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Captain Marvel 2: Teyonah Parris Drops A Bombshell About The Upcoming Film

Captain Marvel was a welcome addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the cosmically powered Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) seems destined to become a massive player in the franchise's future. As such, expectations for Captain Marvel 2 are high, and people are eagerly waiting to see what challenges await Danvers on the horizon — and how her upcoming adventures will impact the rest of the MCU.   

There are many things fans want to see in Captain Marvel 2, and with the movie currently slated for a 2022 release date, Marvel enthusiasts have probably come to terms with the fact that they won't hear much concrete news about the film for quite some time. Or will they? Teyonah Parris — who's currently starring on Disney+'s WandaVision as the mysterious Monica Rambeau has hinted that Captain Marvel 2 might actually be even bigger than anyone could have guessed.

Captain Marvel 2 may feature multiple characters will the Marvel name

In a recent interview with Rotten Tomatoes TV, Parris teased that Captain Marvel 2 may feature no less than three characters who have used a "Marvel" moniker in the comics.

"I am excited, just as an actress, to join Brie and Iman and see what putting these three superheroes together — the Carol Danvers Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, and Monica Rambeau — [to see] what will happen in that film," Parris enthused. "But the rest — we're just going to have to wait a few weeks before we can really talk about it."

That's right: Parris heavily insinuated that both Rambeau — who's actually the first female Captain Marvel in the Marvel comics — and Iman Vellani's Kamala "Ms. Marvel" Khan will be joining Carol Danvers in the Captain Marvel sequel. 

While this casual nugget of information is obviously not an officially stamped confirmation, it's nonetheless an exciting prospect for fans — as well as a twist that would make perfect sense. Rambeau already appeared in Captain Marvel as a five-year-old (played by Azari Akbar) and an 11-year-old (Akira Akbar), so since the adult version of the character is now running around the MCU, it's pretty logical for her to make an appearance in the sequel film. Meanwhile, the teenage polymorph Khan is a noted Danvers fan in the comics, and with her own Disney+ show on the way, she'd also be a natural addition to Captain Marvel 2

Stay tuned for more news on Captain Marvel 2, set for release on November 11, 2022.