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The Civil War Sword That Rick Could Not Resist On Pawn Stars

Military artifacts are often a big find for workers at the World Famous Gold & Pawn from Pawn Stars. The right piece of military equipment from the right era in the right condition equals big bucks for the sellers who stumble upon these bloody creations. As a result, arms and armors have become a common enough occurrence that store owner Rick Harrison doesn't always need to bring in one of his experts to determine the price of an object.

However, Rick might still need someone to come by the shop and confirm the authenticity of a given item. Rick certainly knows what to look for at this point, but only an expert can determine if it's real or what certain markings mean. Such a situation occurs during one episode of Pawn Stars where Rick finds himself face to face with a unique Civil War-era sword made for the American military.

How Rick cut a sharp deal for this Civil War sword

The sword in question appears in the season 6 episode, "Some Like it Not." At first glance, the seller identified it as an artillery foot soldier's sword from 1836. The item was originally purchased for a mere $75, but the seller estimates that he could get anywhere up to $800 for the extremely worn blade (which fortunately came with its original belt and scabbard).

Ever the military historian, Rick is incredibly interested in the blade. It is an interesting weapon from a time when America's army was still small, and as a result, the sword could be exceptionally rare. Usually swords of this era are curved cavalry blades given to officers and made for show, not standard-issue weapons made for a rank-and-file soldiers.

However, Rick is unsure if the sword is actually from 1836. The blade's tang is stamped with that number, but it isn't necessarily a year. Swords of this nature were distributed from the early to late 1800s, meaning that it could come from a post-Civil War time when such blades aren't all that rare. Fortunately, Rick calls in an expert who manages to confirm the sword is from 1836, not a later year.

The expert's opinion confirms that the seller's price estimate is about accurate. As always, however, Rick has to make a profit. After some quick and efficient haggling, Rick and the seller agree on a $500 price tag and both parties leave satisfied.