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Damian Lewis' Tribute To Helen McCrory Might Make You Cry

Billions actor Damian Lewis penned an emotional tribute to his late wife, Harry Potter and Peaky Blinders star Helen McCrory — and you'll want to grab a few tissues before you read it.

On April 16, 2021, Lewis took to Twitter to reveal that McCrory, his wife of over a decade, passed away due to complications from cancer at the tragic age of 52. "I'm heartbroken to announce that after a heroic battle with cancer, the beautiful and mighty woman that is Helen McCrory has died peacefully at home, surrounded by a wave of love from friends and family," Lewis wrote. "She died as she lived. Fearlessly. God we love her and know how lucky we are to have had her in our lives. She blazed so brightly. Go now, Little One, into the air, and thank you." McCrory had not publicly revealed her cancer diagnosis before her passing, and news of her death sent shock waves through Hollywood and her home of England.

Now, after McCrory's co-stars from projects throughout her illustrious career have paid tribute to the performer, Lewis is offering up his own take on his wife, and it's incredibly emotional. Here's why Damian Lewis' tribute to Helen McCrory very well might make you cry.

Damian Lewis wrote a beautiful tribute to Helen McCrory

In the British publication The Times, Homeland star Lewis shared some incredibly beautiful words about his late wife, turning his grief into a gorgeously written piece to send solace to McCrory's many fans.

"As I sit down to write this, I can hear Helen shouting from the bed, 'Keep it short, Damian, it's not about you,'" the actor began. "I'll try, but on a weekend when the papers, rightly, will be paying their respects to the Duke of Edinburgh [Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, passed away on April 9, 2021], thousands of others around the world have been remembering m'Duchess, my Little One, royalty in her own right. And I'd like to throw in my tuppence worth."

"I've never known anyone able to enjoy life as much. Her ability to be in the present and enjoy the moment was inspirational," Lewis continued. "Nor was she interested in navel-gazing. No real interest in self-reflection; she believed in looking out, not in. Which is why she was able to turn her light so brightly on others."

"Already I miss her," McCrory's loving husband wrote. "She has shone more brightly in the last months than you would imagine even the brightest star could shine. In life, too, we had to rise to meet her. But her greatest and most exquisite act of bravery and generosity has been to 'normalize' her death. She's shown no fear, no bitterness, no self-pity, only armed us with the courage to go on and insisted that no one be sad, because she is happy. I'm staggered by her. She's been a meteor in our life."

McCrory leaves behind two children with Lewis, and though this time must be incredibly difficult for the family, the actress clearly left an indelible memory behind for her family — and she'll be missed across the world.