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The Classic Adam Sandler Movie That Just Hit Netflix

Netflix is heating things up this winter with one of its latest new library additions — the tropical romcom 50 First Dates.

The 2004 film reunited The Wedding Singer stars Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore for another romantic romp, this time on the beaches of Oahu, Hawaii. Directed by Peter Segal (Tommy Boy, Anger Management), who's no stranger to the Happy Madison universe, the romantic comedy sees its leading duo deliver the same endearing chemistry that made their previous team-up one of Sandler's most celebrated films. The actor-comedian stars as Henry, a marine veterinarian known for preying on tourists and constant womanizing. After his boat breaks down, he stops in at a cafe to wait for the Coast Guard and ends up seeing Barrymore's blonde-haired Lucy. He's enamored by her beauty and ability to create architectural feats with her waffles but is too afraid to approach her. But upon returning the next day, he does reach out, and the two end up hitting it off, with Lucy suggesting they see each other the next day. 

But when Henry turns up, he's met with a shocking gut punch. Lucy doesn't remember him — and worse, she'll literally never remember him because she has "Goldfield's Syndrome." Her condition results in short-term memory loss are similar to short-term memory loss and anterograde amnesia, otherwise known as the inability to form new memories after the triggering event. Despite the challenges their relationship presents, Henry decides to pursue Lucy — against her father, Marlin, and brother Doug's advisement. The result is Henry taking Lucy out on a date every day, hoping that after a while, she'll begin to remember. 

Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore gave 50 First Dates fans a 2020 update

Viewers really shouldn't be spoiled on how this silly and heartfelt romance ends, but it's proof that the veteran comedian and highly paid actor — who's work is often divisive — does some of his best performing outside of the jokey genre. While the film only earned a 46% critical rating on Rotten Tomatoes, audiences took it better, giving it a 65% fresh rating. And while reviewers may not have liked the film, the story of Lucy and Henry's romance becomes even more touching when you consider that there was a real-life couple from the U.K. whose story — down to the inciting car crash that caused the condition — who managed to have a happy life together despite one partner hitting reset every single day (via Daily Mail). 

While it might not be among one of Sandler's best movies, it's also certainly not his worst. Plus, Barrymore and Sandler's 50 First Dates is clearly so beloved that the actors felt comfortable returning to their iconic roles for a semi-reboot and reunion on Barrymore's new daytime talk show, The Drew Barrymore Show. Filmed virtually, the skit sees Barrymore's Lucy watching a message from Sandler's Henry, which offers an update for both her and fans about where the couple is now. The two-minute clip reveals what has happened over the last 16 years, including a daughter "who's like 40-something" and a pandemic that has resulted in baseball games being played in front of cardboard people. There's even a cameo from actor Allen Covert, who played Ten Second Tom, in the film. 

The skit has a slew of funny bits, which are best viewed after watching 50 First Dates, which is now streaming on Netflix.