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How John Krasinski Really Got So Ripped For His Movies

Most audiences know John Krasinski for playing lovable slacker Jim Halpert on The Office. His character had a goofy, everyman quality to him that immediately made fans of the series root for him to wind up with Pam (Jenna Fischer). However, in the wake of the series ending, he has transformed from a prankster to a buff action star. 

While he still has gone for comedic roles in one-off appearances in shows like Bojack Horseman and Arrested Development, he's stretched his acting chops, taking on meatier, more dramatic parts in films like A Quiet Place, as well as Amazon's Jack Ryan series, and 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. However, taking on these kinds of roles have required him to not only resist the urge to look at the camera when something funny happens, a la his character from The Office — they've also caused him to get absolutely ripped

In an interview with Men's Health, Krasinski revealed he actually dropped 17 percent of his body fat so that he could adequately portray Navy SEAL Jack Silva in 13 Hours. How did he accomplish a feat that would've even impressed Dwight Schrute? Keep reading to learn the intense regimen you'd need to adopt if you'd want a similar rocking bod. 

John Krasinski's training took some cues from real-life military workouts

To get ready to take on the role of Jack Ryan, John Krasinski reached out to a professional he actually had a previous connection with. Simon Waterson is a personal trainer and former commando in the British Royal Navy who worked with Krasinski's wife, Emily Blunt, in the past. He's also worked with Hollywood royalty, having gotten Daniel Craig into shape prior to his first Bond appearance in Casino Royale

In an interview with Men's Journal, Waterson reveals that he naturally incorporates his military background into his exercise regimens, stating, "I wouldn't say that I train like a drill sergeant but there is that focus on structure, frequency, efficiency and intensity." To warm up, Krasinski would begin with five minutes on an inclined treadmill, five minutes on a stepmill, and 1,000 meters with a steady pace on a rowing machine. One of the first scenes in Amazon's Jack Ryan series shows the CIA analyst rowing in the Potomac River, so Waterson made sure to include rowing exercises in his regimen so that he'd look like a natural on the water. 

That's just the warm-up. Later, Krasinski would get into conditioning circuits, moving from one technique to the next with as little rest as possible between each one. For instance, he'd start with Circuit A, which would include 15 reps of lateral raises followed by one minute of an inclined jog. Next, he'd move to Circuit B, which would entail lateral raises, inclined push-ups, and a steady row. Some of the other exercises he incorporated into this routine included dumbbell clean & presses, bicep curls, plate forward raises, sprints, and incline flies. To finish a session, Krasinski would work with exercise bands to perform side bends, Roman chair straight leg raises, and Roman chair knee raises. 

It's tough work, but if you want to look as good as Krasinski, then that's what you have to do. One thing we do know is that he's already ahead of the curve if Marvel ever wants to get a hold of him to play Reed Richards in their Fantastic Four film.