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The Last Words Of Every Fallen James Bond Villain

A major component of any good Bond film is a solid villain. They need to be interestingly twisted, memorably designed, and powerful enough to match the legendary prowess of James Bond — no small order for any actor to pull off. Over the decades, the Bond franchise has given us more than two dozen Bond villains, some of them better than others. What makes the best of them succeed? Sometimes it's their unique evil plans. Other times, it's their fascinating personality. And often, it's due to the actor's talent. But one thing that makes or breaks all Bond villain is their dialogue — especially the last words they utter before dying. Some of these final lines are profound and rich with meaning, while others offer rather simple words before passing away. Either way, they're worth examining — and that's just what we're going to do. These are the last words of every fallen James Bond villain. Take note: We're only covering the main villains of each film, and the ones we're sure are dead.

Julius No

Julius No, played by Joseph Wiseman, was the first Bond villain, debuting in 1962's Dr. No. This film established several trends for Bond villains, chief among them the sinister secret lair. In No's case, he has an underground facility, which boasts equipment capable of jamming American missile launches. His radio beam is powered by a nuclear reactor. 

At the climax of the film, Bond infiltrates the lair and destroys the equipment by overloading it. How does he do this? By turning a wheel that controls the temperature to a level marked "Danger." It's laughable, but hey, it works. Julius No realizes what's happened, and yells for his henchmen to detain Bond. Referring to the reactor, he shouts his final words at his workers: "Shut down!" Bond prevents a henchman from cooling the reactor, which prompts Dr. No to get into the fight. Bond and No wrestle on a small metal elevator as it descends into a vat of boiling God-knows-what. Luckily, Bond gets the upper hand, and No dies in the liquid.

Rosa Klebb

In From Russia With Love, Bond foils the evil plans of Rosa Klebb, played by Lotte Lenya. Klebb is a high-ranking member of Russia's counterintelligence agency. Secretly, she's also part of the sinister organization known as SPECTRE. Klebb wants to take revenge on Bond for Dr. No's death, and also seeks to steal a decoding device in the process. After Bond secures the decoding device, he goes on vacation with Tatiana Romanova to celebrate his victory. But surprise, surprise — Klebb makes one last effort to slay Bond. 

Klebb disguises herself as a maid at the hotel Bond is staying at. When Bond and Romanova order room service, it's delivered by a gun-wielding Klebb. Klebb's orders Romanova to take the decoding device, and delivers her final words: "Romanova! Take this." Presumably, Klebb was going to follow her at gunpoint, but it never happens because a fight breaks out. While Bond and Klebb struggle, Romanova finds a gun and shoots Klebb dead.

Auric Goldfinger

Auric Goldfinger, played by Gert Fröbe, hails (obviously) from the film Goldfinger. His greed drives him to assemble a small militia and assault Fort Knox. Bond foils that plan and Goldfinger goes home empty-handed, but he's still a little peeved at Bond. The White House invites Bond to eat with the president, so Bond hops on a plane. But the ever clever Auric Goldfinger sneaks aboard as well, dressed as military personnel. 

Goldfinger reveals himself and points a gun at Bond. Initially, Bond is surprised, but he quickly comes up with a plan. Bond asks an innocent question about where Pussy Galore is, as though he's deeply concerned. Goldfinger answers, "She is where she ought to be, at the controls." At this, Bond surprises Goldfinger by tackling him. While struggling, the gun accidentally fires, shooting out an airplane window. Goldfinger gets sucked out, and that's the last we see the gold-obsessed villain.

Emilio Largo

To be honest, these final words are pretty bland, as far as Bond villains go. Emilio Largo, Thunderball's bad guy, is the Bond villain with the unforgettable eye patch. Largo plans to steal nuclear weapons and extort world governments by threatening to use them. So yeah, let's just say that Bond really wants to stop this guy. 

The last major fight in the film is a speedy chase on boats. Largo is sailing away, firing at the authorities behind him. During the chaos, Bond subtly boards Largo's boat and ambushes his crew. When Bond finally reveals himself, Largo shouts at his henchmen: "Get him!" The henchmen do their thing — they swing, miss, and die. Finally, Bond and Largo face each other, but it isn't Bond who delivers the final blow. That honor goes to Domino, Largo's mistress, who shoots him in the back with a harpoon. Ouch. Not every villain gets an awesome, memorable last line. In the case of Emilio Largo, his final words are a generic command that pretty much every villain ever has said.

