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What Zoë Kravitz Could Look Like As Catwoman In The Batman

Move over, Michelle. Adios, Anne.

Zoë Kravitz has officially landed the plum role of Selina Kyle/Catwoman in Matt Reeves' The Batman, and the internet's digital artists have come out to give us an idea of what she might look like in the upcoming flick, from simple to steampunk and everything in between.

The casting of Kravitz was announced earlier this week, and so far, it seems like most observers agree that the actress — with her vaguely feline good looks and general air of slinkiness — is pretty darn perfect for the role. She'll be joining forces with Paul Dano's Edward Nygma, AKA the Riddler, to take on Robert Pattinson's Dark Knight, who will be assisted by Jeffrey Wright's Jim Gordon (who, given that The Batman takes place early in Bruce Wayne's crime-fighting career, likely won't be police commissioner just yet). Writer/director Reeves has said that his film will be a dark, noir-ish take which will play up Batman's skills as the "World's Greatest Detective" — and it seems to us that Kravitz's look and acting style will make her an amazing fit for the picture.

Even a few celebrities have weighed in on the casting, including Kravitz's stepfather Jason Momoa, who was just as pleased as punch for her to be joining him in the "Worlds of DC." (Momoa, of course, portrayed Arthur Curry/Aquaman in 2017's Justice League and last year's Aquaman.) In a sweet Instagram post, Momoa wrote, "I'm so proud of u zozo bear. On and off screen OHANA. DC WB ohana Lola and Wolfies big sister is CAT WOMAN. Unbelievable so freaking stoked. Your going to have so much fun Aloha P bear."

If you need a little deciphering, we're here for you: "ohana" is a Hawaiian word which translates loosely to "family," and "Lola and Wolfie" refers to Momoa's two children with wife Lisa Bonet, Kravitz's mother. (Her father is rocker Lenny Kravitz, in case the resemblance escaped you.) 

Anne Hathaway, who portrayed Kyle in 2012's The Dark Knight Rises, also had an opinion on the casting. The actress took to Instagram to post, "The biggest congrats to @zoeisabellakravitz on landing the role of a lifetime. Well, one life anyway...⁣⁣Enjoy the ride, Selena #Catwoman."

We see what you did there, Ms. Hathaway, and we approve of your cat joke. Hathaway was just one of several Catwomen to weigh in: perhaps the most well-remembered actress to don the suit, Michelle Pfeiffer (who portrayed Kyle in 1992's Batman Returns), had a bit of very practical advice for Kravitz. During an appearance on Good Morning America, Pfeiffer said, "Make sure, whilst designing the costume, they consider how you're gonna go to the bathroom. Minor detail, but it's an important one."

We should say so. Finally, Halle Berry — who starred in 2004's Catwoman as an "in name only" version of the character — offered up her heartfelt congratulations in a tweet. "Special shout-out to your new #CatWoman, the eternally graceful & extremely bad ass @ZoeKravitz," Berry wrote. "Keep shining Queen & welcome to the family!"

Yes, everyone is pretty stoked about this awesome piece of casting — but what could Kravitz actually look like as Selena Kyle? Without further ado, here are a few potential answers from some of the most gifted digital artists around.

​Zoë ​Kravitz is a mischievous Catwoman courtesy of @iHasanKazi

Digital artist @iHasanKazi offered up a couple of different versions, both of which feature a mischievously smiling Kravitz in a textured black leather outfit, complete with those iconic ears. Both versions feature a smoky rendering of Gotham in the background, with the Bat Signal piercing through the gloom.

As you can see, one version features a pair of goggles reminiscent of the shape of cats' eyes, while the other does not; as you can also see, they're both pretty freakin' sweet.

​Zoë ​Kravitz gets a different Catwoman look sans ears by @iHasanKazi

@iHasanKazi wasn't done, however. He also posted this completely different rendering of Kravitz as Kyle, one which features a more traditional face mask but does not include the headpiece. Instead of cats' ears, we get Kravitz's flowing braids — which would actually be a pretty darn cool look for the character. Note the stylized cat tattooed on her shoulder in this version; we're pretty sure that's not one of Kravitz's actual tattoos, but perhaps it will be after taking on this role.

​Zoë ​Kravitz as a slinky Catwoman by @mizuriofficial

This image comes from the incredible @mizuriofficial, who gives us a rather non-traditional take on Catwoman. Gone is the leather bodysuit, replaced with a simple black, sleeveless top; Kyle is sporting some stylish armbands here, and one probably would not even guess that this was a rendering of Catwoman if not for the unobtrusive ears (and what appear to be some pretty sharp fingernails). No mask, no headgear; we kind of dig it, especially considering that this isn't a look we've really seen for the character before.

​Zoë ​Kravitz goes batty as Catwoman thanks to @ultraraw26

Well, this is certainly interesting. @ultraraw26 gives us a Catwoman that looks... well, sort of Tron-like, with headgear that looks more tactical than decorative, wielding Kyle's famous whip. We think this one looks damn cool, especially with the rendering of ol' Bats in the background and the swarm of actual bats rising up from the bottom of the picture. Somehow, this looks like the version of Kravitz as Catwoman that we would least want to tangle with; for one thing, she's got the whip, and for another, she just looks like she could pretty much kick the crap out of anyone unlucky enough to cross her path. (Get it? You get it!)

​Zoë ​Kravitz as Catwoman psyched to be dodging lasers by @apexform

@apexform gives us this version, which pays homage to Kyle's skills as a cat burglar. Kyle appears to be... we don't know, just kind of nonchalantly pleased about her laser-dodging ability here, but the costume is pretty on point with the possible exception of those big red goggles. Call us crazy, but we're having a hard time seeing those as anything other than insect-like. 

​Zoë ​Kravitz is a sleek Catwoman courtesy of @doubledomino

@doubledomino brings us this very stylish Catwoman, sporting a sleek leather jacket and headgear, green goggles that perhaps shouldn't work but really, really do, and a choker adorned with what appears to be a diamond big enough to literally choke a cat. This is one of our favorites — visually reminiscent of Pfeiffer's iconic version, but with just the right touch of badass modernity.

​Zoë ​Kravitz as Catwoman in the city by @doubledomino

Finally, @doubledomino offered up a slightly different take on a similar design. The leather here is more textured, and the top features a plunging neckline; the goggles, perched atop her forehead now, are slightly less obtrusive, and that giant rock is gone from the choker. We could see this being an earlier version of the suit with the green goggles — perhaps it could be the one Kyle will wear into action when she steals that ginormous diamond.

These are all pretty amazing, and we can't wait to see how Kravitz actually looks in action as Catwoman. Of course, we'll be on hand to report any casting or production news that surfaces in regard to The Batman, which will hit screens on June 25, 2021.