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How You Can Watch The Justice League Snyder Cut With The Director

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The only reason the Snyder Cut of Justice League exists at all is because of the fans, so it stands to reason that director Zack Snyder would host a watch party for the online crusaders who made the film possible. Fans can now register to participate in a live video Q&A session with Snyder followed by a special screening of the superhero team-up on March 18, the day the four-hour director's cut of the film hits HBO Max.

Variety reports that the streaming service is teaming up with co-viewing platform Scener to present the event. An active HBO Max subscription and the Scener browser extension are required to watch the movie, but there is no additional cost to attend. Fans can register at snydercut.scener.com.

According to Variety, Snyder's intro will feature celebrity special guests and a moderated discussion session with fans, followed by the movie, during which viewers will be able to hear commentary by Snyder and other producers in real time. Fans can add their own commentary in the chat. Comments will be moderated. The watch party will be available on mobile and desktop devices.

"I'm excited to finally share my vision for Justice League in a virtual screening with our incredible fanbase who, through the power of community and an inspiring grassroots campaign, played a major role in making this premiere possible," Snyder said in a statement.

The Snyder Cut is almost here

The release of Zack Snyder's Justice League on March 18 will cap one of the most turbulent sagas in Hollywood history.

After the negative response to Snyder's Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, studio Warner Bros. was leery of Snyder's dark approach to the superhero material and wanted him to lighten things up for Justice League. He assembled a rough cut for executives, who were unhappy with the movie and hired Joss Whedon to rewrite the script and help with reshoots. During the rewrite period, Snyder's daughter Autumn died by suicide, and Snyder and his wife and producing partner Deborah Snyder stepped away from the project. Whedon was then hired to direct the reshoots and complete the film.

Justice League was released in November 2017. It received negative responses from fans and critics alike and didn't make its budget back at the box office. Eventually, word spread among fans about the director's cut of the film Snyder screened for Warner Bros. executives, and the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement grew. Finally, amid the shutdown of Hollywood early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Warner Bros. announced that the Snyder Cut would be completed and released. Warner Bros. hopes the Snyder Cut drives signups to the streaming service HBO Max and replaces Justice League's association with Whedon, whose reputation has been damaged by accusations of creating a toxic workplace that came to light when Justice League star Ray Fisher spoke out against him.

So all that backstory goes into Zack Snyder's Justice League. You may be able to share your thoughts on it all, as well as the movie itself, with Snyder via Scener on March 18.