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The Tweet That Has Alita: Battle Angel Fans Buzzing About A Sequel

Some movies deserve a sequel, and Alita: Battle Angel is, without a doubt, one such movie.

Not only did Alita: Battle Angel end on a cliffhanger, but it's based on a manga series that has garnered a loyal fanbase — a series that has plenty of source material to pull from for an Alita sequel. That first movie was designed to set up a universe in which Alita (Rosa Salazar), everyone's favorite angel, would become the face of a live-action movie franchise. The cyberpunk-action film graced theaters with its presence in 2019, and since the movie's epic conclusion, fans have been rightfully calling for a second chapter.

On October 16, 2020, a tweet dropped that has Alita: Battle Angel fans once again buzzing about a sequel. In fact, it came straight from 20th Century Studios, the people who made Alita possible. The news comes in the form of a promotion for the upcoming Alita: Battle Angel re-release on October 30. Giving the franchise a strong sign of life, this is the first time (according to the Alita Army) that the studio account has mentioned Alita in over a year.

Although there's still no guarantee that a sequel is going to happen, a re-release is never a bad sign, especially if the movie can bring in some serious extra cash. After all, if an audience shows up in droves, then how could the studio deny the fanbase a sequel?

James Cameron appears to be on board as well

Any time a project has legendary filmmaker James Cameron on its side, it's good news. After all, Cameron has been the guiding hand for franchises like The Terminator, Avatar, and of course, Alita: Battle Angel, to name a few. In a tweet promoting the movie's return to theaters, Cameron spoke directly to the fans, saying, "We're with you #AlitaArmy — Alita's coming back to the big screen on October 30th."

For what it's worth, the official Alita movie account also announced the re-release, tweeting, "Guess what #AlitaArmy? Alita: Battle Angel is coming back to theaters on October 30th!"

Although none of this guarantees an Alita sequel, it does prove that higher powers, such as writer-producer Cameron, are listening to Alita's passionate army. Of course, a successful re-release (especially during a time when theaters are struggling) would speak volumes and could presumably move the needle when it comes to the second chapter of Alita: Battle Angel eventually making it to the screen.

The right people are clearly listening to the Alita Army, and whether a sequel is eventually announced or not, Alita: Battle Angel hitting theaters during Halloween weekend is a blessing worth talking about. Alita has come a long way since being dumped in a pile of garbage — and fans far and wide would love to see her story continue.