Dr. Kananga

Like so many Bond villains, Dr. Kananga, played by Yaphet Kotto, wants to kill Bond in an unnecessarily elaborate way in Live and Let Die. But Dr. Kananga is uniquely twisted, even among Bond baddies. Dr. Kananga captures Bond and Solitaire in his underground lair, then ties them up to be lowered into a pool of sharks. But, being the sadistic monster that he is, he wants it to happen slowly.

Dr. Kananga's henchman Whisper is at the controls. After opening the gate to allow the sharks in, Whisper begins lowering Bond and Solitaire towards their toothy doom. That's when Dr. Kananga instructs Whisper to do it "slowly ... let our diners assemble." Kananga: Friend to sharks, not so much to people. Little does Kananga know, Bond has a nifty gadget disguised as a wristwatch, which helps him escape. In the ensuing struggle, Bond shoves an explosive gas pellet into Kananga's mouth, sending him to kingdom come.

Francisco Scaramanga

It's amazing how much time there is between Francisco Scaramanga's final words and his death in The Man With the Golden Gun. Scaramanga, played by Christopher Lee, is a talented assassin who wishes to duel Bond to the death. In Scaramanga's mind, it's not about killing Bond — it's about besting a worthy opponent. So instead of killing Bond when he has the chance, Scaramanga arranges a duel on his island. Both men have their backs to each other with their signature guns in hand, Scaramanga with his golden pistol and Bond with his Walther PPK. Scaramanga's henchman serves as a referee of sorts, and asks both duelers if they are ready, to which both reply, "ready." The henchman counts down, the men take 20 paces, but when Bond turns and shoots, Scaramanga is gone. Bond and Scaramanga play cat and mouse throughout the island, and then inside a maze of illusions. Scaramanga knows his way around and Bond does not. Still, Bond surprises Scaramanga, and shoots him dead.

Karl Stromberg

Karl Stromberg, played by Curd Jürgens, spends most of The Spy Who Loved Me's runtime trying to incite nuclear war, during which he will be under the sea, in his Atlantis-like palace. He then plans repopulate the world — but this time, civilization will happen entirely underwater. Bond sabotages Stromberg's plan but is then tasked with rescuing his love interest Amasova from Stromberg's clutches. 

After infiltrating his underwater lair, Bond finds Stromberg sitting alone at a long dinner table. They exchange words as Bond slowly takes his seat, his gun pointed at Stromberg at all times. Little does Bond know that Stromberg has one last trick up his sleeve: A long gun underneath the table that points right at the seat where Bond is sitting. Bond says, "Your time is running out, Stromberg." Stromberg responds, " Yours too, Mr. Bond. Yours too. And faster than you think." Stromberg pulls the trigger, but Bond gets out the way in time, then shoots Stromberg to death.

Hugo Drax

The rich and sophisticated Hugo Drax, played by Michael Lonsdale in Moonraker, is a businessman who builds space crafts. Secretly, however, he plans to start humanity over. Drax's scheme is to poison the entire Earth, then orbit the planet with a few selected humans he considers to be the "Master Race." Once the gas settles, he'll repopulate Earth with his chosen few. 

Bond foils his plan and finally corners Drax on his space station. For a brief moment, Drax gets the upper hand: He spots a gun on the floor, quickly picks it up, and points it at Bond. Just as he's about to shoot, Drax says, "At least I shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery ... Desolated, Mr. Bond." Sure, Drax's plans are ruined, but hey — he'll at least have the joy of killing the jerk who stopped him. But at that moment, Bond makes his play, shooting Drax and ejecting him into outer space. Peace out, Space Hitler.

Ernst Stavro Blofeld

The death of Blofeld is a tad complicated, so stick with us for a moment. In the original Bond continuity, Blofeld appears in several films as the main villain of the series. Blofeld has a few fake deaths, but Bond finally kills Blofeld for real in Diamonds are Forever. Or so we thought. Legal battles complicated the Bond franchise, including a debate over who owned the character of Blofeld. 

