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Anthony Mackie Reveals The Most Exciting Part Of Being Captain America - Exclusive

While Captain America's fateful ending in Avengers: Endgame stunned audiences all over the world in 2019, it opened the door to a new era of the Avengers — and fans can't wait to see what happens next. Prior to the film, Marvel fans debated whether Cap's shield would go to his long-time best friend, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, or Sam "The Falcon" Wilson. Well, we now know that the honor goes to Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson, and the actor couldn't be more excited.

When Xoop spoke to Anthony Mackie and Jamie Dornan during an exclusive interview for their new sci-fi film Synchronic, Mackie dished on why he's most excited to take on Cap's shield. When he first heard the news that he would be the new Captain America, Mackie reveals, "I was most excited about my kids seeing me as Captain America. " Not many kids get to say that their dad is Captain America, but Mackie will soon join the likes of Chris Evans and Matt Salinger in holding the esteemed title.

Steve and Steve walk into a bar...

While Steve Rogers will always be an essential part of Mackie's film career, he's not the only Steve in town (or the galaxy). In Synchronic, Mackie plays EMT hero Steve Denube, who's on a mission to get a time-bending drug off of the streets — while attempting to rescue someone important to him. When asked how the two heroic Steves compare and what Mackie can bring from each Steve to Sam's version of Cap, the actor ties Steve Rogers to Steve Denube through each character's realization that time is precious. 

"Cap is always dealing with his past and the here and now — and the future," Mackie explains. "His whole goal is to take what he learned in the past and what he left behind with Peggy to be in the present of how he can make the world a better place... If he's going to sacrifice, he's sacrificing for a reason." Drawing the parallel between Cap and Steve Denube, he notes, "I think it's the same thing with Steve [Denube]. Once Steve, in Synchronic, realizes how short life can be and how quickly it can be taken away from you, he gives. He devotes himself to the idea of teaching Jamie's character [Dennis] just how important the now, [the] family, [and] the love is."

While MCU fans wait for Sam to suit up in Cap's iconic gear, they can watch Synchronic in select theaters and drive-ins now.