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Devastating News For Killing Eve Season 4

Before season 3 of Killing Eve even premiered, fans of the series got the welcome news that the show would be returning for a fourth installment. Now that the third season has wrapped up its run on BBC America, however, we're going to have to settle in for a long wait until the next batch of episodes. Deadline has now confirmed that because of the COVID-19 pandemic, filming for season 4 is delayed indefinitely.

According to the report, each season of the spy dramedy has begun filming across Europe and the UK toward the end of summer. Although some productions are slated to resume filming again soon, that is not the case for Killing Eve. Fans of the show know that the cat-and-mouse game between Eve (Sandra Oh) and Villanelle (Jodie Comer) takes them to spots all over the continent, and it seems that the international flair is playing a role in the show's filming delay. One specific issue is getting the cast and crew safely to those locations. A spokesman for the show told Deadline, "Killing Eve shoots across multiple European locations. Due to the uncertainty of the world as a result of COVID-19, no shooting schedules for Killing Eve season 4 have been locked in at this point..."

That leaves frustrated fans (aka us) wondering when exactly we'll get to see season 4.

What does this mean for Killing Eve's season 4 premiere date?

There is one thing to be hopeful about when it comes to Killing Eve's shooting schedule: Past seasons of the show have all enjoyed quick turn-around times. For instance, the third season filmed throughout the second-half of 2019 (via Net-A-Porter) and then premiered in April 2020. Of course, until we know when season 4 will begin filming, that only gives us part of what we need to know, bBut it does mean that once production kicks off, we won't have to wait too long for the episodes to start releasing.

While the series spokesman didn't give any clue of when filming might begin, they did tell Deadline, "There are various scenarios in play." We're hoping that means production will be able to find a workaround to the various issues with filming during the pandemic that keeps the cast and crew safe, and also gives us the additional dose of Killing Eve we're all craving. While we're thrilled by the danger in which Eve finds herself on the show, we don't need to see that played out in the real world.