In 1981, For Your Eyes Only came out. In the introduction, Bond kills an unnamed character played by John Hollis who bears a striking resemblance to Blofeld. The villain is never called Blofeld for copyright reasons, but viewers are clearly supposed to conclude that it's him. Blofeld, who is now using a wheelchair, is trying to assassinate Bond, but Bond turns the tables. Using a helicopter, Bond picks up Blofeld and drops him down an industrial chimney. Blofeld begs for his life before dying, shouting, "Put me down! Mr. Bond!" Since that time, the Bond series has been rebooted with Daniel Craig as 007. In this second continuity, the new Blofeld is played by Christoph Waltz and is still alive. Phew! That was a lot of history for one character.

Aristotle Kristatos

Played by Julian Glover in For Your Eyes Only, Aristotle Kristatos, nicknamed Aris, is a loathsome fellow. The British government awarded him an honor for his service in the war, but during that time, Aris was actually a double agent. On top of that, he's a huge heroin smuggler. Oh, and did we mention he also tried tricking Bond into killing Columbo, who used to be Aris' business partner? 

Aris' evil plan is to steal a valuable device from the British military and sell it to the Soviets. Bond ends up joining forces with Columbo and tracking down Aris to his hideout. Aris gives one last command to his niece Bibi Dahl. After a fight, he yells at her, "Go back to your room!" But soon after, Bond begins his assault. As good guys and bad guys beat each other up, Aris makes a run for it. Eventually, they catch up, and Columbo deals the final blow by throwing a knife into Aris' back, killing him.

Kamal Khan

Kamal Khan, played by Louis Jourdan in Octopussy, has a pretty boring line for his final words. This is fitting, though, since Khan is often ranked as one of the worst Bond villains of all time. Khan is an exiled Afghan prince who gets involved in all kinds of illegal activities. He allies himself with General Orlov and plans to unleash a nuclear weapon in Europe. To finance their operation, they sell fake jewelry. 

Their plan fails, so Khan flees, using his personal airplane. Bond pursues him, and in the air, Khan realizes Bond is on top of his plane. So Khan does the only logical thing for a villain to do: He tells his henchman to go out there and kill Bond. The henchman is naturally reluctant, so Khan forces him to go by saying, "Go out and get him. Go!" Bond kills the henchman, of course. Meanwhile, Khan does some crazy flying to throw Bond off. While close to the ground, Bond disables an engine and jumps to the ground. Khan then nosedives to his death.

General Orlov

General Orlov, played by Steven Berkoff in Octopussy, is a Soviet military man who would love nothing more than to expand the glorious power of his motherland. He's basically a bloodthirsty warmonger, and a bit delusional as well. Orlov's plan is to sneak a bomb into Europe on a train. He hopes to set off a nuke, which will force Europe to disarm their nuclear weapons, allowing the Soviets to expand into Europe. 

Bond boards the train, and Orlov chases after him. In an ironic twist of fate, the nearby guards shoot Orlov, believing he's a defector. A fellow Soviet stands over Orlov and says, "A disgrace to the uniform." Orlov, while bleeding to death, proclaims "Yes. But tomorrow I shall be a hero of the Soviet Union." Meaning, he may look like a defector and failure now, but after his plan succeeds, he'll go down in history as a hero among the Soviets. Talk about delusion.

Max Zorin

As with certain other Bond villains, Max Zorin's final words are him fruitlessly ordering his henchmen to kill Bond. Zorin, played by Christopher Walken in A View to a Kill, is a successful businessman who runs a company that builds microchips. Zorin's evil plan is to sink Silicon Valley into the ocean, eliminating all his competitors and making his company the sole microchip provider in the world. 

The climax of the film takes place on top of the Golden Gate Bridge, where Zorin has anchored his blimp. Bond climbs  to the top of the bridge and starts heading for the blimp. As soon as Zorin realizes Bond is up there with him, he tells his underlings, "Go get him! Go!" They go out to kill Bond, but Bond beats them one at a time. Zorin then grabs an axe, and like a wild man, starts swinging it at Bond, trying to knock him off the bridge. Bond gets the upper hand and Zorin falls to his death.

Brad Whitaker

Brad Whitaker, played by Joe Don Baker in The Living Daylights, is a war-obsessed arms dealer, although he's never fought in a war himself. Whitaker's plan is to obtain and sell a large about of opium so that he can deal arms far into the future. At his base, Whitaker has a room full of various figures, statues, maps, and army toys. This is where Whitaker and Bond have their final battle, playing a game of cat and mouse through the elaborate room. Whitaker naturally has the upper hand since he's on familiar turf: He activates various traps with a remote and throws Bond off his game. But the room is large, dark, and very complicated, so Bond has quite a few hiding spots. Bond places a small bomb and lures Whitaker towards it. Meanwhile, Whitaker scolds Bond for hiding behind a particular statue: "Should've known you'd take refuge behind that British vulture, Wellington!" Then he gives Bond a mini-lesson in history, saying, "You know he had to buy German mercenaries to beat Napoleon, don't you?" Right then, Bond activates his bomb, which knocks over a statue and kills Whitaker.

