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AI Creates The Perfect Live-Action ThunderCats Movie Trailer & Cast

Thunder, thunder, thunder, ThunderCats — ho boy, are they a property that have battled being brought to the big screen. Since 2007, Lion-O and the rest of his feline friends have been thrown around Hollywood, developing at a slow and steady pace. Leave it to AI enthusiast stryder HD, who created the perfect '90s "Justice League" trailer and cast, to try to speed things up and have some ideal A-listers fill in the roles of the show's most iconic characters, courtesy of an all-new AI trailer.

First up, former Witcher and Highlander-in-the-making Henry Cavill has been chosen to don the Gauntlet and Sword of Omens as Lion-O. He certainly makes a change from the obvious pick of Jason Momoa, who might be the best casting choice for the "ThunderCats" movie financially but not really a fan favorite. Cavill looks the part with those cats eyes and that wild head of hair. The likes of Alexandra Daddario as Pumyra and Terry Crews as Panthro are pretty solid options for supporting talent while Willem Dafoe as Mumm-Ra would add a significant dose of star power as the film's big bad. 

As it stands, "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire" director Adam Wingard is actually down to direct a live-action version of "ThunderCats," and while there have been no names linked just yet, the filmmaker dropped some reassuring info regarding his project that could put some "ThunderCats" fans at ease.

Adam Wingard is actively working on bringing the ThunderCats to life

After just recently going another round with the king of Skull Island and the king of monsters in the roaring spectacle of kaiju carnage that is "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire," Adam Wingard delivered the good news that a draft of his "ThunderCats" script is done and he's now back into the world of Thundera once again to finally bring a live-action Lion-O to the screen. In an interview with Gizmodo's io9, Wingard explained, "Simon [Barrett] and I are still actively working on the script. We finished our last draft basically right when I was going into production on this movie, and we just had to put everything on hold. [But] right now we're actively working on it again."

The fact that the wheels of the ThunderTank are turning even a little is enough to get fans excited for seeing the ThunderCats on the big screen after all these years. Between this and Netflix working away at a "He-Man" live-action tale to tell, the '80s might be coming back swinging with swords and carefully managed loincloths to match. The only major concern is, who'd be the perfect pick for the ThunderCats' cowardly sidekick and comedic relief? After the likes of Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Caesar, could anyone do as good a job in saying, "snarf, snarf, snarf," repeatedly? We'll have to wait until Wingard fires up the Eye of Thundera to see.