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Spider-Man 3 Will Tell A Story That's 'Never Been Done Before On Film,' Teases Kevin Feige

Contains spoilers for Spider-Man: Far From Home

Tom Holland's Spider-Man is about to go where no Spidey star has gone before. 

Speaking with Fandango, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige teased that there will be a sequel to Spider-Man: Far From Home, and that the film will tell a story that has yet to be be told on the big screen, thanks to what happened in the the mid-credits scene in Far From Home

Asked about the sequence, which saw Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) blurt out Spider-Man's true identity as Peter Parker and featured J. Jonah Jameson (J.K. Simmons) saying that Spider-Man is really a murderous villain, Feige said that he believes the big reveal will be a pivotal storyline in a post-Far From Home pic.

He then detailed that because the world now knows who Spider-Man really is, much like when Tony Stark admitted that he was Iron Man in his first solo movie, and since millions of people believe that he orchestrated the attack in London, "the rules have changed." This means that Marvel and Sony will "have to do something completely different next time" — something remarkable and totally fresh for a Spider-Man: Far From Home sequel.

"The how and the when and the specifics can change and evolve, but setting yourself up for something that has never been done before... at the end of Iron Man, it was a hero publicly outing himself so that in the next movies and all subsequent movies, we couldn't fall back on the secret identity trope which had been part of Iron Man's story for decades in the comics. And now people know Peter's identity," Feige said. "People now think he's a villain, Mysterio plays one last trick on him and succeeds... [so that] means everything's different. Where it goes, we'll see. But it's exciting that it once again sets us up for a Peter Parker story that has never been done before on film."

Neither Marvel nor Sony Pictures, which houses Spider-Man films, have confirmed that there will be another movie after Far From Home, but it sounds like a guarantee. Leaving the Holland-led franchise hanging without ever addressing anything that went down in the mid-credits scene or the post-credits stinger that hinted at huge ramifications for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be incredibly silly. And based on Feige's remarks, it seems that the potential-but-extremely-likely Far From Home sequel could pick up not too long after the big revelation, as the shock would need to be relatively fresh for it to make sense to dedicate a whole storyline to it.

As for the actual plot of a third Spider-Man movie is concerned, there's a chance the film might adapt the infamous story Spider-Man: One More Day. Spidey has unmasked and declared his identity to the public a number of times in the Marvel Comics, but One More Day sees the web-crawler reverse the reveal and regain his anonymity... after making a deal with the devilish Mephisto that changes his life and the lives of Mary Jane Watson and his Aunt May. 

Taking into account major things that happened in Far From Home that could link to One More Day – like Peter and Michelle "MJ" Jones (Zendaya) getting together, people finding out that Peter is Spider-Man and thinking he's a bad guy, and everyone eventually learning that May (Marisa Tomei) is Peter's aunt — one could easily surmise that both MJ and May are in serious trouble. One More Day does indeed endanger them both, and that leads Spider-Man to make a costly decision. 

Spider-Man: One More Day is a — how do we put this nicely? – controversial comic storyline that virtually no one enjoyed. It's generally considered the absolute worst Spider-Man story ever written, described by Bryan Joel as "a slap in the face." Hopefully One More Day isn't the story Marvel and Sony have earmarked for a future Spider-Man movie, and the radical new tale that will be told in the flick will satisfy fans the world over.