Franz Sanchez

Franz Sanchez, played by Robert Davi in Licence to Kill, is a terrifying Bond villain. Sanchez's evil plot is to mass-produce drugs and basically kill and/or corrupt anyone who gets in his way. He's not the kind of guy you want to mess with: Let's just say Sanchez has some pretty elaborate torture methods. 

In their final showdown, Sanchez and Bond are going head to head in the middle of a desert. Sanchez is pretty angry, since Bond just took out several of his men and destroyed tankers containing cocaine. Essentially, Bond sabotaged Sanchez's whole operation. After wrecking in the desert, Sanchez gets soaked in gas and wields a machete against Bond. Poised to strike, Sanchez says, "You could have had everything." Meaning, Bond could've joined Sanchez and been rich. But Bond, clever as ever, says, "Don't you want to know why?" Bond pulls out a lighter and shows it to a curious Sanchez. Just then, Bond ignites the lighter, burning Sanchez alive. Pretty brutal, but given Sanchez's reign of terror, we can't say he didn't deserve it.

Alec Trevelyan

If you've watched GoldenEye, you already know this final line carries a lot of meaning. Alec Trevelyan, played by Sean Bean, used to work alongside Bond as a fellow MI6 spy. Trevelyan ended up faking his death, then went on to betray MI6 and attempt to destroy the organization. So not only does Bond have to kill a villain in this movie, he also has to kill a friend. 

Before faking his death, Trevelyan asked Bond, "For England, James?" Meaning the two heroes were about to do what they were going to do for their country. Years later, Bond and Trevelyan face each other again, and Trevelyan realizes that he's about to die for real. But Trevelyan wants to know why Bond is killing him, and so he asks, "For England, James?" But this time, Bond responds, "No, for me." In other words, Bond isn't being a patriot at this moment: He's avenging his own betrayal. Trevelyan falls, briefly survives, and is finally crushed by a giant satellite that falls on top of him. That's what you get for hurting James Bond's feelings.

Elliot Carver

Why do villains always have to taunt their victims before killing them? They give these long speeches and ridiculous threats, which only serve to give the hero time to cook up a plan to kill them or get out of their clutches. Elliot Carver, played by Jonathan Pryce in Tomorrow Never Dies, is no exception to this rule. Carver owns a broadcasting empire and his evil plan is to incite a war between China and England to secure exclusive broadcasting rights in China. Bond, of course, intervenes, but at one point, Carver has Bond at his mercy.

Naturally, Carver goes on to brag that his plan will prevail. He explains that he will successfully orchestrate a plan in which the British navy will destroy a submarine, and that Carver will even be covering the event. He gleefully says, "It's going to be a fantastic show!" But while he's on his high horse, Bond secretly presses a button that sends a moving blade towards Carver. Carver hears the sound and turns around, but it's too late. Bond grabs Carver and shoves him into a gruesome death. Carver does scream as he dies: "No! No! Nooooooooo!" Technically, those would be his last words. But those inarticulate howls aside, his final words are essentially him bragging.


Viktor "Renard" Zokas, played by Robert Carlyle, is one of two villains in The World is Not Enough. Renard is helping his accomplice Elektra King in her quest to cause a nuclear meltdown in Istanbul using a submarine. Theirs' is a long story, containing many twists and turns: Originally, Renard kidnapped Elektra, but the two eventually became lovers and accomplices. 

Bond kills Elektra, then boards the submarine that Renard is using to carry out his evil plan. Renard is an especially tough villain to take down: He can't feel pain due to a bullet lodged in his head. But that doesn't mean Renard is immune to emotional pain. While fighting, Bond loses the advantage, and so he throws Renard off his game by telling him that Elektra is dead. A furious Renard shouts, "Liar!" He then shoves Bond away and continues to carry out his plan to detonate the submarine, even though this means they'll both die in its explosion. But, of course, Bond saves the day. Renard is impaled by a rod, shot from the submarine's reactor at high speed. But hey — he wasn't in any pain from it.

