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The Real Possibility Of A Star Wars Return For Adam Driver

Contains spoilers for The Rise of Skywalker

The Skywalker saga might be over, but will Kylo Ren return to fight another day?

After Kylo Ren (played by Adam Driver) returned to the Jedi Order and reclaimed his birth name of Ben Solo in The Rise of Skywalker, he met a tragic end: he wound up sacrificing himself and his Force energy to save Rey (Daisy Ridley) from certain death. Though that ending felt pretty final, some diehard Driver fans are still hoping to see more of Ben Solo's journey back to the light. So what does Driver, the main behind the villain-turned-hero, have to say about more Ben Solo going forward?

If Driver is to be believed, the answer is a resounding "no," and Ben's role in the Star Wars universe has come to a genuine end. 

Driver discussed a potential Ben Solo revival with the French magazine Le Matin, the contents of which were translated by Twitter user @AdamDriverFiles, and it seems pretty definitive that Driver won't return to any Star Wars galaxy. According to Driver, a return for Ben is "not at all on the agenda." He added that "this experience will forever remain one of the highlights of my career, but I aspire to other adventures" — which certainly seems to shut the door on any possible future appearances.

However, Driver clearly is fond of his Star Wars experience. Earlier in the interview, he praised director J.J. Abrams, saying, "JJ was able to surprise me and I hope that the final outcome will also surprise the [audience]. Yes, it was essential to show [Kylo] with doubts because he cannot be only the big bad guy [...] For me, it's mainly the idea of ​​showing what's hidden behind the mask." He also spoke to the true complexity of Kylo Ren in noting, "My deepest desire has always been to play Kylo as a human being and not as a machine. I fought so that we could feel some compassion for him, despite his horrible choices."

Additionally, Driver had some lighter moments in the interview, revealing slightly more amusing tidbits about playing Kylo. When asked how the experience changed between 2015's The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker, Driver admitted, "During the three films, I was unable to get out of my outfit without the help of one or two people. The costumers have managed to improve some aspects of the costume, especially in case of an emergency to go to the bathroom."

A bright future for Adam Driver beyond the Star Wars franchise

As much as fans might want to see more of Ben Solo, Adam Driver seems definitively done with the role, which is unsurprising considering the actor's recent high-profile projects. Later in the interview with Le Matin, he discussed his other current project Marriage Story, a drama film that sees him star opposite Scarlett Johansson in the story of a dissolving marriage and the consequences that follow. Directed by veteran filmmaker Noah Baumbach, Marriage Story has earned numerous accolades — and Driver has as well for his role as Charlie Barber, scoring second consecutive Golden Globe nomination for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama (following his nod for 2018's BlacKkKlansman).

A role in the Star Wars universe is a huge victory for any actor, but the Juillard-trained performer and Marine veteran is likely looking to try his talented hand at something new now that the sequel trilogy is over — and it's clear that Driver's opportunities are endless when it comes to new projects. In a recent New Yorker profile, some of Driver's former collaborators — including Steven Soderbergh and Martin Scorsese — soundly praised the actor, making it obvious that Driver's talents extend well past the realm of blockbuster franchises.

After addressing a future (or lack thereof) for Ben Solo with Le Matin, Driver briefly discussed what's next for him. For the most part, it seems like the actor may want to prepare his next steps and take a breather. When asked about his 2020 plans, Driver responded, "I will try to be as discreet as possible during the holiday season because I hate drawing attention to myself. It may seem surprising to an actor, but I like to be incognito. One thing is certain: I will avoid the cinemas." (This stance is utterly unsurprising, especially when you remember Driver recently walked out of a Fresh Air interview when confronted with the sound of his own voice in a recording from Marriage Story.) 

He added that "2020 is going to start off on a high note" since he'll continue taking interviews and attending events for his recent projects. As awards season approaches, Driver will almost certainly be tasked with plenty of press appearances for Marriage Story, which already seems to be a strong contender for the Academy Awards, so beyond any future roles, he'll certainly be kept busy.

While it might feel disappointing that Driver is turning his back on Star Wars, it's undeniable that this trained thespian brought serious depth to one of the franchise's most fascinating villains, and Star Wars fans will certainly be able to see him on the big screen for years to come. If you need your Driver fix ASAP, Marriage Story is in theaters and streaming on Netflix, and The Rise of Skywalker is in cinemas now.