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AI Creates A Friends Trailer Set In The 1950s & It's Super Weird

It's crazy to think that it was only in 2023 when the world encountered the AI-generated, endless "Seinfeld" show and the level of development that has followed. Could there be any more artificial intelligence appearing online? Well, apparently so, because after AI recreated "Friends" as a Disney movie, a new addition has been added to the list thanks to AI enthusiast @demonflyingfox: What would "Friends" look like if it were made in the 1950s? While some might see it as a "moo point" ("like a cow's opinion, it doesn't matter"), some of the synthetic stars and the character breakdowns of each one they're "playing" do make for a good fit, specifically the women of this iconic band of buddies.

As far as likenesses go, the mock version of Monica is probably the one that shares the strongest likeness to her real-life counterpart, Courtney Cox, whereas Phoebe and Rachel are more funhouse mirror reflections of Lisa Kudrow and Jennifer Aniston, respectively. Rachel might well be the "fashion-forward dreamer," but she looks nothing like the original article who had the world following her hairstyle and transformed Jennifer Aniston forever. 

The most alarming element of this trailer for a terrifying show, however, is the men who make up these "Friends." Perhaps the 1950s took more of a toll on this group of pals than it did for our '90s trio, but these three all look like friends you'd reconsider wanting to be there for you.

Ross, Chandler, and Joey are definitely not 30-somethings in the AI Friends trailer

While some of the cast might have been edging into their 40s by the time the show finished, it takes only a glimpse at the AI iterations of Ross (David Schwimmer), Chandler (Matthew Perry), and Joey (Matt LeBlanc) to see that these versions are already there. Clearly paleontology and pining for his high school crush has taken its toll on Ross here, as he looks to be at a level of misery that Schwimmer might've struggled to reach during his stint on the show. Also, this version of Chandler looks to be entering his Mr. Heckles (Larry Hankin) phase and doesn't really carry the "sarcastic yet loveable jokester" vibe too well.

While Janice and Mike might get away unscathed, the most jarring detail in this preview is the absolute serial killer vibes coming from "Days of our Lives" star Joey Tribbiani. Looking to be hiding behind a door at one point, this version is hard to imagine as the ladies' man that the original version was known for being. Perhaps in this case, sticking with the original, human versions is the best option.