Elektra King

Two villains dominate The World is Not Enough. One is Renard, and the other is Elektra King, played by Sophie Marceau, a seductive and devious businesswoman. King wants to cause a nuclear meltdown in Istanbul because the result would give her business a monopoly on crude oil. King plans to use her accomplice Renard to man the submarine that will detonate the explosion. Bond finds King alone and threatens to kill her if she continues with her plan. King is holding a walkie-talkie and is considering communicating with Renard, telling him to proceed with their plans. Bond explains that he will kill King if she tries to talk with Renard, but King isn't buying it. She playfully tells Bond, "You wouldn't kill me. You'd miss me." Then she yells into the walkie-talkie, "Dive!" Bond immediately shoots her dead, then coldly says, "I never miss." Ice-cold, even for the legendarily remote super spy.

Gustav Graves

Gustav Graves, played by Toby Stephens and Will Yun Lee in Die Another Day, is a man of grandeur who is prone to making epic speeches. He also has a crazy backstory. Originally, he was a North Korean arms dealer, but he fakes his death, alters his appearance, and resurfaces as a British billionaire. If that wasn't wild enough for you, Graves builds a space weapon and plans to use it to cut through the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, provoking a war. 

Bond sabotages Graves' plan and the film culminates on a traveling aircraft, where Graves and Bond duke it out. Graves gains the advantage, and, like all classic villains, gives Bond a lecture before delivering the death blow. Full of self-importance, Graves tells Bond, "You see, Mr. Bond, you can't kill my dreams. But my dreams can kill you. Time to face destiny." At that moment, Bond quickly pulls the parachute cord attached to Graves, which sucks Graves out of the airplane and right into a turbine. Bond gives a snarky comment in response: "Time to face gravity!"

Le Chiffre

Le Chiffre, played by Mads Mikkelsen in Casino Royale, is an absolutely awesome Bond villain. Le Chiffre has quite a business going for himself: He's a banker to terrorists. He puts their money into stocks, which are then manipulated by terrorist acts. One scene even hints he was part of the 9/11 attacks in the Bond universe.

Le Chiffre isn't perfect, however, and gets in over his head by losing a ton of money. With some very bad people out to kill him, Le Chiffre holds a high-stakes poker game to recoup his losses, but loses to Bond, which makes Le Chiffre even more desperate. Le Chiffre kidnaps and tortures Bond to get the poker winnings, but right in the middle of his torture session, a man named Mr. White walks in. Le Chiffre assumes the man is looking for money, so he says, "Tell them, I'll get the money." But Mr. White says he doesn't care about the money and just shoots Le Chiffre dead.

Dominic Greene

Dominic Greene, played by Mathieu Amalric in Quantum of Solace, is a very successful businessman and a member of the secret organization known as Quantum. Greene's sinister plan is to collect freshwater sources, create an artificial drought, then profit from selling water. Specifically, Greene wants to take advantage of the Bolivian government: If Bolivia refuses to buy Greene's expensive water, he plans to deprive them of water entirely. Bond locates Greene's complex and single-handedly eliminates Greene's security detail. After capturing Greene, Bond interrogates him, but not so much about the water scheme. Bond is much more interested in the organization that Greene works for.

After Bond extracts all the useful information he can out of Greene, Bond leaves him in the middle of a desert with a can of oil. Greene wants Bond to spare him, arguing, "I told you everything you wanted to know about Quantum." But Bond drives off anyway. It's later reported that Greene was shot by an assassin and apparently  did try to drink the oil before dying. A fitting fate for a man who threatened to kill millions through dehydration.

Raoul Silva

In Skyfall, Raoul Silva, played by Javier Bardem, is a cyberterrorist who's out for revenge on M. Previously, Silva worked for MI6, but the Chinese government found and tortured him. Silva blames M, so he's dedicated his life to ruining hers. The torture that Silva endured left him physically scarred and mentally deranged, but his skills as a spy remain. He uses his abilities to kidnap M and bring her to Bond's childhood home. There, Silva holds M close to himself and puts a gun in her hand. With his hand on top of hers, he points the gun to both of their heads, wanting her to kill both of them. Like we said, he's a little deranged. Silva insists that M pull the trigger, saying, "Only you can do it. Do it." At that moment, Bond intervenes, hurling a knife into Silva's back. He twists and turns, but finally falls dead.