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The Robert Pattinson Crime Thriller Hidden Gem You Need To Watch On Netflix

Upon hearing Robert Pattinson's name, images of angsty teen vampires are sure to come up. While the actor has definitely worked on other projects outside of the Twilight franchise, it's still the work for which he's mostly known. But, in the non-sparkly section of his resume, there are a handful of roles that have really raised a few eyebrows, one of which is his turn in Good Time, a 2017 crime film that starred Pattinson in the role of a bank robber named Connie Nikas.

The film follows the Nikas brothers, a duo who successfully rob a bank, netting them a grand total of $65,000. However things go south after Connie's brother, Nick (Benny Safdie), winds up getting caught and arrested during the escape. With his brother now in custody, Connie is forced to try to secure enough money to bail his brother out of jail. Just short of $10,000, Connie tries to find alternate methods to bust his brother out, but instead he winds up getting tangled in an even larger mess than he had anticipated. It's during these pivotal moments that Pattinson's talent really shines, making this a standout role for the actor.

Good Time offers viewers a chance to see what Pattinson is capable of

Much like its title suggests, Good Time is an enjoyable watch. The film enjoys a 92% critics score on Rotten Tomatoes and reviewers heralded it as a thrilling ride, with many praising Pattinson's performance. Nicholas Bell, a critic from Ioncinema highlighted this in a review of the film: "Pattinson once again proves his abilities to disappear into a fully fleshed out characterization, here as a selfish yet sympathetic deadbeat."

In addition to Pattinson's acting chops, critics also praised the film's cinematography and camera work. Notably, the filmmakers behind Good Time — the Safdie Brothers — also made the 2019 hit, Uncut Gems. Good Time is very much a film in the same vein, with chaotic camera movement to create tension and sleazy characters. Viewers also drew comparisons between the films, and were overall very pleased with the end result. "This feels very similar in tone and style to Uncut Gems," user Andy G wrote. "Similar journey with a character that makes bad choice after bad choice, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Pattinson does a good job as the scumbag main character."

Overall, fans of the Safdie Brother's style of filming or Uncut Gems will be pleased with Good Time, which is currently available for streaming on Netflix.