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New Justice League Snyder Cut Trailer Is Breaking The Internet

The release of the newest trailer for Zack Snyder's Justice League felt like a Twitter event several years in the making. After fans rallied together numerous times, often on the social media platform, to advocate for the director's chance to release his cut of the DCEU film, the campaign paid off in 2020, when it was announced that the Snyder Cut was in the works as an HBO Max exclusive. Snyder has spent the last few months putting the finishing touches on his version of Justice League, and his passion for the project shows in its reported runtime of 214 minutes. For both those reasons, it was symbolic and fitting that fans' biggest and best glimpse at the Snyder Cut of Justice League came on Twitter on February 14, 2021.

At over two and a half minutes long, the new trailer for the Snyder Cut offers up countless details and moments to get fans buzzing about the upcoming film. We get glimpses of nearly all the key players, from Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and Superman (Henry Cavill) to Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and even Alfred (Jeremy Irons).

There were things fans expected to see in the trailer — like glimpses of the $70 million worth of reshoots and improved special effects – but there were also a few delightful surprises that ended up trending worldwide. Let's take a look at how the trailer for Zack Snyder's Justice League quickly broke the internet on Valentine's Day 2021, and what fans are most excited about.

The Justice League trailer had fans celebrating and screaming about big surprises

Within a few hours, the trailer posted on Zack Snyder's official Twitter account garnered over a million views, and thousands of unbridled reactions from fans.

Many DCEU fans would prefer to pretend the original cut of Justice League, released in 2017 by replacement director Joss Whedon, doesn't exist at all. Just ask Twitter users like @kateofbish, who told Snyder, Tthank you so much king, can't believe after 5 years we finally got a sequel to [Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice]."

Fans immediately began to highlight their favorite moments from the trailer, with one fan saying they didn't know what was more amazing, "seeing that Superman scream extend out that far, seeing Steppenwolf knock that Amazonian off the horse like he was swinging a bat, the recreation of that first flight, or just about everything else in between."

Much of the keyboard-smashing has centered on the Joker's (Jared Leto) brief appearance in the trailer, and the fact that the wisdom he drops on Batman (Ben Affleck) echoes one of the internet's most popular Joker memes. User @AllThingsSnyder tweeted a screenshot of "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY" that was a trending topic on Twitter, while musing in the caption, "I can't stop laughing. Zack really is on another level."

While many fans took a lighthearted approach to sharing their joy about the new Snyder Cut trailer, @StepKickKing took a heartfelt approach to the moment, saying, "This looks great, Zack. I'm very glad that we get to see the movie, but I'm even more happy for you, the cast and crew. People finally get to see the true vision that so many people worked hard on, and that's brilliant. Congratulations."

Now that the new trailer for the Snyder Cut is finally out, fans are more excited than ever to see the completed version. Zack Snyder's Justice League, to be released as a four-part miniseries, hits HBO Max on March 18.