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New MODOK Trailer Teases Appearances From Classic Marvel Characters

When you think about Marvel characters who deserve their own show, MODOK likely doesn't come to mind, which is probably why the big-headed cyborg is receiving one. As improbable as MODOK is, however, some of the other characters playing supporting roles on his show are even more obscure.

Lately, Hulu has been promoting the heck out of the upcoming "MODOK" series with numerous trailers. Early videos revealed that the show's plot will revolve around MODOK's comedic inability to run AIM, as well as maintain a stable family relationship with his wife and kids. The most recent trailer, meanwhile, offers a taste of the show's minor characters, many of whom are classic Marvel faces.

Granted, Marvel and Hulu previously announced numerous side characters, such as the Super-Adaptoid (Jon Daly), but this trailer marks the first time audiences got to see how their personalities will bounce off MODOK's super (and super-sized) ego. The trailer also teases several more Marvel Comics deep cuts, who all appear cumulatively poised to ensure that "MODOK" is — at the very least — stuffed.

Wonder Man, Iron Man, and Fin Fang Foom, oh my!

Audiences have known for a while that characters previously lost to the annals of comic book history, such as Angar the Screamer (Bill Hader) and Poundcakes (Whoopi Goldberg), will appear in the upcoming "MODOK" show. While these supervillains don't show up in the latest trailer, Wonder Man (Nathan Fillion) does, and he is accompanied by two more guest characters that audiences probably didn't see coming: Iron Man and Fin Fang Foom.

In the trailer, Iron Man (Jon Hamm) joins the fray in two instances, the most important of which is during the AIM vs. SHIELD fight that graces every "MODOK" trailer. Also, if you look carefully, you might see MODOK carrying one of Iron Man's boots. Fin Fang Foom, meanwhile, pops in later with MODOK on his back, parodying a classic scene from "The Neverending Story."

As for Wonder Man, the trailer implies he will be far more than a bit player. He might not be an Avenger in the show just yet, but he is a movie star. In the background, you can clearly see a billboard of Wonder Man posing with Hip Hop the cyborg kangaroo to promote a movie based on Marvel's team of augmented animal superheroes, Brute Force. More importantly, Wonder Man will also serve as the third point in a love triangle that includes MODOK and MODOK's wife.

Marvel's "MODOK" is scheduled to release May 21, exclusively on Hulu. Perhaps a few more cameos are waiting in the wings.