben Diskin) manages to turn on the power to scare it away. Sorry, Saberjowl, but there's no lunch here for you.

More clones

The gang manages to find their way to the surface to escape Kamino, but Dave Filoni squeezes in one last tease for the future of "The Bad Batch" Season 2 and beyond. The episode ends on a mysterious planet where cloning extraordinaire Nala Se arrives at a huge Imperial facility built on top of a mountain. A squadron of former-Republic Commandos meets her before an unknown medical officer (voiced by Helen Sadler) says the Empire "has big things planned for you." Well, that doesn't sound worrying at all, does it?

She's probably not being used to create more clones for the Imperial army, as the show spends plenty of time explaining that the Empire is using conscripted troops instead. However, look at what happens much further down the timeline after "The Bad Batch." When Din Djarin goes to the Imperial facility on Navarro in "The Mandalorian" Season 2, Chapter 15, there are a bunch of failed clones in tanks. They're clearly part of Emperor Palpatine's schemes to resurrect himself in "The Rise of Skywalker" thanks to cloning technology. It seems likely that the Sith Lord has recognized Nala Se's expertise in cloning and wants to use her in his attempts at immortality.

That's all the small details in "The Bad Batch." Let's hope Dave Filoni and the team pack Season 2 with even more references, cameos, and Easter eggs.