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The Underrated Mystery Series You Can Binge On Hulu

**Warning: Contains spoilers**

Revenge is a dish best served over the course of four juicy, twisting seasons.

ABC's soapy mystery drama Revenge has a literal mansion full of family drama for protagonist Emily Thorne — true identity Amanda Clarke — to tear through. She arrives in the Hamptons with newly blonde hair, a pseudonym, and one mission: To carefully orchestrate the downfall of the extremely wealthy Grayson family. They framed her father for treason, leading to his imprisonment and death, and her own childhood in juvie. It's time to make them pay.

In its first season, Revenge climbed network ratings, rivaling long-standing and beloved procedurals. However, despite its initial sparking success, it's since faded out of pop culture's memory — undeservedly so. Falcon and the Winter Soldier's Emily VanCamp plays the charming yet believably scheming lead, with 12 Monkeys' Madeleine Stowe opposite her as rival Victoria Grayson. Together, they make for a bingeable drama inspired by The Count of Monte Cristo.

Revenge combines campiness, dark plotting, and romance for an engrossing drama

Movies are full of great revenge stories, but Revenge takes its time getting to the satisfying end as Emily carefully plots and gathers evidence to take down the Grayson family. Along the way, her feigned interest in the Grayon's son Daniel (Josh Bowman) turns uncomfortably real — so real, in fact, that the two actors actually got married after Revenge ended. Romance, murder, and conspiracy tangle together to keep Revenge sizzling.

For The Sydney Morning Herald, Melinda Houston wrote, "So this isn't high art but it is a classy package with an awful lot to recommend it; a great example of intelligent pop drama." On YouTube, user Glovona Griffith-Lashley gushed about the series, complimenting the acting and setting, and  claiming it "keeps you glue[d] to your TV."

On Rotten Tomatoes, the series holds a respectable 79% score from audiences. Dann M. reviewed it positively, writing, "Revenge delivers an intense and riveting first season that's full of intrigue and promises even darker and more tantalizing conspiracies to come." Meanwhile Sam A. fully acknowledged that its campy, but confessed that "the story lines are excellent and the backstabbing is too good for this not to be awesome."

For a few evenings of delicious drama and vengeance, Revenge is available for streaming on Hulu.