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Is Brie Larson Going To Be In Kevin Feige's Star Wars Movie?

Will Brie Larson follow Kevin Feige from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to a galaxy far, far away?

With the entertainment world having been set on fire by the news that the Marvel Studios head honcho has been tapped to develop a new Star Wars movie, and the subsequent revelation that he has a "major actor" in mind for a specific role, Larson's fans have taken to Twitter to lay out their supposed evidence that she is the actor Feige has in his sights. Let's examine this scintillating possibility.

First, it should be pointed that Feige himself has said nothing publicly about who he may have spoken to regarding a starring role in his Star Wars flick. That he has apparently had a conversation with a high-profile actor about the project was disclosed by The Hollywood Reporter, which cites a "knowledgeable source" (and an anonymous one, of course) who apparently blabbed that Feige has privately told this person that he has a part in mind for them "if and when" he gets to make the movie.

This rumor (which, until verified, is really all it is) constitutes the entirety of what has been reported about potential casting for the project, which THR says was initially discussed during a meeting between Feige and Lucasfilm executives in the "late summer." Twitter fan account Brie Larson Updates took this thin bit of info and ran with it, tweeting, "Hints that Brie is possibly being casted [sic] in Star Wars: She was invited [to] Star Wars Galaxy Edge Opening in Disneyland; Kevin Feige is pushing for a major actor from MCU to be in Star Wars; Brie is seen talking about Star Wars VERY OFTEN the past few months."

To this, we say: challenge accepted. Let's take a look at these claims one by one.

Brie Larson was invited to the Galaxy's Edge opening

Yes, Brie Larson attended the opening of the new Disneyland Resort attraction Galaxy's Edge. Was she the only celebrity to attend the opening? No, she was not. Was she the only celebrity to have appeared in the MCU that attended the opening? Again, that is a no.

In addition to Larson, MCU alumni Viola Davis and Cobie Smolders were also in attendance, as were a phalanx of other celebrities including Kerry Washington and Donald Faison. Of course, a number of Star Wars veterans were also there for the opening, including Billy Dee Williams, Mark Hamill, and Harrison Ford. It's also worth mentioning that the event took place in late May, long before Feige had his conversation with Lucasfilm's brass. We're going to go ahead and state that Larson's presence at the Galaxy's Edge opening in no way constitutes evidence that Feige has her in mind for a role in his Star Wars film.

Is Kevin Feige pushing for a major MCU actor to be cast in his Star Wars movie?

If Feige really is gunning for an MCU actor to star in his Star Wars movie, it hasn't been made public, because we can find no evidence of this whatsoever. We're not saying that Brie Larson Updates is fibbing; we find it more likely that somebody simply read the words "Kevin Feige" and "major actor" in the same sentence, and simply assumed that the super-producer must be pushing for someone from the MCU, the franchise with which he is obviously the most closely associated.

Of course, that doesn't mean that there are no MCU vets who are interested. Heck, it doesn't even mean that there are none to have held the title of "Captain" who are interested — but the only one to have made their interest public is the other one. When Collider took to Twitter to ask fans which MCU actor they would like to see in a Star Wars movie, Chris Evans — Captain America himself — chimed in to respond, "Me." Fans, of course, promptly lost their minds, because of course we want to see Chris Evans in a Star Wars movie; give his character a shield, and we just might faint dead away from pure joy.

As far as Feige "pushing" for an MCU actor, however, there is once again no indication that this is the case. We're going to have to shoot down this piece of "evidence" as well, which only leaves one more (rather flimsy) assertion to back up the notion that Larson is under consideration.

Brie Larson has been talking about Star Wars lately

With Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the conclusion of a nine-film saga, due to be released in December, a lot of people have been talking about Star Wars for the last few months — not just Brie Larson. We have been talking about it almost non-stop, and we're pretty sure that Feige doesn't have us in mind for any roles large or small. (Mr. Feige, if you're reading this: please call our agent.)

Having said that: sure, Larson has publicly discussed Star Wars a bit, most notably during a February interview with Entertainment Weekly in advance of the release of Captain Marvel, which she took part in along with her co-star Samuel L. Jackson. Jackson, of course, has been a part of the Star Wars franchise, having appeared in the prequel films as the badass, purple lightsaber-wielding Jedi Knight Mace Windu.

Jackson was going on about how the role elevated him to a new level of stardom when Larson cut him off, blurting out, "I got to hold his lightsaber! He brought it to me on set on May the 4th, and I cried. It was so cool. I wanna be a Jedi."

That... is all. We're not sure if that qualifies as "talking about Star Wars A LOT"... okay, yes, we are sure that it does not qualify. The only other comment Larson has made came after the rumor that Feige was considering her for a part surfaced, and it consisted of five words. The star took to Twitter to post "Did someone say Star Wars?!", along with a photo of her decked out in a Jedi robe during the Galaxy's Edge opening. 

So, is Brie Larson the "major actor" Feige wants for his Star Wars movie?

Sorry, Brie Larson Updates, but in our informed opinion, probably not. There's absolutely nothing in any of the info that's been reported to indicate that this "major actor" is Larson and not, say, Chris Pratt or Tom Holland... or, for that matter, someone who has never appeared in the MCU, like Keanu Reeves or... um... Leonardo DiCaprio. (Sorry, it took us a moment to think of another major actor who hasn't been in the MCU.)

Hey, we love Brie Larson as much as anybody, and we think she'd make a great addition to the Star Wars universe. But for now, we're going to have to file this one under "wholly unsubstantiated rumor." Of course, we'll be keeping our eyes peeled for any additional info having to do with Feige's Star Wars movie, and we'll keep you informed.