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Watch The First Seven Minutes Of Mortal Kombat

The long and arduous wait for the upcoming Mortal Kombat movie is almost over. Though the film was pushed back to avoid fighting Godzilla vs. Kong for viewers, the delay was only one week — but that still might prove too long a wait for audiences begging to see an arcade's worth of Easter eggs, fatalities, and secret characters. Thankfully for those who don't want to test their patience, the first seven minutes of Mortal Kombat are available to watch YouTube. (It's age-restricted and can't be shared here; head to YouTube to watch it in full.)

Given our modern-day spoiler culture, one might assume that someone hacked into Warner Bros.' servers, ripped a copy of the movie, and posted the prelude online — and threatened to post the rest unless the company pays a steep price. It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. Remember when digital pirates leaked several Game of Thrones episodes and scripts online, and held more content for ransom? Well, this is absolutely nothing like that: Warner Bros. released the sneak peek all on its own as a way to further promote the upcoming movie.

A few big reveals in the opening sequence of Mortal Kombat

Since the opening sequence of Mortal Kombat lasts only seven minutes and 41 seconds, it doesn't deliver any spoilers. It does, however, provide plenty of action — as you'd expect from a movie based on a fighting game — and some necessary backstory for newcomers who want to understand the rivalry between Scorpion and Sub-Zero. They're the two halves of the movie poster, after all, so of course it's imperative to understand why the two characters hate and want to spill each other's guts.

The opening scene takes place in 1817 Japan, in the secluded home of Hanzo Hasashi (Hiroyuki Sanada) prior to his death and subsequent resurrection (sans face) as Scorpion. Hanzo is enjoying life with his wife, son, and newborn child when Lin Kuei assassins crash in. They're led by none other than Bi-Han (Joe Taslim) — aka Sub-Zero, later known as Noob Saibot. Of course, Hanzo fights off the assassins, but not before Bi-Han kills Hanzo's wife and son. Hanzo's baby is hidden while this happens, so that's definitely a plot thread that should attract audiences.

While the Mortal Kombat movie promises to answer several other important questions, such as how Jax (Mehcad Brooks) lost his arms, the little teaser answers another question: Where did Scorpion get his iconic rope dart? The opening scene reveals it was a makeshift weapon constructed out of rope and Hanzo's wife's gardening trowel. It may surprise you to learn that many real-world ninja tools were actually converted gardening implements. Scorpion's hellfire and teleportation might not be realistic, but his tools in the movie certainly are.

Mortal Kombat is set to hit U.S. theaters and premiere on HBO Max this Friday, April 23.