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Here's What Ivy Calvin From Storage Wars Is Doing Now

While Ivy Calvin, a.k.a. the King of Palmdale, is a well-known and much-loved cast member of the popular reality television show Storage Wars, there's so much more to him than an aggressively calculated bidding technique.

Calvin was an occasional addition to Storage Wars on season 3, but became a full-time cast member on season 5. He first got involved in the auction world in 2009 when he opened his thrift store, Grandma's Attic, as a way to supplement his income. The store was only opened after Calvin had spent almost a decade frequenting auctions across the U.S. The popularity of the store among Palmdale residents eventually earned him enough of a name to catch the attention of the A&E network, which resulted in an invitation to join the popular bidding show.

Calvin had a very different career before being discovered by the Storage Wars crew. He played football in college, and briefly entered the game on a professional level after he graduated in the Arena Football League. He then also took his athletic prowess into the MMA world. That career path saw him defeat Samu Samu before hanging up his towel.

But after opening Grandma's Attic, Calvin has become a household name for a very different reason. The store helped him become an expert at buying and selling special items, while taking up an assistant football coaching job at a high school when he wasn't busy procuring things for the store. 

So where is Calvin now? Storage Wars, though not officially cancelled, hasn't aired a new episode since January 2019, and there's been no announcement about any new seasons since then either. The cast seems to have gone their separate ways with new ventures, and Calvin is no exception here.

The King of Palmdale keeping his nickname alive and well

Despite the lack of information about Storage Wars' on-hiatus-or-not status, Calvin's Palmdale store is very much still up and running under his ever-watchful eye. He has since expanded the online presence of the store; both the Instagram account and Facebook page for the shop shows buyers are still frequently visiting, browsing through all manner of antique china to old books to secondhand jewelry and clothing to find the perfect treasure.

The fact that the store is still an active fixture in the Palmdale community would also indicate that Calvin is keeping up with his buying skills to ensure the shelves are stocked with interesting bits and bobs for his customers to buy. He may not be doing it on camera anymore, but you can bet he's still bidding somewhere. Given his propensity to search far and wide for the perfect finds — Calvin has been noted as "willing to travel as far as it takes to fill his shelves" – you can be sure he's scoping the whole of the U.S. for items worthy of adding to Grandma's Attic.

Calvin also enjoys private down time with his wife and kids

Calvin lives in Acton, California, with his wife Wendy and the couple's two sons. He's living a much quieter life without the Storage Wars cameras rolling, but uses his personal social media platform to promote his store and the items for sale in it.

When he's not busy with his business, Calvin loves taking time to spend with his two sons. The trio engage in a number of outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing, hunting, and camping. One of his sons, Ivy Jr., is also an avid athlete like his father, with a love of basketball, track and field, and, of course, football. Considering his love of football and his stint as a coach, we're sure Calvin has plenty of tips and tricks to offer his children.