Bryan Singer Confirms Legion Is Part Of X-Men Universe

When FX announced the X-Men spinoff Legion, it wasn't really clear how the series would tie into Marvel's mutant movie series. After all, showrunner Noah Hawley (Fargo) said none of the iconic X-Men will appear on the FX show.

But, according to The Hollywood Reporter, producer Bryan Singer (who directed four of the X-Men movies, including this year's X-Men: Apocalypse), clarified during an interview at the Edinburgh Television Festival.

"[Legion is] part of the X-Men universe," he said. "But when you watched it, you wouldn't have to label it, it could exist completely on its own." Although that doesn't mean you should start watching out for a Wolverine cameo, Singer promised Legion will "relate to future X-Men movies."

Of course, Marvel fans can probably guess the connection. In the comics, the show's main character David Haller (played by Dan Stevens) is the son of Charles Xavier, and potentially one of the most powerful mutants the world has ever known.

Legion also features Aubrey Plaza, Rachel Keller, Jean Smart, and Katie Aselton. Meanwhile, check out the dark side you never knew X-Men had.